Leaflets distributed recently in East Jerusalem are warning Christians to leave the city before the end of Ramadan on July 18th or risk being killed. The leaflets are attributed to a group its own members refer to as the "Islamic State in Palestine."
While Muslim and Christian religious leaders have been quick to condemn the leaflets, alarmed Christians residing in Jerusalem have requested prayer. As recently reported in one of our previously posted prayer alerts, there have been a number of recent incidents targeting Christians in Jerusalem's Old City, as well as reports of mounting pressure on Palestinian Christians amid fears of local Muslims being radicalized. To review this earlier report, please click here.
Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Jerusalem who are increasingly concerned over the threats made by militants against their Christian community. Ask God to grant them a greater awareness of His reassuring presence, peace, guidance and protection (Psalm 122:6-8). And for those who are in opposition of these faithful followers of Christ, pray that the reverential fear of our Lord will come upon them so they may repent and wholeheartedly turn to Him as their blessed Saviour!