

  • Dozens Slain in Recent Church Attack
    Police tape with text,

    Hundreds of Christians were gathered to celebrate Pentecost Sunday at the St. Francis Catholic Church in Owo, Nigeria, on June 5th when the service was disrupted by gunshots and explosions. As worshippers attempted to flee the building, gunmen shot them down, both inside and outside the building. When the bloodshed was complete, dozens lay dead – including children. Surviving victims were rushed to the hospital with injuries. It is believed that the number of fatalities could reach as high as 100.

  • Inaction Against Accused Police Officer
    Burned church
    Burned remnants of the church.
    Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide

    On February 5th, the thatched-roof building where Christians in Kistaram, Chhattisgarh, used to gather for worship had been burned to the ground. Investigations suggest that an opposing local police officer named Bhavesh Shinde was responsible for the crime. (To review information provided in our initial report on the attack, go to our country report.)

  • Attacks Against Christians Expand to a New State
    Men with their faces covered, holding weapons
    Ask God to give believers wisdom and strength in the ongoing struggles they face due to terrorism.

    An explosion rocked a market in Isware, Nigeria, on April 19th, killing six people and injuring more than a dozen. In a statement issued the next day, the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) claimed responsibility, stating that the attack was intended to target "a gathering of infidel Christians."

  • Pastor Sentenced for Allegedly ''Disturbing the Peace''
    Open Sudanese Bible
    Photo: VOMC

    On April 3rd, members of a church in Gezira State, Sudan, were beginning to gather together for worship when Islamic militants prevented the believers from entering the building. The Christians were, however, able to assemble in the yard outside the building for prayer. When the believers attempted to gather for worship the following week, the attackers again disrupted the worship service. During the second incident, Pastor Estefanos was struck by the militants and then dragged from the building where he was further beaten. Three Christian women were also injured during the attack.

  • Two Slain During Attack on Pastor's Family
    A village in Pakistan

    Pastor Adam has faced repeated death threats because of his ministry work among Pakistani Christians who have converted from a Muslim background. During Ramadan, Islamic zeal runs particularly high, which can lead to religiously motivated violence by militants. Such was the case on the night of April 11th.

  • Multiple Attacks on Christian Villages
    Rubble of a home
    A burned home in Kagoro, Kaduna State.
    Photo: Gideon Agwom Mutum via Morning Star News

    The Nigerian state of Kaduna experienced multiple attacks on predominantly Christian villages between March 17th and March 24th. Due to the nature of these recent attacks, the exact number of victims is not yet clear, but survivors estimate that over 80 villagers were killed and approximately 150 others kidnapped.

  • Pastor Beaten Over Conversion Allegations
    Large building (Delhi Police Station)
    Delhi Police Station
    Photo: Wikipedia / Ji-Elle (cc)

    On the morning of February 25th, Pastor Kelom Kalyan Tet was returning from visiting a friend when he was accosted on a street in South Delhi by a mob. Accusing the pastor of illegal conversion activities, they began to beat him. The assailants took his bag, which contained his phone, papers and Bible, and tied him to a road divider at a busy intersection. They continued to abuse him, beating him and tearing his clothes while forcing him to chant "Jai Shri Ram," a Hindu slogan of devotion.

  • Boarding School Attacked by Jihadists
    Pro-coup demonstration - Photo: VOA
    Pro-coup demonstration in Ouagadougou.
    Photo: Voice of America

    For several years, Burkina Faso has faced civil unrest, particularly due to al-Qaeda and Islamic State factions. Dissatisfaction over the government's lack of response to the jihadist crisis has led to mounting tensions which ultimately brought about a military coup on January 23rd.

  • Church Buildings Destroyed by Militants
    Burned church in Kistaram - Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
    Burned remnants of the church in Kistaram.
    Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide

    In two separate incidents that took place on February 5th, church buildings in India were destroyed by those opposed to Christian ministry. One of the demolished churches was a Catholic place of prayer and hospitality that is located near the city of Mangalore, Karnataka; the other was a Protestant place of worship in the village of Kistaram, Chhattisgarh. For previous reports addressing the persecution of Christians in India, go to our country report.

  • Missionary Family Robbed by Armed Intruders
    Praying hands resting on a Bible - Photo: Pixabay

    The home of a missionary affiliated with the Evangelical Church Winning All, located in the middle belt region of Nigeria, was recently invaded by armed intruders. The mission worker ministers primarily among the country's Fulani people. During the middle of the night, the Bello family's home was broken into by perpetrators demanding money, as well as the keys for two motorcycles that were parked outside. The assailants then proceeded to demand money from the mission worker's wife as well as the couple's visiting adult daughter, who also happens to be involved in ministry.