

  • Priest Attacked

    For the second time in the last two months, a priest in the southern Turkish city of Mersin has been attacked, according to a March 12 report from the Catholic news agency, Zenit.  On the evening of March 11, a young man entered the parish of Father Hanri Leylek.  He insulted the priest and threatened him with an 80 cm knife.  The priest was able to drive off his attacker and Turkish police have arrested a suspect.

    Pray for Christians in Turkey who are concerned that these recent attacks may indicate rising intolerance towards them. Pray that Christ and not fear may rule in their hearts.

    To read about other recent incidents, as well as information on the Church in Turkey,click here.
  • Catholic Priest Attacked in Turkey

    Only days after Father Andrea Santoro was shot to death by a Turkish youth, a group of seven or eight young Muslim men burst into St. Helen's Church in Izmir on February 12.  The men grabbed Father Martin Kmetec by the throat and threatened, "We are going to finish you off in the name of God."  Father Kmetec managed to break away and slammed the rectory door.  After trying unsuccessfully to break the door down, the men left.

    When Kmetec initially reported the incident to the police, they paid little attention.  It was only after a third-party reported the incident to police that they took the incident seriously.  Police protection has since been provided to Father Kmetec.

    Pray that Father Kmetec will find his rest in the Lord. Pray that the young men who attacked him will soften their hearts to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Pray that there will be protection for all Christians in Turkey. Ask God to influence the police toward greater cooperation with Christians.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Turkey,click here.

  • Priest in Turkey Murdered by Muslim Youth
    Photos fromAsiaNews
    Turkish police have arrested a sixteen-year-old in the brutal shooting of Father Andrea Santoro in the city of Trabzon on February 5.  The Catholic priest was shot twice in the back as he was praying following afternoon mass in the Santa Maria Catholic Church.  According to witnesses, the youth shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he fired the shots.  According to the Zenit news agency, the youth identified only as "O.A." has admitted to police that recently published cartoon caricatures of Mohammed in the European press influenced his actions.

    Pray that there will be justice in this case. Pray for continued protection of God's people as Muslims around the world continue to protest the publication of these cartoons.

    For more information on Turkey and the persecution of Christians there,click here.  To check out Glenn Penner's weblogs on the controversy surrounding these cartoons, click here.

  • Church Leader Attacked A Christian leader from a small church in Adana, Turkey was attacked by five Muslims who pretended to want to know more about Christ, according to a January 20 report from Compass Direct.  Kamil Kiroglu, 29, was leaving the church facility after worship services on January 8 when four young Turkish men and an older man claiming to be from Turkmenistan, approached him.  The five had been at the service and said they wanted to know more about Christ.  Kiroglu became suspicious when he suddenly found himself alone with the five men. He called for a friend waiting outside the building.  As the men reluctantly began to leave, the leader of the five suddenly turned to Kiroglu and said, "There is a package for you from Al-Qaeda. It is a surprise. You will soon know what it is."  Frightened, Kiroglu tried to call the police on his cell phone.  The men then turned on him and began to beat him saying, "We don’t want Christians in this country!" One shoved a butcher's knife into Kamil's stomach and threatened to kill him if he didn't deny Christ.  Rather than killing him, however, the attackers knocked him unconscious and fled.  Following the attack, anti-terrorism police searched the building, afraid that there might be a bomb inside. They recovered a package containing a three-foot knife hidden under a bench.

    Pray for Kamil's healing. Pray for the salvation of those who attacked him.

    For more information on Turkey and the persecution facing Christians there,click here.

  • Update: Trial to Resume in Beating of Turkish Christian

    The Orhangazi Criminal Court has set July 8 as the date to assess the latest medical reports on Yakup Cindilli, a Christian who was severely beaten in October 2003 as he was distributing New Testaments.  After two months in a coma, Cindilli has been slowly recovering.  In March 2004, medical examiners said they would need to wait fifteen months to determine how much permanent injury Cindilli was suffering (click here for details).  The judge ordered the additional tests, to be presented this week.

    Cindilli's parents are strict Muslims and had refused any contact with Christians.  However, since January they have allowed members of the Bursa Protestant Church to take their son for physical therapy, which has helped significantly.  Pastor Ismail Kulakcioglu told Compass Direct that his right arm is still affected and he is not entirely back to normal psychologically, although he can now speak clearly and express his opinions.  He is able to do some light physical work.

    Three members of the militant Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) are accused of assaulting Cindilli.  Family members are hoping that the case will now be able to be concluded.  Despite pressures from his family to renounce his faith, a member of the Bursa church reported that, "Yakup is very committed to stay faithful to Jesus, in spite of what happened."

    Pray for a final and just resolution to this case.  Pray for Cindilli's full healing.  Pray that his family will see the love of Christ in Cindilli and other church members and will come to faith in Christ.

    For more information on the difficulties facing Turkish Christians,click here.

  • Turkey's Protestants Face Rising Opposition

    In the last six months, Protestant congregations in at least five cities in Turkey have faced threats or attacks while the media and government ministers have been openly critical of Christian missionary activities in the country.

    The most recent incident, according to a May 19 Compass Direct report, happened on May 18 when Wolfgang Hade woke to find a red swastika painted on his door and a hate note shoved underneath.  Hade is a German citizen married to a Turkish Christian and pastors a small congregation in Izmit.  The note accused Hade of being used to undermine Turkish values.  The church building has been targeted on several occasions since last Christmas.

    Pray for Pastor Hade and the members of his congregation.  Pray for the estimated 3500 Protestant Christians scattered throughout Turkey who are facing opposition from various sources.

    For more information on persecution in Turkey,click here.  A video news report on some of the opposition facing the Christian community in Turkey is available on VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Church Re-Opens Unexpectedly Members of Bodrum Grace Church in Turkey were surprised and thankful after their church was reopened by the governor of Bodrum six days after being ordered closed (click here for details).

    Late in the afternoon on September 29, Pastor Engin Duran was called to the police station. There he was told to write an official request to have the church reopened. Once there, a police officer dictated the letter to him and then told him to deliver it to the governor's office to be signed. After the document was signed by the governor's assistant, it was returned to police station. Pastor Duran was told to return the next morning, but only minutes after returning home, he was told to go to the church. Once there, the church was immediately unsealed. They have been given permission to continue using the building until the authorities find a location they consider more suitable for a church. The church is in the process of working with the Budrum Council in this regard.

    The church expresses their appreciation for everyone's prayers. Continue to pray that this issue will be resolved in a way that is aminable to everyone involved.

    For more information on the challenges facing Christians in Turkey,click here.

  • Church Closed On the evening of September 24, police in Bodrum, Turkey sealed the doors of the Bodrum Grace Church, reportedly on orders from the governor of Bodrum. Giving no reason for the closure, the police also confiscated all church signage.

    According to the pastor, Engin Duran, several people gathered at the church building on Sunday morning, including some tourists. Four police officers were there to prevent any service from taking place. Later that day, eighteen people met at the pastor's home. The next day, the pastor met with the governor who acknowledged that he had ordered the church closed and refused to rescind that order, saying that the church could take him to court. The closest church is in Ephesus, which is 3.5 hours away.

    The church is uncertain what to do at this point, since they are not in the position to hire a lawyer. Even if they were to go to court, the church would remain closed for at least three months. The pastor is concerned that continuing to meet in his home would cause problems with the landlord.

    Pray for wisdom for this church. Pray that the Gospel of Christ will not be hindered, but that the message will continue to spread in the midst of this adversity.

    For more information on the challenges facing Christians in Turkey,click here.

  • Trial Delayed Fifteen Months

    A court in northwestern Turkey has postponed the trial of two men accused in the brutal beating of a convert to Christianity, Yakup Cindilli. Yakup was severely beaten while distributing New Testaments in October 2003. After two months in a coma, Yakup is recovering very slowly, but continues to experience serious physical, mental and psychological difficulties.

    According to Compass Direct, the Orhangazi Criminal Court heard on March 25 that Yakup has gone through extensive testing to determine whether he will recover from his injuries. Medical examiners have determined that the only way to know if a recovery is imminent is to retest him in fifteen months. Upon hearing this, the judge ordered additional tests in May 2005 and set the new court date for June 18, 2005.

    At present, Yakup is unable to walk on his own. He can now recognize family and friends but has frequent memory lapses and is subject to uncontrollable emotional outbursts. During the February hearings, he frequently burst into loud giggles.

    Pray for continued and complete healing for Yakup Cindilli. Pray that those responsible will be brought to justice. Pray for continued ministry by the Church in Turkey, where Christians make up a very small minority.

    For more information on Turkey and Yakup Cindilli,click here.

  • Court Proceedings Yield More Details in Beating

    Three months after being beaten into a coma for alleged "missionary progaganda," Yakup Cindilli is slowly improving at his home. According to a January 12 report from Compass Direct, he is slowly starting to speak and is able to recognize some of members of his family.

    Two of the suspects in the beating have been released, in part because of public pressure, but two remain in custody with a third hearing scheduled for January 14. The hearings have produced more information on the October 19 attack (originally reported as October 23). According to the court documents, Cindilli and his friend, Tufan Orhan, were in a coffeehouse when they were called outside, one at a time. They demanded that each renounce his faith. Orhan complied and was released, but when Cindilli refused, he was dragged into the shadows and beaten. A waiter at the coffeehouse was able to identify the attackers.

    Despite his family's opposition to his Christian beliefs, along with community pressure against them for having a Christian son, they continue to care for him, as well as filing the criminal charges against the attackers.

    Pray for a full recovery for Cindilli. Pray that his family will see his faith and will come to trust in Christ. Pray that justice will be done.