

  • Family Refused Christian Burial
    A group of women praying together.
    Ask God to give Sri Lankan Christians wisdom and favour when dealing with opposing community members.

    After a member of the Grama Missionary Church in Karukkamunai, Sri Lanka, passed away, the family arranged for a funeral to be held at the public cemetery on September 27th. However, a local public official, along with other members of the community, intervened and refused to allow the family to hold a Christian funeral.

  • Fatalities Caused by Recent Attacks
    Men carrying the casket of a slain believer.
    Christian funerals have become far too common in Nigeria.
    Photo: Evangelical Church Winning All Nigeria

    On September 26th, a group of gunmen raided a church in Gavaciwa, Kaduna State, and opened fire in the midst of the worship service. One worshipper, Nasiru Abdullahi, was killed as a result of the violence and, in the aftermath of the invasion, numerous other believers were rushed to the hospital with injuries.

  • Christian Teenager Dies After Acid Attack
    Apollo Burns Hospital
    Apollo Burns Hospital
    Photo: Wikimedia / Burn & Trauma Research Center (cc)

    On August 11th, Nitish Kumar – a Christian teenager from northern India's Bihar state – was attacked with acid, leaving much of his body with severe burns. For more on the incident, view this report.