

  • Ongoing Harassment for Exiled Christian
    Slimane Bouhafs - Photo: World Watch Monitor www.worldwatchmonitor.org
    Slimane Bouhafs
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    In 2016, Slimane Bouhafs was arrested and sentenced to five years in an Algerian prison for alleged blasphemy in a Facebook post. After various appeals, the sentence was eventually reduced for the accused Christian man, resulting in his release during April 2018 (read more).

  • Christians Arrested After Church Raid
    Renai Reformed Church - Photo: ChinaAid
    The Renai Reformed Church during a past meeting.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On the morning of March 16th, agents from the religious affairs bureau, along with public security officers, raided the Renai Reformed Church in Guiyang, taking more than ten Christians into custody.

    Over the years, the church of less than a hundred members has faced ongoing harassment from Chinese Communist Party agents for refusing to join the government-sanctioned Three-Self Church. In September 2018, they lost their facility after being banned from meeting for worship services. Subsequently, the congregation began holding services in restaurants and hotels where they were raided at least three more times.

  • Christians Expelled and Homes Destroyed
    Believers who were previously displaced.
    Believers in Chiapas routinely face opposition for their faithfulness to Christ.

    Evangelical Christians in the San Cristóbal municipality of Chiapas State have faced opposition from other villagers for several years. In May 2016, 84 homes in the area were looted and partially destroyed, forcibly displacing 350 evangelicals. A year ago, these believers were prevented from constructing a church building and again forced to leave. In the latest incident, the homes of five Christian families in the community of Mitzitón were destroyed on January 10th, and 30 people were expelled.

  • Increasing Pressure from Hindu Nationalists
    Christian women in India - Photo: World Watch Monitor www.worldwatchmonitor.org
    Pray that believers in India will not succumb to the mounting pressure against them.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    For many years, the Hindu Nationalist organization RSS has been an influential factor in Indian politics, particularly within the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). One of the goals of the RSS is to change India from a secular democracy to a nation governed by Hindu polity. One way this is being achieved is through the passing of anti-conversion laws to prevent people from converting from Hinduism.

  • Close Monitoring of Pastor's Wife and Son
    Pastor Wang Yi with his family - Photo: ChinaAid www.chinaaid.org
    Pastor Wang Yi with his family
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Pastor Wang Yi of the Early Rain Covenant Church is presently serving a nine-year prison sentence. He was arrested, along with his wife, in December 2018. While Pastor Wang's wife, Jiang Rong, was released on bail, the authorities have barred her from interacting with family, friends, and church members. She is being constantly monitored by security agents and essentially has no freedom of movement.

  • Accused as Criminals for Bible Distribution
    Rev. Dr. Eric Foley and his wife Dr. Foley
    Rev. Dr. Eric Foley and his wife Dr. Foley.

    When missionaries first arrived in Korea in the late 19th century, they discovered that the Gospel message had already preceded them. Koreans who had been assisting with Bible translation in China consequently came to faith in Christ. By smuggling portions of the New Testament into their homeland, they were also able to lead others to Christ. The resulting believers came to be known as "Bible Christians."

  • Pastor Arrested During Online Meeting
    Pastor Luo's arrest - Photo: Facebook / Chinese Christian Fellowship of Righteousness
    Photo: Facebook / Chinese Christian
    Fellowship of Righteousness

    Pastor Luo was taking part in a "Proclaim Jesus Gospel Gathering" via Zoom when police took him away for questioning. At around noon on May 23rd, police entered the Nanjing Road Church in Wuhan and began searching the building. After finding Pastor Luo, they took him for interrogation which lasted more than four hours.

  • Bible Launches Met with Resistance
    Foleys and police - Photo: Voice of the Martyrs Korea
    Photo: Voice of the Martyrs Korea

    For several years, The Voice of the Martyrs Korea has helped get Bibles into North Korea. Typically, this was done through the launch of large balloons, which would strategically drop the contained materials across the border. Recently, members of the ministry team have also begun using bottles filled with rice, vitamins and small Bibles to bless those residing in North Korea. These bottles were systematically sent while the timing of the tide was just right so they would float along the western coast to their intended destination.

  • Christmastime Raid
    Christians studying the Bible - Photo: World Watch Monitor www.worldwatchmonitor.org
    Pray that Turkmen believers will have opportunities to share God’s truths.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    A group of women who gathered on December 26th had their worship time disrupted by a police raid. The home was searched and cell-phones were confiscated. The women were forced to give legal statements and have their photos and fingerprints taken. At last report, no fines had been levied.

    Though other faith groups have faced harassment throughout the year, this is the only known raid of Protestant Christians in 2019. Even so, the country's leaders maintain tight controls on freedom of belief, allowing only approved activities and religious literature. Any sharing of one's faith is banned and punishable. More information on the persecution of Christians in Turkmenistan is available here.

  • House Churches Under Surveillance to Prevent Worship
    Tirruppur District - Photo: Wikipedia / Dksmohankumar
    Tirruppur District
    Photo: Wikipedia / Dksmohankumar (c)

    Police in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu have put several house churches under surveillance in an effort to prevent their use for Christian worship. House church congregations in several villages were warned to stop meeting altogether. Pastors of these small gatherings have been harassed and ordered to get permission from district officials in order to conduct prayer services.

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