Photo: VOM USA
Considered the birthplace of the ancient tribal faith of vodun (commonly referred to as voodoo), many residents in the West African country of Benin continue with religious practices that commonly involve animal sacrifices and talismans to ward off evil. These practices are so widespread in Benin that January 10th is celebrated as National Vodun Day.
When local Christians residing in a small town of central Benin refused to participate in the national celebrations, a group of vodun followers burned their church building to the ground. In the aftermath of the attack, the church's pastor requested prayer, asking that: 1) the people of the village will be set free from their bondage to vodun, 2) the church would be strengthened, and 3) his congregation's destroyed house of worship would soon be rebuilt.
Let us prayerfully lift up the Christians residing within this predominantly vodun nation as they continue sharing the Gospel message with villagers caught in the grip of spiritual darkness. Despite the adversity facing these ministering believers, may they consistently serve as conduits of God's shining light by conveying the "Good News" of His salvation and deliverance. Ask the Lord to empower them with His Holy Spirit, so that many more villagers will experience freedom from darkness and the assurance of eternal life. May these believers' courage and conviction in the Gospel message be used to mightily transform this land and its people. Also pray for the provision of resources needed to rebuild their church facility.