Photo: Wikipedia / Jacob
Christians in Palestine request prayer following the attempts of armed militia in Jifna, near Ramallah, to intimidate them through acts of violence.
On April 25th, a Christian woman was involved in a minor car accident, which she reported to police, filing a complaint against the driver of the other vehicle. That driver, however, was the son of a prominent member of Fatah, the ruling party in the West Bank. Later that day, approximately 30 gunmen entered the Christian community, firing guns in the air, throwing gasoline bombs, and demanding that the complaint be withdrawn. No one was injured, though there was property damage in the vicinity of the attack which included some vehicles.
While police from Ramallah were called, they did not arrive for three hours. The governor of Ramallah, Leila Ghanem, promised that those responsible would be punished. However, on April 29th, a "reconciliation meeting" took place in which the father and son apologized and the traffic complaint was withdrawn. As a result, no action will be taken against those responsible for these crimes.
Ask God to mediate on behalf of the victimized Christians in this Palestinian community, preventing any further threats or incidents of violence against them. While understandably ill at ease following the recent terrifying attack, may the reassuring presence of Jesus calm their anxious hearts and minds -- giving them the peace that transcends all understanding. Pray that those responsible for instigating and committing the violence will come to realize that there is ultimately true accountability with the Righteous Judge, regardless of their political or social standing. In obedience and honour to Him, may the believers involved respond with love and grace.