Christian relief workers abducted and killed

On June 12, nine Christian foreigners were abducted and three of them killed in Yemen. Reports indicate that they were targeted because they were Christian relief workers suspected of being involved in evangelistic work.

The Christians were reportedly abducted by armed men while returning from a picnic in the city of Sa'ada. At approximately 6:45 p.m., one of the women -- a German national -- managed to call a nurse in Sa'ada on her cell phone. However, the nurse could not hear who was calling and hung up. Investigators believe that the kidnappers executed three of the hostages a short time later. The bodies of German nurses in training, Rita Stumpp (26) and Anita Gruenwald (24), and a South Korean woman, Eom Young-sun (33), were found four days later in the Noshour Valley region -- a known hotbed of al-Qaeda activity. According to a member of the security committee in charge of the investigation, the six hostages -- Johannes Hentschel (36), a German doctor, his wife Sabine (36), and their three children, Lydia (4), Anna (3) and Simon (11 months), and an unidentified British engineer -- are alive. At last report they had been handed over to tribesmen. Two suspects have surrendered themselves to Yemeni authorities and have been arrested.

The six abducted relief workers all worked for the Dutch-based World Wide Services Foundation, an aid organization that places medical personnel in hospitals in developing countries. Local imams were reportedly concerned that some of the relief workers were involved in evangelism while providing medical aid. The German Foreign Ministry's task force has deduced that the Germans were known locally as missionaries. Johannes Hentschel was threatened in recent months by angry Muslims who objected to his efforts to share Christ with Muslims. Missionary tracts were found in the belongings of the martyred German nurses.

Thank the Lord for the faithful life and work of those killed. Pray that the remaining hostages will be released. Ask God to fill those in mourning with a peace that surpasses understanding in the midst of their grief (Philippians 4:7). Pray for endurance and wisdom for those serving the Lord in Yemen.

Check out the VOMC weblog for commentary and additional details on this story. For more information on the persecution of Christians in Yemen, go to the Yemen Country Report.

  • Country Information

    31,565,602 (2023 est.)

    predominantly Arab; but also Afro-Arab, South Asians, Europeans

    Religion (%)
    Muslim 99.1%, other 0.9%

    Chairperson of the Presidential Leadership Council Rashad Muhammad al-Alimiadi (2022)

    Government type
    In transition

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system of Islamic law, Napoleonic law, English common law, and customary law

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Yemen

    Pray that the small body of believers will find deep and sustaining joy in their faithfulness.

    Pray that the gospel will penetrate the hearts of many Yemeni people.

Yemen News

  • Kidnapped Mission Worker Released
    Kidnapped worker
    Christian aid worker
    Father Tom Uzhunnalil
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    On October 1st, a mission aid worker who served at the Missionaries of Charity Centre -- a residential home for the elderly in Aden, Yemen -- was released after 18 months of captivity. As Father Tom Uzhunnalil arrived at his home in the southern state of Kerala, India, he was greeted with a celebratory welcome by numerous members of his community.

    The large gathering consisted of over a dozen senior governmental leaders (representing a range of political parties), dozens of media personnel, and many exuberant Christians representing various denominations...all of whom were rejoicing over his recent release.

  • Abducted Missionary's Urgent Appeal
    Tom Uzhunnalil
    Tom Uzhunnalil

    Father Tom Uzhunnalil, a mission aid worker abducted by terrorists in strife-torn Yemen, has made a recent video appeal for urgent help after getting "poor response" from governing authorities in India. The video-taped message addresses his deteriorating health and the fact that he urgently requires hospitalization.

    Originally from Kerala, India, the 58-year-old ministry worker had been captured from the southern Yemeni city of Aden after the Islamic State (ISIS) militant group attacked a seniors' home run by Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity. During the attack, gunmen stormed the 'refuge for the elderly' on March 4th, 2016, killing a Yemeni guard before tying up and shooting at least 16 other employees. Foreign missionaries serving as nurses were among those killed.

  • Kidnapped Mission Worker Pleas for Help
    Kidnapped Worker
    Tom Uzhunnalil

    Tom Uzhunnalil, a Christian missionary worker from India, was kidnapped last year during a violent attack on a Christian nursing home in Aden. On March 4th, gunmen burst into the residential facility and went from room to room, handcuffing full-time staff members and volunteers before executing 16 of them. Workers from India, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Yemen were killed.

    The facility cares for 80 poor, elderly and disabled Yemeni citizens, none of whom were physically harmed during the attack. Recently, on Christmas Day, militants released a video of Tom pleading for help and stating that he was kidnapped because he was working for "the Christian religion and the church." VOMC's previously posted report on the attack can be reviewed by going to this page.

    Pray that the Lord's presence and peace will continue to surround the abducted believer, sustaining him with a clear certainty of the Holy Spirit's presence throughout this ordeal. May Tom's dedicated life and testimony serve to reveal the power of the living God to those who are holding him captive. Thank you for joining us in praying that this mission worker's freedom will soon be granted. In addition, uphold all who are still grieving the loss of the residential workers due to the March 2016 attack. Pray that the facility will be able to continue caring for the nursing home residents -- Yemen's most vulnerable citizens -- without the threat of any further attack.

  • Christian Witness in the Midst of Civil War
    VOM helped provide aid to suffering
    Christian families in Yemen.

    The civil war in Yemen has created a humanitarian crisis, leaving the Christian minority vulnerable to increased persecution by various militant groups. A mission is delivering food and water supplies to a small community of Christian families who have no source of income. Nearby Muslim families are witnessing the love and unity that's taking place among these believers.

    Since the war began in early 2015, tens of thousands of people have been killed or injured, and millions displaced from their homes. Compounding the severity of the situation, the coalition's bombing campaign has been "among the deadliest and most indiscriminate in the region's recent history," according to a report by The New York Times.

    Yet, in the midst of this war-ravaged country where hatred and strife are having such catastrophic consequences, these believers are demonstrating the love of Jesus -- not only among those of their own community but also to their Muslim neighbours. Previous reports, as well as an informative three-minute video clip on Yemen, is available here.

    Praise God for the way He is working through the witness of His people who are serving as powerful examples of His compassion and loving kindness. We join them in offering thanksgiving to our Lord for making this wonderful provision of food and other necessities available. Pray that this small community of believers will continue receiving the provision in abundance so they can generously reach out to others in need by sharing what they have. May the Lord pour out His Spirit upon this nation, bringing peace and comfort to Yemen's many innocent citizens who are trying to survive in the midst of this unresolved political war.