Father Tom Uzhunnalil
Photo: World Watch Monitor
On October 1st, a mission aid worker who served at the Missionaries of Charity Centre -- a residential home for the elderly in Aden, Yemen -- was released after 18 months of captivity. As Father Tom Uzhunnalil arrived at his home in the southern state of Kerala, India, he was greeted with a celebratory welcome by numerous members of his community.
The large gathering consisted of over a dozen senior governmental leaders (representing a range of political parties), dozens of media personnel, and many exuberant Christians representing various denominations...all of whom were rejoicing over his recent release.
The mission aid worker had been kidnapped in war-ravaged Yemen during an attack on the seniors' home in March 2016. At least 16 other Christian workers, in addition to a guard, were killed during the raid. (To read a previous "Persecution & Prayer Alert" report providing further details, visit this page.)
Recounting his 18 months in captivity, Father Tom thanked everyone who was praying for him. "Because of your prayers, God touched (the) hearts (of my kidnappers), and they never tortured me," he announced with gratitude. "You all have brought me back...with your prayers."
Considering the trauma experienced during the raid, as well as the tragic loss of other mission workers and the nursing home guard, we ask you to please pray that the Lord will continue to minister needed comfort, healing and strength -- not only to Father Tom, but also to the many elderly residents in Aden who have been greatly affected by the attack.