

  • Church Burned

    On the evening of March 30, unidentified attackers attempted to burn down a church in Mian Channu, a town approximately 100 km east of Multan, Pakistan.  Local residents quickly extinguished the fire that destroyed some of the church's furnishings.  Although there were no injuries, Pastor Nathaniel Barkat is asking for police protection for local Christians who were shaken up by the attack. Local authorities believe the motive may have been an attempt by militant Muslims to stir up conflicts between Christians and Muslims in the community.

    Pray that the congregation in Mian Channu will not be overcome by fear but remain triumphant in faithfulness (Rev. 2:10). Pray that the authorities will be able to maintain order in this region. Ask the Holy Spirit to enable the believers to entrust themselves to the God of Justice and not take matters into their own hands (Rom. 12:17-21, 1 Peter 2:23).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan,click here.

  • Pastor Kidnapped and Tortured

    At about 10:30 a.m. on February 16, Rev. Joseph Praim was walking to his bank in Lahore, Pakistan to pay a bill when a car stopped near him. Islamic preachers jumped out and grabbed him. A handkerchief was placed over his mouth and he immediately lost consciousness. According to VOMC sources, the pastor of the Full Gospel Assemblies was robbed and woke up in a dark room where he was tied up, beaten and threatened with death.  His abductors told him, "You belong to Christianity and your Christian brothers made derogatory cartoons of Prophet Mohammad in Denmark; that's why we are going to kill you."  After five days without food or water, he was finally left on the road, tied up.  Pastor Praim is now in hiding as he recuperates from his captivity.

    Pray that Pastor Praim will find new strength in the Lord as he continues to recuperate. Ask God to lead the attackers to repentance and bring them into the family of God.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan,click here.

  • Yousaf Masih Acquitted On November 12, over 1000 angry Muslims destroyed various churches and other buildings after Yousaf Masih was accused of setting fire to a room full of Islamic books, including copies of the Quran.  Masih was accused of blasphemy. On February 12, all charges against Masih were dropped for lack of evidence
  • Christian Institutions Attacked in Violence over Cartoons
    St. Michael's Convent School, one of the
    schools damaged in the attacks
    Violent protests in Pakistan against the cartoons of Mohammad have tended to centre on businesses and institutions of Western origin.  Local Christians have also been targeted in recent days.  On February 13, Muslim college students and Islamic militants vandalized the missionary-run Edward's College in Peshawar by smashing windows in various buildings.  Two days later, protestors in Peshawar damaged St. Michael's Convent School, St. Elizabeth Girls' College and a mission hospital run by the Church of Pakistan.  A United Presbyterian girls' school in Kasur was also damaged by a mob of several thousand Muslims.  The mob also tried to attack the city's Catholic church but were stopped by police.  Father Yaqoob Barkat told Compass Direct that Christians were the only target in Kasur.

    The Voice of the Martyrs condemns these acts of violence being perpetuated on local Christians by Muslims who are angry over the Danish cartoons.  "I am firmly of the position," said Glenn Penner, spokesman for VOMC, "that this continuing violence is being fueled by militants who have no real interest in defending Islam.  There is an agenda here that is wicked and should no longer be pandered to by well-intentioned Westerners who insist that we must keep apologizing for freedom of expression that we value and who advocate apologetic self-censorship. We cannot give in to this kind of terrorism."

    Pray for our brothers and sisters in Pakistan and around the world as they face such senseless and opportunistic violence. Pray that their response will put to silence the ignorance of foolish men (1 Peter 2:15).

    For more information on Pakistan and the difficulties facing Christians there,click here.

  • Two Churches Burned
    On the evening of February 19, hundreds of angry Muslims ransacked and burned St. Mary's Catholic Church and St. Xavier Church in Sukkur, Pakistan. According to reports from Asia News, Irfan Gill, who had converted to Islam from Christianity a few years before, had burned part of a Quran in an attempt to frame his father-in-law with whom be had a dispute.  Even after Gill was arrested, the mob attacked and burned the church buildings.  No injuries, however, were reported in the attack.

    "Here we have yet another example," said Glenn Penner, VOMC spokesman, "of Christians suffering for actions that they are not even responsible for.  A Muslim desecrates a Quran and Christians are punished. Does this make any sort of sense?"

    Thank God that there were no injuries. Ask Him to continue to provide safety for the Christians in Sukkur.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan,click here.

  • Cleric Arrested for Murder of Catholic Youth
    Students studying at an Islamic school in Pakistan
    On May 2, 2004, Javed Anjum died as a result of injuries he sustained while being tortured for five days in an Islamic school in Pakistan as students and staff there attempted to forcibly convert him to Islam (click here for more details).  Almost two years later, police have arrested a Muslim cleric from the school, Umar Hayat.  Two other teachers from the school, Mohammed Tayyab and Ghulam Rasool, have also been arrested.

    Continue to pray for Pakistan's Christian population.  Pray that the government and police authorities will protect the civil and religious rights of minorities in the country.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan,click here.

  • Update on Sangla Hill
    Three On November 12, several Christian buildings were destroyed and hundreds of Christians fled the community of Sangla Hill west of Lahore, Pakistan, after riots erupted following a fire in a mosque. A Christian man was blamed for starting the fire. For details on the story, click here.

    According to news reports from Pakistan's Daily Times, all accusations have been dropped against Younas Masih.  In exchange, no further action will be taken against the rioters who destroyed the buildings.

    Pray that the believers will be able to rebuild with no further opposition from the Muslims in the area. Thank God that the accusations against Younas have been dropped. Pray that the tensions will subside and that believers will lead the way in peaceful exchange with their Muslim neighbors.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Pakistan,click here. 

  • Christians Evicted to Make Room for Earthquake Survivors
    Bishop Lobo
    The earthquake that hit the Kashmir region of India and Pakistan on October 8 killed thousands and left more than three million homeless. With the urgent need for shelter, Pakistani authorities are reportedly evicting hundreds of Christians from their homes to make room for the homeless.

    Bishop Anthony Lobo of Islamabad-Rawalpindi told Catholic news agencies that at least forty families in a district near Joharabad in Sind province were forced out of their homes.  He believes officials prefer this alternative because it saves the time and money needed to erect shelters for the refugees.  Bishop Lobo said, "We are the most vulnerable people, we are very poor and we are easy targets."  Some are seeing this as a slap in the face, as Christians were actively involved in relief operations for those suffering from the earthquake, regardless of their religious affiliation.  Bishop Lobo has begun assembling a legal team to prevent similar evictions in other Christian communities.

    Pray that Bishop Lobo will have much wisdom as he deals with the government officials. Pray that he will be able to present convincing arguments for the need to allow families in his area to remain in their homes. Pray that those who have been displaced will find adequate housing and have their physical needs met. Pray that this will actually turn out to be an opportunity to promote the truth of God's Word in Sind province.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan,click here.

  • Muslim Leaders Inflame Crowds
    On November 12, three churches, a convent and other Christian-owned buildings were destroyed by a mob of more than 1000 angry Muslims in Sangla Hill (a community 70 km west of Lahore, Pakistan).  The incident began when Yousaf Masih was accused of setting fire to a room full of Islamic books, including several copies of the Quran (for more details, click here).

    Eighty-eight people have since been detained and accused of participating in the riots.  Islamic groups, however, are refusing to file a bail petition, insisting that they be unconditionally released.  As part of their Friday prayers, Muslim leaders spoke to approximately 3000 Muslims at the Markazi Jamia Masjid (mosque).  They urged local Muslims to unite for the honour and integrity of Islam and to eliminate all Christians.  They also insisted on the public hanging of Yousaf Masih and claimed that Christians had set fire to their own buildings.  Several Christians have been threatened and many remained hidden in their homes for their safety.

    Pray earnestly for the protection of God's people in Sangla Hill. Pray that the false accusations and threats of the Muslim leaders will be silenced. Ask the God of Justice to provide truth and equity in the legal proceedings that surround this case. Pray that every believer will stand firm in Christ, regardless of the threats and false accusations.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan,click here.

  • Violence Erupts Against Christians
    Three churches, a convent and other Christian-owned buildings were destroyed by a mob of over 1000 angry Muslims in Sangla Hill, a community 70 km west of Lahore, on November 12.  The incident began when Yousaf Masih was accused of setting fire to a room full of Islamic books, including several copies of the Quran. Yousaf denies the charges. 

    Spurred on by calls from Islamic leaders over mosque loudspeakers to punish the infidels, the Muslim crowd destroyed local Salvation Army, United Presbyterian and Catholic church buildings, a convent, a Christian school, a hostel and several Christian homes.  Rather than providing protection, reports say that police officers joined in the anti-Christian violence.  Hundreds of Christians have fled the community.  There are no reports of anyone being injured or killed.

    (Sources: All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA), The Hindu, World News Australia, Telegraph)