

  • Christians Slain After Worship
    Michael Anthony Pam - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Michael Anthony Pam
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Several Christians were gunned down as they made their way home from worship services on May 26th in the city of Jos. According to one witness, Enoch Monday and Istifanus Ismailaj were killed in one attack, while Michael Anthony Pam and four others were killed in a separate incident that same day. As the violence continued, more than 12 houses were burned and a number of Christians were wounded.

  • Released After Ten Years!
    A burned home in the 2008 attacks - Photo: Mangalorean.com
    Destroyed home in the 2008 attacks.
    Photos: Mangalorean.com

    When the popular Hindu swami (religious leader), Lakshmanananda Saraswati, was killed in August 2008, Maoist rebels claimed responsibility for the attack. Despite this claim, Hindu militants turned their anger towards the Christians of Odisha state (then known as Orissa). Riots exploded, particularly in the Kandhamal district. Hundreds of Christians were massacred, thousands were forced to flee for refugee camps, and an estimated 1,400 homes -- along with at least 90 churches and numerous businesses -- were destroyed. In the months that followed, The Voice of the Martyrs Canada provided needed relief aid, along with long-term support for the many surviving children of those who had been killed.