Photo: World Watch Monitor
A group of women who gathered on December 26th had their worship time disrupted by a police raid. The home was searched and cell-phones were confiscated. The women were forced to give legal statements and have their photos and fingerprints taken. At last report, no fines had been levied.
Though other faith groups have faced harassment throughout the year, this is the only known raid of Protestant Christians in 2019. Even so, the country's leaders maintain tight controls on freedom of belief, allowing only approved activities and religious literature. Any sharing of one's faith is banned and punishable. More information on the persecution of Christians in Turkmenistan is available here.
While such direct opposition has not been as prevalent as in recent years, pray that the existing restrictions on religious freedom will be eradicated -- enabling Christians to gather together for worship without threat of arrest or criminal charges. In the meantime, please uphold these harassed believers in your prayers, asking God to intervene on behalf of their case. Despite the country's present constraints, may His followers seize every opportunity to share the Gospel with others in their communities.