Family Refused Christian Burial
Ask God to give Sri Lankan Christians wisdom and favour when dealing with opposing community members. After a member of the Grama Missionary Church in Karukkamunai, Sri Lanka, passed away, the family arranged for a funeral to be held at the public cemetery on September 27th. However, a local public official, along with other members of the community, intervened and refused to allow the family to hold a Christian funeral.
Fatalities Caused by Recent Attacks
Christian funerals have become far too common in Nigeria.
Photo: Evangelical Church Winning All NigeriaOn September 26th, a group of gunmen raided a church in Gavaciwa, Kaduna State, and opened fire in the midst of the worship service. One worshipper, Nasiru Abdullahi, was killed as a result of the violence and, in the aftermath of the invasion, numerous other believers were rushed to the hospital with injuries.
Christian Teenager Dies After Acid Attack
Apollo Burns Hospital
Photo: Wikimedia / Burn & Trauma Research Center (cc)On August 11th, Nitish Kumar – a Christian teenager from northern India's Bihar state – was attacked with acid, leaving much of his body with severe burns. For more on the incident, view this report.