Christian "Hit List" Posted Online

A man and some camels
Pray that the Spirit of Christ will draw Mauritanians to Himself.

According to Greg Kelley from World Mission, Islamic extremists in the Northwest African nation of Mauritania have created an online hit list containing the names of Christian leaders. Describing this action as a "call to warfare," the mission representative has expressed great concern over what he perceives as a green light for opposing militants to kill Christians.

The church in Mauritania is very small; one estimate suggests that the population is comprised of 400 to 1,000 ethnic Mauritanian Christians, along with a few thousand expatriate believers. In addition, there are strict laws against evangelization, and conversion from Islam is punishable by death. Additional information on the subject of Christian persecution in Mauritania is available at our country report.

Prayerfully uphold each believer in Mauritania who is willing to take a stand for Christ amid such tremendous oppression, asking the Lord to grant them the wisdom, strength and courage they need daily to remain faithful to Him. Pray that His abiding presence will be experienced in both meaningful and tangible ways as they continue serving Him and sharing the Gospel with those in search of spiritual truth. May all the Christian leaders on the "hit list" not only be encouraged by God's reassuring presence and peace, but also by the fact that their names are recorded somewhere far greater ---  in the "Lamb's Book of Life"!

  • Current Ministry Project

    VOMC has partnered to equip Muslim Background Believers with skills for ministry so that they will be empowered to share the Gospel among the unreached in this region of the world.

    Project Fund: Equipping the Saints

  • Country Information

    4,244,878 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Black Moors (40), White Moors (30), Sub-Saharan Mauritanians (30)

    Religion (%)
    Muslim (100)

    President Mohamed Cheikh El Ghazouani (2019)

    Government type
    Presidential republic

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system of Islamic and French civil law.

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Mauritania

    Pray that Christians in Mauritania will find support and fellowship with other believers, despite their small numbers.

    Pray seekers will encounter Jesus, and those who follow Him will be courageous in their witness.

Mauritania News

  • Christian "Hit List" Posted Online
    A man and some camels
    Pray that the Spirit of Christ will draw Mauritanians to Himself.

    According to Greg Kelley from World Mission, Islamic extremists in the Northwest African nation of Mauritania have created an online hit list containing the names of Christian leaders. Describing this action as a "call to warfare," the mission representative has expressed great concern over what he perceives as a green light for opposing militants to kill Christians.

  • Penalties for Apostasy Increased
    Man reading in the desert - The Voice of the Martyrs U.S. -

    Christians in Mauritania are concerned about recent changes to the laws regarding religious conversion. On April 27th, the Mauritanian National Assembly approved changes to increase the penalty for apostasy.

    According to the new regulations, the death penalty is now mandatory for those convicted of "blasphemous remarks" or "sacrilegious acts." Further, those found guilty of "the breach of prohibitions prescribed by Allah or the facilitation of their non-compliance," or "outrage to public decency and the values of Islam," can face a prison sentence of up to two years, along with a fine.

  • Christian aid worked killed
    Photo from Ralph Buckner Funeral Home

    Al-Qaeda has reportedly claimed responsibility for shooting and killing an American aid worker, Christopher Leggett (39), on June 23 in Nouakchott, the capital city of Mauritania. On June 25, Al-Jazeera TV reportedly received an audio statement from al-Qaeda which stated that "two knights of the Islamic Maghreb succeeded Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m. to kill the infidel American Christopher Leggett for his Christianising activities." Leggett worked for a non-governmental organization in Mauritania involved in training and equipping prisoners to re-enter society. He also oversaw a microloan program which fostered the growth of small businesses. He had been a resident of Mauritania for the past seven years along with his wife and four children.

    Thank the Lord for Christopher Leggett's life as a cross-bearing disciple. Ask God to comfort those who mourn for him. Pray that Christians in Mauritania will be emboldened to follow in their Saviour's footsteps and remain steadfast in faith (1 Corinthians 4:9-14, 16).

    To learn more about trials facing Christians in Mauritania, go to the Mauritania Country Report.