Sisters' Stories


  • Christians Killed in Church Attack


    South Sudanese children
    Pray that Sudanese of all ages will
    experience the joy of freedom.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Karl Grobl,
    Education Development Center Inc.

    At least 23 people were killed and 20 wounded when unidentified gunmen stormed an Anglican church in the village of Makol Cheui on July 27th. After killing the church's deacon, along with women and children who had sought refuge in the church compound, they vandalized the church, destroying worship instruments.

  • Man Charged with Blasphemy
    Sohail Masih
    Photo: Facebook / Sohail Masih

    A Christian man was beaten and charged with blasphemy on August 5th, following comments made on his Facebook account about the Islamic celebration of Lailat al Miraj. The celebration involves eating sacrificial meat. In response, Sohail Masih allegedly posted: "It is not possible that the blood of goats and bulls can wash away sins. The incident of Miraj is based on a lie." The post came to the attention of a mosque leader, who claimed that "Muslims were extremely hurt" by the comment.

  • Pregnant Teen Confined to a Single Room
    Huma Younus

    In October 2019, 14-year-old Huma Younus was kidnapped from her home, forcibly converted to Islam, and then married to her kidnapper (read more). Since the abduction, her parents have been working on her behalf, seeking to annul the marriage, which by law is forbidden before the age of 18 without parental permission.

  • Seven Iranians Sentenced
    The seven who were sentenced
    L to R: Pooriya Peyma, Fatemeh Talebi, Maryam Falahi, Sam Khosravi, Habib Heydari, Sasan Khosravi, Marjan Falahi
    Photo: Article18

    Seven Iranian Christian converts were sentenced on June 21st for "spreading propaganda against the state." The evidence used against them included possession of Christian books and symbols, holding home church meetings, and being in contact with Iranian "evangelists" abroad. All seven intend to appeal their sentences.

  • Christian Man Slain for His Faith
    Kande Mudu - Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
    Kande Mudu
    Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide

    Kande Mudu, also known as Philip, was a 27-year-old man who converted to Christianity four years ago. His family were the only Christians in the village of Bari in Jharkhand; and ever since their conversion, they have faced opposition and threats from other villagers. In 2018, the family's home was attacked and Kande's mother-in-law was gang raped. Five of the six attackers were convicted but the sixth perpetrator continued threatening to harm Kande if he refused to abandon his faith.

  • Foreign Christian Workers Expelled
    Joy Subasiguller - Photo: Facebook / Joy Subasiguller
    Joy Subaşıgüller and her family
    Photo: Facebook / Joy Subaşıgüller

    Last year, at least thirty-five foreign Christian workers were expelled from Turkey, as their permits had been either revoked or denied renewal. So far this year, the number of those forced to leave the country has already reached sixteen. The latest of those workers are Joy Subaşıgüller and Pastor Zach Balon, both from the United States.

  • Reports of "Unfolding Genocide"
    Mass funeral in Nigeria - Photo: VOMC

    For several years, suffering has been a way of life for Christians in Nigeria. In 2010, the International Criminal Court (ICC) opened a preliminary examination into this troubling situation which was formerly caused by the violence of Boko Haram militants. Thousands of lives have been lost throughout the years that followed, along with the destruction of numerous homes and churches, and the abduction of hundreds of innocent victims -- including teen Leah Sharibu who was taken captive in February 2018 and is still missing to date.

  • Girl Facing Charges After Resisting Attack
    Nang Tookta Phetsomphone

    To date, Nang Tookta Phetsomphone has spent almost six months in a Laotian prison after her former employer was stabbed and killed during his attempt to rape the young woman. In order to be released from custody, her family must pay a fine of $11,000 USD and renounce their faith in Christ. Since our previously posted "Persecution & Prayer Alert" report, VOMC's Greg Musselman has spoken with Patrick Klein from Vision Beyond Borders about Tookta's terrible plight. This interview is available here.

  • Appeal Hearing Postponed Indefinitely
    Pastor Victor bet Tamraz and his wife - Photo: Farsi Christian News Network
    Pastor Victor Bet Tamraz and his
    wife, Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh
    Photo: Farsi Christian News Network

    The appeal hearing for Pastor Victor Bet Tamraz and his wife, along with three other Christians, had been scheduled for June 1st but was cancelled with no new court date set. No reason was given for the delay, and the lawyers involved with this case were not allowed to approach the judge. Pastor Victor and the others each face sentences of at least ten years in prison. (Review the previously posted report.)

  • At Least 37 Dead in Kaduna State
    Baby injured in the attacks - Photo: Church in Chains
    This baby girl suffered a bullet
    wound during one of the attacks.
    Photo: Church in Chains

    Two recent attacks in Kaduna State show the extent of violence facing Nigerian Christians due to the terrorism of Fulani militia groups....

    On the evening of May 11th, Fulani gunmen laid siege to the village of Gonan Rogo in the Kajuru area. Entire households were wiped out as the militants went from house to house, killing those they found. In one home, Jonathan Yakubu was slaughtered, along with his wife and three young children. In another home, a mother and child were killed, but a three-month-old baby girl miraculous survived a bullet wound to her head. The baby is now in the care of her aunt. In all, 17 people were killed that night and six injured. Ages of the victims ranged from young children to the elderly.