Authorities crack down on Christmas events

Authorities have put a halt to Christmas celebrations in several areas of Vietnam in what appears to be a central government crackdown on Christianity. On December 19, hundreds of Christians arrived at the National Convention Center in the Tu Kiem district of Hanoi for a planned Christmas event. However, they found the doors of the building locked and police on scene who tried to send them away. In a bold move, some of the Christians began to sing and pray in the square in front of the center. Police then struck some Christians with their fists and nightsticks. Christian leaders worked to calm the crowd, which eventually left, but not before at least six people -- including Rev. Nguyen Huu Bao, the event's scheduled speaker -- were arrested. At last report, the six individuals were still detained.

Similar incidents occurred on the same day in Thanh Hoa, Nghe An and Quang Nam provinces, and in the city of Danang in central Vietnam. Officials injured believers and, in some cases, also confiscated or destroyed property belonging to the believers.

Pray the victims of these crackdowns will be encouraged and emboldened by God, their Immanuel, who loves them and leads them at all times. Pray for peace to reign in the hearts of God's followers in Vietnam this Christmas. Pray that authorities will receive the saving grace of Jesus.

You can learn more about believers suffering for their faith in Christ in Vietnam at the Vietnam Country Report.

  • Current Ministry Project

    By helping to provide solid Biblical teaching and training uniquely suited to the needs of a specific tribal group, VOMC is able to equip members of Vietnam’s persecuted church to stand firm in their faith and reach out to others in their communities with the powerful message of the Gospel.

    Project Fund: Underground Church

  • Country Information

    104,799,174 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Kinh [Viet] (85.3), Tay (1.9), Thai (1.9), Muong (1.5), Khmer (1.5), Mong (1.4), Nung (1.1), Hoa (1), others (5.5)

    Religion (%)
    Catholic (6.1), Buddhist (7.9), Protestant (1), Other (0.8) none (86.3%)

    President To Lam (May 2024)

    Government type
    Communist state

    Legal system
    Civil law system

    Source: CIA World Factbook

    Pray for Vietnam

    We can thank the Lord for the tremendous witnessing efforts and steadfast faith demonstrated by the persecuted Christians of Vietnam. May they not be intimidated by governmental stipulations but rather encouraged to stand firm on the promises of God – relying on Him for the wisdom, diplomacy and favour required to deal appropriately with the authorities. Pray for radical changes to take place in the hearts of the country’s leaders, especially those who are responsible for implementing and administering Vietnam's laws, so that the work of the Gospel will continue to thrive.

  • Pray for Vietnam
    We can thank the Lord for the tremendous witnessing efforts and steadfast faith demonstrated by the persecuted Christians of Vietnam. May they not be intimidated by governmental stipulations but rather encouraged to stand firm on the promises of God – relying on Him for the wisdom, diplomacy and favour required to deal appropriately with the authorities. Pray for radical changes to take place in the hearts of the country’s leaders, especially those who are responsible for implementing and administering Vietnam's laws, so that the work of the Gospel will continue to thrive.

Vietnam News

  • Location of 11 Christian Prisoners Unknown
    A prison is in an open area next to mountains in Vietnam.
    A prison in Vietnam
    Photo: VOMC

    Human rights organizations around the world are raising concerns about the fate of 11 Christian prisoners in Vietnam. The Christian men were all sentenced to prison at different times between 2011 and 2016. It has recently come to light that their whereabouts remain a mystery, and that the believers who should have completed their sentences by now were not yet released to return home.

  • Christian Found Dead After Meeting with Police
    A meeting of believers in Vietnam.
    Pray that believers in Vietnam will remain faithful to Christ.
    Photo: VOMC

    On March 8th, the body of Pastor Y Bum Bya was found hanging from a tree at a cemetery near his home in the Dak Lak Province of Vietnam. Though local authorities declared the Christian leader's death a suicide, reports indicate that his body showed signs of torture. The believer's death happened shortly after he had been summoned to meet with police.

  • New Regulations Bring Tighter Restrictions
    Flags of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the nation of Vietnam are flying together.
    Flags of Vietnam and the Communist Party of Vietnam.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Vuong Tri Binh (cc)

    With the release of Decree 95, which took effect on March 30th, Vietnamese governing officials declared that the new regulations they were instituting would ensure freedom of belief for all people within the country, enhancing the responsibilities of individual agencies and organizations. The decree expands on the "Law on Belief and Religion" that was implemented in 2018, which outlines additional policies and procedures regulating religious activities in Vietnam.

  • Three Christians Detained
    Nhà tù Côn Đảo (Côn Đảo Prison)
    A prison in Vietnam.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Tycho (cc)

    Vietnamese police detained three members of an independent house church on March 6th. After being held for three days, the detained Christian men were eventually released. Although the three believers are from Dak Lak province, they had been arrested while working for a furniture manufacturer in Dong Xoai, which is located several hours away from their hometown.