Christians in Saudi Arabia are requesting prayer for an Arab convert who is facing two court cases because of his faith. The Christian, referred to only as "A" in the report, spoke openly about his conversion to Christianity in a restaurant last year. He was subsequently reported to authorities and charged with attempting to convert Muslims. A hearing was held on March 11th, but the results of the case are not yet known at this time.
The accused believer is also scheduled for a hearing on March 26th regarding a separate charge. Several years ago, his sister was being abused by her family because of her faith in Christ. After helping his sister and her children flee the country, the family claimed that he had committed financial wrongdoing.
The sister's husband has regularly threatened the Christian man's wife and son. There is concern that, if the accused is imprisoned, his family will be vulnerable to attacks from his brother-in-law, as well as other opposing family members. This is not the first time that "A" has been brought before the courts because of his faith. He has previously experienced both imprisonment and flogging. For further information on the persecution of Christians in Saudi Arabia, visit our country report.
Please remember this Christian man and his immediate family in your prayers as they await the judgement of the courts regarding both cases. In the midst of threats from those opposing them, may they experience God's peace, strength and divine protection. As he and his legal representatives prepare for the upcoming hearing on March 26th, ask God to grant them needed wisdom, as well as the right words to say. Pray that both charges against this believer will be dropped and that he would be permitted to continue boldly sharing his faith with those who are spiritually hungry for the Gospel.