After a member of the Grama Missionary Church in Karukkamunai, Sri Lanka, passed away, the family arranged for a funeral to be held at the public cemetery on September 27th. However, a local public official, along with other members of the community, intervened and refused to allow the family to hold a Christian funeral.
Claiming that the public cemetery was a "Hindu" burial ground, they argued that no Christian rites could be performed. Instead, the community members, led by the official, conducted the funeral according to Hindu customs. As the two daughters of the deceased woman were intimidated into compliance, they didn't file a police complaint.
This is a recurring issue facing Christians in the area. While local followers of Jesus have tried intervening in such matters, and they reported this incident to the police and civic authorities, no action has been taken against the opposing community members. For further information on the challenges encountered by Christians in Sri Lanka, go to our country report.
Please lift up in prayer the two daughters mentioned in this report – along with other bereaved family members and friends – who are not only grieving the loss of their loved one, but also dealing with the anti-Christian sentiments of their community while in the midst of their grief. Pray that these believers will experience the wonderful comfort and strength of the Holy Spirit, along with a renewed faith in their most loving and faithful God. May the antagonistic community leader, and other opposing Sri Lankans in the area, realize their need to coexist peacefully with all villagers, regardless of differing religious affiliations.