A 52-year-old believer was shot dead during an attack on a Christian family by militant Hindu nationalists in India's Rajasthan state on May 18th. According to local sources, three other members of the family were seriously injured after being beaten with a gun, swords and sickles.
During the assault, the assailants attempted to shoot Pastor Ramesh Bumbariya, but the gun failed to fire. They later pointed the gun at Pastor Ramesh's father, Bhima, who was killed from the gunshot wound. Pastor Ramesh was then knocked to unconsciousness.
While members of the family who were injured in the attack had been transported to the government hospital in Ugaipur, their entrance was refused because of the COVID-19 crisis. They eventually found help at a nearby private hospital.
This is not the first time Pastor Ramesh has been attacked for his faith. Due to his work as a church planter, through which he started several house churches in different villages, he has experienced great persecution. Looking back at this most recent incident, he was able to say with conviction: "I believe God has a definite purpose in keeping me alive. I will carry on the ministry God has given to me." In a recent video interview, VOMC's Greg Musselman spoke with Abhijit Nayak about the challenges facing Christians in India at this time. To view the interview, go to VOMCanada.com/video/abhijit-nayak.
Please pray for the physical recovery of Pastor Ramesh and others of his family who were injured in the attack. Also ask the Lord to strengthen this family emotionally and spiritually as they come to terms with the tragic loss of their loved one and the trauma of the attack. Pray that the death of Bhima will not be in vain, but that the Lord would use his life's witness to bring spiritual blessing and renewal among the entire area so that many more names will be added to the "Lamb's Book of Life" (Revelation 13:8; 21:27).