Photo: Morning Star News
Several Christians were gunned down as they made their way home from worship services on May 26th in the city of Jos. According to one witness, Enoch Monday and Istifanus Ismailaj were killed in one attack, while Michael Anthony Pam and four others were killed in a separate incident that same day. As the violence continued, more than 12 houses were burned and a number of Christians were wounded.
It is believed that local Fulani herdsmen are responsible for these attacks. Troops were dispatched to the area in an effort to restore calm but there have been reports of Christians being arrested in the aftermath of the attacks.
Pray for God's peace to prevail in this violence-torn nation. Remember the families and friends who are mourning the loss of their slain loved ones. May the authorities deal with the situation wisely, holding those responsible for committing such crimes against humanity to account. Intercede for believers in vulnerable areas of Nigeria who are living in fear of further attacks, praying that they will not only receive protection but also the Lord's reassuring peace in their hearts.