Persecution & Prayer Alert

"Suffering in life can uncover
untold depths of character and
unknown strength for service....
Only deeply plowed earth
can yield bountiful harvests."

~ Evangelist Billy Graham (1918-2018)

Discipleship Making Model

Photo: Window International Network

I love to play volleyball. A few years ago I joined a ladies volleyball league. Women from all walks of life came together every Wednesday for a couple of hours of sweat and fun. I was put on a team of veritable strangers, and the game was on.

Unbeknownst to me, one of my team members was watching me very closely. She began teasing me, in a good natured way, about the fact that I didn’t swear when I muffed a shot, or landed on my tush. I hadn’t set about trying to impress anyone, other than with my awesome game play – not. I was just living my life accountable to Jesus, and obeying him.

About three quarters of the way into the season she asked, “What is it about you? There’s something different about you.” Suddenly, I had an open door to share the Gospel.

This is the Discipleship Making Principle that our partners Global Catalytic Ministries are using to make disciples among the restricted and underground church of Iran, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. The glue to this concept is relational accountability. Accountability such as my becoming more conscious of guarding my mouth on the volleyball court, because it was affecting my witness before others.

New Christians in these countries are taking their changed lives in Christ back into their families and already established affinity groups. A passion for the Spirit moves them in prayer and studying the Word, which they are committed to obey no matter the cost. As a result, the Gospel is spread when radical behaviour changes spark interest, and hearts begin to open.

Our speaker will be sharing powerful testimonies of changed lives through this discipleship model as he speaks in Fredericton and Charlottetown in September. These testimonies aren’t normally shared in public, so don’t miss this opportunity!

By Vanessa Brobbel