Photo: Facebook
One person was killed, another wounded, and four women were abducted, when the Haske Baptist Church in Manini village, Nigeria, was attacked during a worship service on April 25th. Healthcare worker Zacharia Dogon Yaro was killed, and Shehu Haruna was injured. According to one of the worshippers, "[The attackers] surrounded the church and started shooting.... They shot at us randomly and at anyone they sighted." The Fulani gunmen then seized Charity Musa, Rose Zacharia, Alheri Bala and Liatu Zakka as they left.
This was just one of numerous recent attacks that took place in the predominantly Christian areas of Nigeria. In Kaduna State, Pastor Ozigi Hassan of the Mercy Place Ministry Church was kidnapped, along with his wife Fulaki and their four children, in the early hours of April 30th. Police pursued the captors and were able to recover the pastor and children, but the attackers managed to escape with Fulaki.
On April 21st, heavily armed Fulani gunmen forced their way into a hospital in the town of Idon, which is located in southern Kaduna State. Two Christian nurses, Afiniki Bako and Grace Zugwai Nkut, were taken captive.
While militant Fulani Islamists are frequently the perpetrators of violence experienced in Nigeria, other groups have likewise caused major suffering. In the village of Libera Gida, militants from Boko Haram are suspected of joining Fulani herdsmen in kidnapping 72 village residents on April 22nd and then holding them for ransom.
In the northern Yobe State, members of the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) took control of the town of Geidam on April 23rd. Around 2,000 residents fled to escape the looting and burning. At least two Christians, along with two Muslim schoolteachers, were unable to escape and were killed. According to an eyewitness, leaflets were dropped around town calling for the establishment of an Islamic State. The pamphlets stated, "We are fighting unbelievers; Christians and any other person or group going against the teaching of Islam, even if they are Muslims."
While the government often denies a religious motive behind these attacks, the frequent targeting of churches, as well as Christians, shows that hatred for Christianity plays a key role in numerous acts of violence throughout the region. Further information on the suffering experienced by followers of Christ in Nigeria is available at our country report.
Please remember to pray for the safe return of all our Nigerian brothers and sisters in Christ who have been kidnapped. Until they are freed from captivity, pray for their need of protection and strength. In addition, ask the Lord to minister comfort and hope to their concerned families and friends. May each one sense the wonderful peace that accompanies His reassuring presence. Also prayerfully uphold those who are mourning the loss of loved ones, as well as the survivors of recent attacks who are now needing to recover physically and/or emotionally. Intercede for the perpetrators of the violence, asking the Holy Spirit to convict their hearts and lead them to repentance and salvation in Christ.