

  • Christians on Blacklist
    Man standing by burned out bus. - Photo: VOM Poland
    Photo: The Voice of the Martyrs Poland

    More than 130 civilians in Burkina Faso were indiscriminately slaughtered during an overnight raid on Yagha village on June 4th. Although no particular group has claimed responsibility for this most recent attack, government officials believe the devastating invasion was the work of one of several Islamic jihadist groups operating in the area.

  • Christian Murdered for Defending His Sister
    Arif Masih's funeral - Photo: AsiaNews
    "Remember...those who are mistreated..." (Heb. 13:3).
    Photo: AsiaNews

    A Christian man was allegedly killed by a group of militant Muslims for defending his sister's honour. On May 23rd, Arif Masih was kidnapped, beaten, poisoned and abandoned on a street of Tariqabad village in Punjab.

  • Christian Shot by Hindu Nationalists
    Bible study outside of a home - Photo: The Voice of the Martyrs Canada
    Pray that God's Word will reach many in India.

    A 52-year-old believer was shot dead during an attack on a Christian family by militant Hindu nationalists in India's Rajasthan state on May 18th. According to local sources, three other members of the family were seriously injured after being beaten with a gun, swords and sickles.

  • Widow's Family Narrowly Escapes Arson
    A church in Uganda - Photo: Flickr / Rod Waddington
    Christians in Uganda are facing growing opposition.
    Photo: Flickr / Rod Waddington (cc)

    In September 2015, Siriman Kintu was beheaded because he converted from Islam to Christianity. He left behind his wife Kanifa Namulondo, who had also converted, along with their five children.

    Following her husband's death, Kanifa and her children fled their home in Kaliro, Uganda. However, she recently determined to return to the village and, with the help of friends, rebuilt the house. On April 25th, she moved back into the home with her children.

  • Four Christians Killed
    A home in Indonesia
    Photo: Open Doors

    A small militant group associated with ISIS, referred to as The East Indonesia Mujahideen, is known for its acts of violence. This same group was responsible for an attack in November that left four Christians dead (read the report). Therefore, when five members of the group were spotted in the village of Kalimago on May 11th, the townspeople were alarmed.

  • Numerous Attacks Lead to Killings and Kidnappings
    Afiniki Bako and Grace Zugwai Nkut - Photo: Facebook / Fellowship Of Christian Nurses Nigeria
    Abducted Christian nurses Afiniki and Grace.
    Photo: Facebook

    One person was killed, another wounded, and four women were abducted, when the Haske Baptist Church in Manini village, Nigeria, was attacked during a worship service on April 25th. Healthcare worker Zacharia Dogon Yaro was killed, and Shehu Haruna was injured. According to one of the worshippers, "[The attackers] surrounded the church and started shooting.... They shot at us randomly and at anyone they sighted." The Fulani gunmen then seized Charity Musa, Rose Zacharia, Alheri Bala and Liatu Zakka as they left.

  • Christian Woman Seriously Injured for Her Faith
    Salimati Naibira recovering from her injuries. - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Salimati Naibira recovering from her injuries.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    A mother of seven children in eastern Uganda has suffered serious wounds and, consequently, was forced to flee after her husband and other Muslim relatives attacked her on Easter Sunday for converting to Christianity.

  • Physically Disabled Christian Convert Beaten
    A mosque and a church in Egypt. - Photo: Flickr / David Evers
    Photo: Flickr / David Evers (cc)

    On March 17th, Brother "P" was lured from his house by neighbours and beaten because he had converted to Christianity. Due to a physical disability, he was unable to escape from his attackers, so fellow Christians came to his aid. As a result of their intervention, they too were assaulted by the perpetrators.

  • Convert Faces Court Hearings
    Pray that believers will be allowed to share their testimonies with those in search of spiritual truth.

    Christians in Saudi Arabia are requesting prayer for an Arab convert who is facing two court cases because of his faith. The Christian, referred to only as "A" in the report, spoke openly about his conversion to Christianity in a restaurant last year. He was subsequently reported to authorities and charged with attempting to convert Muslims. A hearing was held on March 11th, but the results of the case are not yet known at this time.

  • Persecution Sanctioned by Authorities
    Christians sitting in a hallway - Photo: Morning Star News
    Christians awaiting interrogation.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Persecution in India comes from many sources. Religious disagreements among family or neighbours can escalate to violence, or Hindu leaders may openly oppose the spread of the Gospel in a community. While such incidents may be reported to the police, legal assistance does not always result. In many instances, police may even join in the harassment of Christians.