

  • Physically Disabled Christian Convert Beaten
    A mosque and a church in Egypt. - Photo: Flickr / David Evers
    Photo: Flickr / David Evers (cc)

    On March 17th, Brother "P" was lured from his house by neighbours and beaten because he had converted to Christianity. Due to a physical disability, he was unable to escape from his attackers, so fellow Christians came to his aid. As a result of their intervention, they too were assaulted by the perpetrators.

  • Christians Arrested After Church Raid
    Renai Reformed Church - Photo: ChinaAid
    The Renai Reformed Church during a past meeting.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On the morning of March 16th, agents from the religious affairs bureau, along with public security officers, raided the Renai Reformed Church in Guiyang, taking more than ten Christians into custody.

    Over the years, the church of less than a hundred members has faced ongoing harassment from Chinese Communist Party agents for refusing to join the government-sanctioned Three-Self Church. In September 2018, they lost their facility after being banned from meeting for worship services. Subsequently, the congregation began holding services in restaurants and hotels where they were raided at least three more times.

  • Prison Summons Expected Soon
    Sara Ahmadi and Homayoun Zhaveh - Photo: Article 18
    Sara Ahmadi and Homayoun Zhaveh
    Photo: Article18

    Iranian believers request prayer for Christian converts Homayoun Zhaveh (62) and his wife Sara Ahmadi (42), who are anticipating an order to serve prison sentences because of their house church activities.

  • Sentence Upheld After Appeal
    Man checking his phone

    In February, it was reported that a Christian man named Hamid had been sentenced to five years in prison for sharing a cartoon on Facebook (see more details). On March 22nd, a judge in Oran, Algeria, heard his appeal and upheld the sentence along with a fine of almost $1,000 CAD.

  • Young Christian Released on Bail
    Kaaba in Mecca
    The Kaaba in Mecca.

    A young Christian who was convicted of blasphemy in 2018 at the age of 16 has been granted bail by the Lahore High Court in Pakistan. Nabeel Masih was accused after allegedly "liking" and sharing a picture on Facebook which was deemed disrespectful to the Kaaba (sacred shrine) in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. He was sentenced to ten years in prison.

  • Publisher Faces Three-Year Sentence; Pastor Faces Ongoing Harassment
    Huang Yizi - Photo: ChinaAid www.chinaaid.org
    Huang Yizi
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Geng Xiaonan, a well-known Chinese businesswoman who was charged with "illegal business practices," has been sentenced to three years in prison. Geng and her husband Qin Zhen were founders of an independent publishing house and have also worked in television and film. As previously reported in October 2020 (see more here), Geng had publicly expressed her concerns over the injustices and abuses committed by the Chinese Communist Party.

  • Ebrahim Firouzi Facing Additional Charges
    Ebrahim Firouzi - Photo: Middle East Concern - www.meconcern.org
    Ebrahim Firouzi
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Iranian convert Ebrahim Firouzi has spent years in prison for his faith. After being released from prison in October 2020, he began serving his two-year exile in another part of the country. For further information on Ebrahim's case, go to this report. A more recently produced video interview, in which Dr. Hormoz Shariat references Ebrahim, can be viewed here.

    In early February, Ebrahim released a series of six videos detailing the persecution he was facing while in exile. Even his brother, who is not a Christian, was experiencing harassment because of Ebrahim's faith. As a result of these videos, Ebrahim was charged on February 8th with "propaganda against the Islamic Republic in favour of hostile groups" and moved to Chabahar Prison.

  • Imprisoned Pastor's Family Facing Harassment
    A road in Laos - Pixabay / anniikaa

    Earlier in 2020, it was reported that Sithong Theppavong, the pastor of a small church in a farming area of Savannakhet Province, received repeated warnings to cease his ministry. On March 15th, 2020, he was arrested without any indication of charges. For more details on his arrest, visit VOMC's previously posted report.

  • Five-Year Sentence for Sharing Cartoon
    Man checking his phone - Photo: Pixabay / Foundry

    When posts are viewed on social media, few people think about the legal consequences of sharing them. In 2018, Hamid (surname withheld for security reasons) shared a cartoon he had received on Facebook and thought nothing more of it. He was contacted by police about it at the time, but the case was dropped — until officials showed up at his door three years later. By the next day, the 43-year-old poultry farmer had been sentenced to five years' imprisonment for allegedly insulting Muhammad.

  • Prisoner Transferred for ''Concentrated Education''
    Zhang Shaojie -  Photo: ChinaAid www.chinaaid.org
    Zhang Shaojie
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Pastor Zhang Shaojie had been the leader of the Nanle County Christian Church in Henan. In July 2014, he was sentenced to twelve years in prison for alleged fraud and disrupting social order (read more). At the time, his family was forced to flee the country, arriving in the United States through the assistance of VOMC partner, ChinaAid.