Zafar Bhatti
Pastor Meets with Imprisoned Zafar Bhatti
Zafar Bhatti
Photo: Pakistan Christian PostZafar Bhatti has been held in prison for 12 years on allegations of blasphemy. Although initially sentenced to life imprisonment in 2017, the Christian man's punishment was changed to include the death penalty in January 2022. During his time in prison, Zafar has faced various health issues. Diagnosed with diabetes, he suffered two minor heart attacks in 2019 and another in 2020. For previously published reports on Zafar's case, go to this page.
Death Penalty for Longtime Prisoner; Bail for Another
Zafar Bhatti
Photo: Pakistan Christian PostOn January 3rd, a judge at the Rawalpindi District Court in Pakistan ruled to change a Christian pastor's sentence of life imprisonment to the death penalty. Zafar Bhatti has been imprisoned on charges of blasphemy since July 2012. After five years, he was ultimately convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The charges arise from an alleged text message, yet Zafar denies that the phone in question was even registered to his name. For more information on the ordeal facing this Pakistani pastor, view these reports.
Sentence Appeal Meets Ongoing Delays
Zafar Bhatti
Photo: Pakistan Christian PostPakistani pastor, Zafar Bhatti, has been in prison since July 2012 after being charged with allegedly sending blasphemous text messages. Five years later, he was sentenced to life imprisonment for blasphemy – a charge based on allegations he continues to deny. In June of this year, an appeals court upheld the pastor's sentence, despite conflicting evidence. For more information on the circumstances surrounding his case, go to this page.
Life Sentence Upheld
Pastor Zafar Bhatti
Photo: Pakistan Christian PostPakistani pastor, Zafar Bhatti, has been in prison since July 2012, after being accused of sending blasphemous text messages. In May 2017, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. The accused pastor denies any involvement in the texts, stating that the phone in question was not even registered in his name (see this report).
After numerous delayed appeal hearings, a court in Rawalpindi ruled on June 22nd, 2021, to uphold the sentence, despite the fact that new evidence had been presented proving Pastor Zafar's innocence. His lawyers now intend to appeal to the High Court.
Zafar Bhatti Recovers from Heart Attack in Prison
Zafar Bhatti Zafar Bhatti has been in prison since 2012 after being charged with sending blasphemous text messages. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2017. Diagnosed with diabetes, the 56-year-old Christian had two minor heart attacks in 2019 and suffers from eyesight problems. It was recently reported that he had another heart attack on September 3rd. Though he received swift medical attention in prison, there are ongoing concerns for his physical and mental health, as well as apprehension over the medical care he is receiving outside of the hospital setting.
Appeal Adjourned for the Seventh Time
Zafar Bhatti Zafar Bhatti has been in prison since July 2012, charged with blasphemous text messages. In 2017, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. He denies any involvement as the mobile phone in question was not registered to his name. He has appealed the sentence, yet hearings have been repeatedly adjourned. The latest court date was set for June 19th, but it too was delayed for the seventh time. The hearing is now rescheduled to take place on September 12th.