The home of a missionary affiliated with the Evangelical Church Winning All, located in the middle belt region of Nigeria, was recently invaded by armed intruders. The mission worker ministers primarily among the country's Fulani people. During the middle of the night, the Bello family's home was broken into by perpetrators demanding money, as well as the keys for two motorcycles that were parked outside. The assailants then proceeded to demand money from the mission worker's wife as well as the couple's visiting adult daughter, who also happens to be involved in ministry.
Upon hearing the commotion, a neighbour came over to help but was attacked by one of the assailants armed with a machete, resulting in a laceration wound. During the altercation, however, the missionary received an opportunity to flee. Before the thieves left with the family's money and the two motorcycles, they warned his wife of their return if her husband didn't stop preaching the Bible. Even though one of the motorcycles was later found abandoned, the thieves escaped with the other, along with all the money and various other items they had stolen.
Concerned for the family's safety, ministry partners relocated them to a place where they could receive rest and recuperate from the trauma. Since it appears that this was a targeted attack, the missionary worker and his family are uncertain if they will ever be able to return to their home. Temporary financial assistance has been provided since all their money was stolen. To learn more about the numerous challenges encountered by Christians in Nigeria, and/or to review previous reports, go to our country report.
Praise God for protecting the lives of this family, as well as the neighbour who willingly arrived at the scene in their defense. Please pray that this courageous neighbour will experience a full and speedy recovery from the injury he sustained during the attack. May our Heavenly Father provide strength and assurance to these believers as they now deal with the aftermath of this awful ordeal. Pray that they will receive the assistance they require, both emotionally and practically. Also pray for God's ministry work to continue among Nigeria's Fulani people. May His grace even reach the very perpetrators of this recent armed robbery through the message of His redemptive love and offer of eternal salvation.