In August 2005, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on harassment facing Orthodox Christians in Kosovo (click here to read more). There are concerns for this violence to escalate if independence is granted to this predominantly Muslim area currently part of Serbia and Montenegro. Ethnic animosity between the Serbians and Kosovar Albanians serves to escalate the violence.
Reports were received this week on recent vandalism against Serbian Orthodox churches in Kosovo. The Holy Apostle Andrew Church in Podujevo was seriously damaged in 2004 when a mob set fire to the building. Restoration has begun but, in April 2006, several windows were smashed along with the door. In mid-June, vandals also broke into the building smashing windows and writing graffiti on the walls.
The Church of the Birth of Theotokos in Obilic was also recently damaged. Crosses were torn from the top of the building, the roof was damaged, windows were smashed and the door broken open.
Ask the Lord to bring peace to this volatile area. Ask God to grant a forgiving heart to those affected by the vandalism (Matthew 5:43-44). Pray that believers in Christ will continually look to Jesus Christ so they can endure opposition without growing weary (Hebrews 12:1-3).