An explosion rocked a market in Isware, Nigeria, on April 19th, killing six people and injuring more than a dozen. In a statement issued the next day, the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) claimed responsibility, stating that the attack was intended to target "a gathering of infidel Christians."
A few days later, 11 people were injured when another blast hit the state capital of Jalingo on April 22nd. Most of those injured were between 11 and 18 years of age. ISWAP also claimed responsibility for that attack. These recent incidents mark the first time Islamic militants have carried out attacks in the Nigerian state of Taraba.
The spread of terrorist activity raises concerns for Christians in areas of Nigeria that have not previously been targeted by militant Islamic groups. To view further reports on the ongoing violence against Christians in Nigeria, including informative video discussions, go to our country report.
Pray for the physical and emotional healing of all who were injured in these recent attacks, and for God's comfort to be tangibly known by the families of victims who have tragically lost their lives. May the perpetrators responsible for the attacks come to the realization of God's tremendous love for them, as well as His desire to extend mercy and saving grace. Pray that the governing authorities will increase their efforts to stop the harm and destruction caused by militant members of Nigeria's diverse Islamic groups, thwarting the offenders' fight for control of this troubled nation.