

  • New Findings in Case of Mysterious Abduction

    Please pray for Marriam
    Photo: Release Internationa

    A 24-year-old Pakistani Christian woman was abducted on May 12th while walking with her 11-year-old brother. Marriam Mushtaq was suddenly snatched by four unidentified suspects in Bahar Colony, Lahore. For the past year, she had been studying adult education at Excel Educational Institution, and was on her way there with her brother Youhan at around 2 p.m. when a white car pulled up next to them. A man with his face covered got out and dragged Marriam inside the car before it sped off.

    Yohan further explains that Marriam tried to escape from the abductors, but then one of them placed a piece of cloth over her mouth and she became unconscious. The alarmed young brother began shouting -- calling out for help. A few people gathered and boys on motorbikes started following the car; however, as it was speeding so fast, the perpetrators' vehicle hit a young girl who was crossing the road. (As a result of this accident, the hit-and-run victim is suffering from serious leg injuries.) The local boys followed the car on their motorbikes until it vanished out of sight.

    Marriam's family visited the local police station to register a complaint, but the police initially did not respond. Only after the family and local Christians staged a protest, blocking the road for two hours, did the police agree to register an FIR against the unknown abductors.

    Two days after Marriam's mother filed a complaint with the police, she received a phone call from officers who stated that her daughter had not been kidnapped, but was married. A 32-year-old man named Muhammed Ali, who Marriam's family claim is her kidnapper, attended the police station and presented a marriage certificate.

    Members of the young woman's family believe she would never voluntarily marry a militant Muslim, stressing their concerns that she has been forced into marriage and is now being held against her will. Reports on similar incidences involving the abduction of Christian women in Pakistan are available here.

    Please pray that Marriam will be safely reunited with her distressed family. During this unwarranted separation, may God provide each one of them needed comfort and encouragement, reassuring them of His strengthening presence. Also intercede for the young girl who was seriously injured by the getaway car, praying that she will know the Lord's presence, peace and healing in her life as well. May the convicting power of the Holy Spirit come upon the abductors, helping them to realize that wrongfully committed acts such as forceful marriage and conversion -- in addition to holding a person hostage -- is contrary to God's ways and will result in consequences...unless there is genuine repentance.

  • Christians Mourn Easter Sunday Attack

    An Easter gathering at a public park in Lahore, Pakistan, was attacked by a suicide bomber leaving almost 70 people dead and many others seriously wounded. A Pakistan Taliban faction has claimed ownership for carrying out the attack.

    The explosion took place in the parking area of Gulshan Iqbal Park, just a few feet away from some children's swings. The area was crowded at the time because Christians were gathering to celebrate the Easter holiday.

    One eyewitness said there was chaos, resulting in a stampede where children were separated from their parents in the rush to escape. Hasan Imran, a 30-year-old local resident who had gone to the park for a walk, told Reuters: "When the blast occurred, the flames were so high they reached above the trees and I saw bodies flying in the air." According to Lahore's deputy commissioner, Mohammad Usman, the number of injured was 193.

    Believers in Pakistan are often the target of religious extremist groups. Last year, suicide bombers from the Pakistani Taliban attacked two churches in the Christian neighbourhood of Youhanabad, also located in Lahore. To review VOM Canada's report on these earlier attacks, visit this page.

    Please join us in interceding for the many innocent victims who've been injured in this most recent dreadful Lahore attack. Pray that the Lord's gentle ministering touch will bring healing, peace and wholeness to the bodies and minds of all who've been affected by the resulting trauma. May those mourning the loss of loved ones rest in the comfort of knowing they are now safe in Christ's loving care -- from the duration of this present time throughout eternity.

    Video footage from BBC is available here.

  • Heightened Concerns over Asia's Security

    Asia Bibi

    Concerns have increased over the safety of Asia Bibi, the first Christian woman sentenced to death for "blasphemy" in Pakistan. These new security concerns follow the execution of extremist Mumtaz Qadri who assassinated Asia's biggest advocate, Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer, in 2011. For a report on the governor's assassination, click here.

    Mumtaz was executed by hanging on February 29th, 2016 for the assassination of Governor Taseer who had criticized Pakistan's blasphemy laws and advocated for Asia's release. She has been on death row since her 2010 conviction for allegedly blaspheming during an argument with a Muslim woman who accused her of contaminating a bowl of water by merely drinking from it. Past reports on Asia's case are available on this page.

    A senior Punjab government official confided to sources that Asia's security has increased following intelligence reports that Islamist groups are conspiring to have her killed in prison to avenge the hanging of the extremist. Islamic militants feted Mumtaz Qadri as a hero, resulting in a large gathering of up to 150,000 people in the streets of Rawalpindi -- many chanting for Asia to be hanged.

    The official assured that although Islamist groups were calling for her swift execution, the government was exercising extreme caution to protect her. "The government is doing its best to keep Asia safe," he explains. "She has been told to cook her own food to prevent any attempt at poisoning her meals. All guards deployed for her security have been carefully vetted by intelligence agencies and other security outfits to ensure they are not extremists in their belief." Asia's lawyer, Saiful Malook, confirms that she is being held in isolation and under strict security. "But calls for her speedy execution have increased the risk to her life manifold," he adds with great concern for his client's safety and well-being.

    Thank you for joining us in concerted prayer for Asia Bibi and her suffering family. Pray that God will continue to protect Asia in the face of increased threats against her life. May those who wish her harm be brought down by His strong and mighty arm, in hopes that they would realize the error of their ways and the harshness of their hardened hearts...bringing them to the point of sincere repentance and salvation. Ask that in the meantime He would make a way of deliverance for our long-suffering sister in Christ, leading her to a place of safety, peace, healing and reconciliation with loved ones. May the government officials involved in this difficult case sense God's guiding presence, wisdom and protection as they seek the best solution.

  • Illiterate Christians Sentenced to Death for Blasphemy

    Shagufta and Shafqat
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    A 43-year-old crippled man was sentenced to death, alongside his wife, in April of 2014 for allegedly committing blasphemy the previous year. Shafqat Emmanuel, who is paralyzed from the waist down, filed an appeal at the Lahore High Court in an attempt to seek bail due to his deteriorating health. "I have developed bedsores and may die in jail, as there is no possibility of better treatment here," he states.

    Shafqat and his wife Shagufta, the parents of four children, are from the city of Gojra, Punjab, in eastern Pakistan. Even though there was no sufficient evidence in support of the charge, the pressured judge rendered them guilty of sending blasphemous text messages, something which they deny on account that they are both illiterate.

    "There was no evidence that the text messages came from a phone owned by the couple," explains Farukh Saif, an official of World Vision in Progress, an organization defending the Christian couple. "In the first place, they had lost the phone some months before July 2013 and, secondly, there was no SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card in their names."

    Since fracturing his backbone in an accident during 2004, Shafqat has been restricted to a wheelchair due to the paralysis of his lower body. After the accident, Shagufta then worked as a cleaner at a local missionary school in order to support their impoverished family. The Lahore court is set to hear the petition on March 5th. To review VOMC's initial report on their situation, click here.

    May God's ministering presence provide needed strength, protection, provision and encouragement to Shafgat, Shagufta and their four children during this extremely trying time. Pray that their accusers -- as well as the judicial authorities involved -- will extend compassion and mercy to this already suffering family. Ask God to work mightily in their accusers' lives, turning "hearts of stone" into "hearts of flesh" (Ezekiel 11:19), so they will be receptive to His conviction and leading. Also pray for the couple's legal representative that he be divinely protected and filled with great wisdom while preparing for the upcoming March appeal hearing. In the meantime, may Shafgat receive proper health care and experience overall improvement of his physical condition. Let's stand with this family by trusting in God's promises and faithfulness to work all things together for good (Romans 8:28).

    An informative three-minute video clip is also available here.

  • Attack of Young Women Results in Tragedy

    Christian women are particularly vulnerable to rape and public shaming by the extremists of this Muslim-majority country. In a recent incident, three young Christian women were purposely hit by a car for refusing the sexual advances posed to them by a group of Muslim men.

    The young women -- Kiran (17), Shamroza (18), and Sumble (20) -- were walking home together when four Muslim men in a car confronted them, uttering lewd suggestions. Because the girls refused their advances, the men became enraged to the point that the driver targeted them with the car. As a result of the crash, two of the girls received severe injuries and broken bones. The third victim, Kiran, unfortunately did not survive. Having landed on the hood of the car, which had increased in speed before coming to an abrupt halt, caused the teen to be catapulted through the air before falling to the ground.

    Such inhumane acts of violence in this southern Asian nation often include the mistreatment of women and children, ranking Pakistan eighth on the World Watch List of countries where Christians face severe persecution. When the country initially upheld the death sentence of Asia Bibi, a young Christian mother who was falsely accused of blasphemy, the case prompted international outrage. More information on persecution in Pakistan, including previously posted updates on Asia's case, is available at the Pakistan Country Report.

    May the 'peace of God that surpasses all understanding' bring needed comfort to the surviving young women, as well as ministry to their families, as He surrounds them with His healing presence and lovingly guides them to wholeness and renewed hope. Pray that they be especially comforted after witnessing the tragic loss of their dear friend. Please also remember Kiran's loved ones who are understandably grieving over what seems to be the premature loss of such a young and vibrant life. Ask the Lord to make His comforting presence known to them as well. In a country where believers are subjected to accusations of blasphemy, severe punishment by law, life-threatening danger, and so many other awful acts of persecution, may the Righteous Judge render true justice by convicting the hearts of their persecutors and bringing them to repentance...miraculously using their wrongdoings for greater good (Romans 8:28).

  • Missing Christian Girl Possibly Kidnapped

    In Lahore Cantt, a young Christian girl by the name of Agnes Shaukat has been missing since November 20th. The girl's family suspect that her employer is involved. According to a rickshaw driver whom the parents hired on a monthly basis to take their daughter to and from a boutique where she was employed, Agnes was dropped off as usual in the morning. However, when the driver went to pick her up in the evening, she never came out. CCTV footage shows Agnes entering the boutique but, unfortunately, the footage of her departure is missing.

    Agnes' father, accompanied by his son Samuel, took this urgent matter to the police. However, instead of registering a case against the missing daughter's employer, Uzma, who is reputed as being very influential in the community, they registered a case against some unknown people. Although the police seem cooperative, no actual efforts have been made to find Agnes. The missing girl's parents are understandably worried and suspect their daughter may have been kidnapped with the knowledge of her employer.

    Apparently, the police have not questioned Uzma about the situation. The parents also suspect that Agnes may have been made to convert to Islam and forced to married a militant Muslim man. In addition, they fear the possibility of never seeing her again, something that happens frequently in Pakistan. For a report on the abduction of Christian women and girls in this country, go to this page.

    Considering the lack of attention shown by authorities in their attempts to locate Agnes, may the Lord -- who knows exactly what happened and who is involved -- personally take up this case on behalf of the distraught family. With His divine intervention, may Agnes be freed by her abductors so she can be joyfully reunited with her family. In the interim, ask God to strengthen and comfort this young girl, providing her with a safe and sure way of escape. More generally, pray that the authorities in Pakistan will be diligent in upholding justice so all Christian girls can be protected from incidents of kidnapping and forceful conversion.

  • Religious Freedom Making Strides Nationally

    Shahbaz Bhatti was
    assassinated for
    speaking out against
    the blasphemy laws.

    Four years after Pakistan's government minister Shahbaz Bhatti was killed for objecting to the country's blasphemy laws, his brother, Paul Bhatti, told members of the United Kingdom's parliament that religious freedom in Pakistan appears to be growing.

    Over the past 20 years, religiously motivated violence has killed an estimated 60,000 people within the country. Mindful of the risks Christians and other minority groups in Pakistan are facing, Paul states, "We are still facing the cruel and harsh realities of violence against the weak and voiceless." Yet, he also conveys a sense of optimism: "I am pleased to share with you that I feel and see that Pakistan is changing." This is largely due to the success of various military and civilian operations against terror, including the banning of extremist organizations and the weakening of terrorism.

    Unfortunately, the present blasphemy laws, which are embedded in Sections 295 and 298 of the Pakistan Penal Code, can carry the death penalty. And there are no provisions to punish a false accuser or a false witness of blasphemy. Last October, the Lahore High Court upheld the death penalty for Christian mother Asia Bibi who was accused by coworkers of allegedly defiling their water bowl and blaspheming Islam. Previous reports on Asia's case are available here.

    Following the assassination of former Punjab Governor Salman Taseer, who condemned the death penalty on behalf of Asia Bibi, the Supreme Court has upheld the penalty for the charged assassin, Mumtaz Qadri (the late governor's bodyguard). "We can gain inspiration and courage by looking to those who have gone before us; who stood for peace, justice and unity at such great cost," summarizes Paul Bhatti. He is hopeful that the peaceful, tolerant and religiously plural society envisioned by the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, is achievable.

    Pakistan's Christian citizens, and all of us who share their burdens in prayer, can thank the Lord for the country's successful strides against terrorist activity. May this be the beginning of even greater achievements politically, judicially and spiritually in the future, including the need for amendments to the existing blasphemy laws. Please continue to uphold Asia Bibi, the Christian mother of five who is still on death row, asking for God's intervention, favour and ongoing protection over her life. As Paul Bhatti and others generate awareness about the plight of Pakistani believers like Asia, may the Lord increase their influence and courage so they can effectively motivate others to stand for truth and righteousness, and thus bring about more positive changes in their nation.

  • Militants Threaten Victimized Christian Family

    Almost one year after the brutal rape of two teenage Christian girls, the perpetrators of the crime, Muhammad Shahbaz and Muhammad Azeem, were acquitted due to the absence of a prosecutor and the false testimony of a bribed witness. On November 28th, 2014, the sisters were walking through a field towards a washroom facility near their village of Jaranwala, Faisalabad, when the young men abducted them at gunpoint. "I pleaded with them not to do anything to us," one of the girls attested. "For talking, I was slapped in the face and punched hard in my stomach." Both young men, ranging between 25 to 30 years old, took the girls to a house and raped them repeatedly through the night.

    Following an October 10th court hearing at Jaranwala Trial Court, the assailants were acquitted five days later. "The case has allegedly been lost due to the unreliability of a key witness," claims Wilson Chowdhry, head of the British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA). "Previously a family friend, (the witness) has been accused of taking a bribe and altering his statement in lieu of this payment." In addition, the girls' father has expressed disappointment over the lack of legal representation his daughters received. "The lawyer didn't fight the case very well and with commitment," he told the BPCA. "Mostly, he stayed absent from the hearings of the case." The disappointed father intends to appeal to the High Court.

    Since pressing charges, this family has also survived gunshots directed at their home, presumably in objection of their decision to prosecute. Concerned by ongoing death threats, they have been forced to relocate with fears that it may be impossible to return home. Unfortunately, both girls are struggling with depression as a result of the trauma they experienced and the unjust outcome of their case. For the past several decades, Christian women in Pakistan have endured sex crimes, as well as forced conversions and marriages. Crimes against believers often remain unprosecuted due to the treats of Islamist militants and the assumption that the victims are largely impoverished. Pakistan consists of a Muslim majority, representing 96 percent of the country's population. To learn more about the various challenges faced by believers in Pakistan, click here.

    Ask the Lord to render justice for the victimized teenage girls, providing them much needed comfort and healing in the process. May He also bring conviction to the hearts of the assailants, helping these men to realize the seriousness of their crimes against the innocent members of their community. In a general sense, pray for the protection of all believers in Pakistan -- whether from unjust accusations and resulting imprisonment, acts of violence or, as in the case of these girls, sex crimes and possibly forced conversions/marriages. In addition, please uphold those who are intervening on behalf of this family, asking God to guard their hearts and grant them the resources, wisdom and direction required to bring about a favourable resolution and restoration.

  • Court Clears Way for Family Visitation
    Asia's husband and daughters

    A Pakistani court has directed the Punjab provincial government and police to permit the father of death row convict Asia Bibi visitation rights, a family lawyer recently announced. The directive comes two days after Soran Masih filed a petition in the Lahore High Court demanding access to his daughter. Prior to this, authorities had repeatedly blocked him from the prison, which is located in the central Pakistani city of Multan, following Asia's conviction for blasphemy.

    "Judge Muhammad Anwar ul Haq issued directives to the jail superintendent of Multan and the Home Department to let Soran Masih and his family members see Asia Bibi," the lawyer explains. "We are thankful to the high court for (responding with) swift action to our petition." As a result, Asia's father and other close family members are now able to visit the imprisoned believer and further encourage her during this extremely trying time.

    The Christian mother of five has been imprisoned since 2009 for allegedly insulting the Prophet Mohammed -- a charge Asia denies, claiming she was targeted after drinking water from a vessel used by Muslim farm workers. The fellow workers, who say it's forbidden for a Christian to drink water from the same container, have accused Asia of blasphemy. Another appeal has been presented to the Supreme Court regarding her death sentence. Previous reports with additional links (including one leading to an informative video clip) on Asia's case can be reviewed here.

    While we can praise God for the court's recent decision to grant visitation rights to Asia's family, please continue to pray that justice will ultimately prevail -- along with a favourable outcome -- regarding the blasphemy charges against her. In the meanwhile, may this lengthy and challenging ordeal that Asia and her family have endured be used by the Lord to raise awareness of the injustice and horrific abuses posed by the country's current blasphemy laws, prompting significant changes in the judicial system for the protection of Christians and citizens of other minority groups.

  • Villagers Beaten in Hunt for ''Blasphemer''
    Pray for protection and fair treatment of all Pakistani citizens.
    Photo: Barnabas Fund

    Police in Pakistan recently detained a believer who was accused of "blasphemy" by business rivals. In their search for him, they had also physically beaten several local Christians. Allegations against Pervaiz Masih, 35, arose after he won a contract to supply sand in Garra village, Kasur district. Hundreds of Muslims took to the streets and threatened to burn him alive.

    When Pervaiz went into hiding, police raided several Christian homes in their attempt to find him. During the process, they beat and insulted the local believers, including a pregnant woman and a mother of a newborn baby. Authorities also detained two of the accused's brothers temporarily. Pervaiz later surrendered himself to police and is now being held in the district jail.

    Authorities reportedly announced that Pervaiz has confessed to the charges against him. However, local Christians insist the allegations are false and that his "confession" has been extracted under duress. Recalling the murder of brick kiln workers Shahzad and Shama Masih last year, the detained man's family has had to flee Garra. For a previously posted report on this earlier incident, click here.

    Please ask God to protect Pervaiz and his family, as well as the 15 to 20 other Christian families in Garra village, most of whom are poor farm labourers. May appropriate action be taken to ensure that the Punjab police uphold the rights of all citizens, including minority Christians. "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him." (Nahum 1:7)