

  • Another Church Threatened with Closure
    Church closure document. - Photo: VOMC Source
    Church closure document.
    Photo: VOMC Source

    Christians in Algeria are requesting prayer for leaders of a church in the village of Ait Atteli as they contend with legal action intended to enforce the closure of their place of worship. If the action is granted, this will be yet another one of the many churches affiliated with the officially recognized Protestant organization, the Église Protestante d'Algérie, forcibly closed by the authorities.

  • Missionary Family Robbed by Armed Intruders
    Praying hands resting on a Bible - Photo: Pixabay

    The home of a missionary affiliated with the Evangelical Church Winning All, located in the middle belt region of Nigeria, was recently invaded by armed intruders. The mission worker ministers primarily among the country's Fulani people. During the middle of the night, the Bello family's home was broken into by perpetrators demanding money, as well as the keys for two motorcycles that were parked outside. The assailants then proceeded to demand money from the mission worker's wife as well as the couple's visiting adult daughter, who also happens to be involved in ministry.

  • Prison Sentence to be Reviewed by the Supreme Court
    Naser Navard Gol-Tapeh - Photo: Middle East Concern
    Naser Navard Gol-Tapeh
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    On June 24th of 2016, 30 intelligence police agents raided an engagement party near Tehran, Iran. Everyone who attended the celebration was detained, including three visiting Christians from Azerbaijan. Most were released from custody, except for the three Azeri believers and Naser Navard Gol-Tapeh, whom the authorities considered the leader of the Christian gathering. For more details on this raid, go to this page.