
North Korea

  • Reach out to suffering North Korean believers this Christmas

    Our brothers and sisters in North Korea continue to covet our prayers. Under the rule of Kim Jong Il, the needs of North Koreans continue to be sacrificed in order to bolster the power and control of his regime. North Koreans are currently suffering severely because of skyrocketing inflation and the shortage of daily necessities; many are starving to death. Among the hardest hit are followers of Christ, who are treated with particular cruelty for refusing to renounce Christ -- an action that recognizes an authority greater than the "Dear Leader."

    For a second year, VOM's Christmas Blessing Fund is supplying believers in North Korea with gift packages that contain food, toiletries, medication, clothing and Christian literature. This on-going project, with distributions made throughout the year, helps to fulfill persecuted believers' basic needs.

    Get involved in this exciting project today as we grasp the hands of our brothers and sisters in North Korea and share the blessing of Christmas with them! To make a donation securely online, go to our donation page. You can also send your financial gifts by mail or call us at 1.905.670.9721.

    Pray for boldness and strength for Christians living in North Korea. Pray for God's provision for those suffering in prison camps and living in deplorable conditions. Pray that North Korean Christians will have opportunities to share the love of Christ, even with those who oppress them. Pray that God's unrestrained mercy will spill over North Korea, frustrating the wicked (Psalm 146:9b) and delivering the oppressed (Psalm 40:11-13).

    For more on believers suffering for serving Christ in North Korea, visit the North Korea Country Report.

  • Pray for North Korean Christians amid political transition

    The recent naming of Kim Jong Un, the youngest son of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il, as Vice Chairman of the Worker's Party Central Military Commission has led the nation into a political transition which many view as a turning point for the country's Christian population. On October 10, during what is said to be the largest military parade staged by North Korea, the nation was officially introduced to Kim Jong Un, who is expected to succeed his ailing father as the country's leader. Little is known about Kim Jong Un. Some are hopeful that his appointment to leadership will lead to an improvement in the ruthless treatment of Christians in the nation, where believers are regularly imprisoned, tortured and even killed for following Christ.

    Ask God to protect and encourage North Korean Christians during these political changes. Pray that believers will be fortified by His love and sustained by His power as they look ahead to the future. Pray that God will reveal Himself to Kim Jong Il and graciously transform his heart and the hearts of his subordinates so that they will embrace Christ.

    Learn more about the plight of North Korean Christians by visiting the country profile at theNorth Korea Country Report.

  • Underground church leaders executed

    Three leaders of an underground house church in North Korea have been executed and 20 of their Christian associates jailed. North Korean police raided a house in Kuwal-dong in Pyungsung county, Pyongan province, and arrested all 23 believers who had gathered for a "religious function."

    Three "ringleaders" were tried, sentenced to death, and executed soon afterwards. The other 20 were reportedly sent to prison camp No. 15 in Yodok. The arrests and executions happened in mid-May -- the news, however, only recently emerged from the so-called "hermit kingdom." The events have also been confirmed by North Korea Intellectual Solidarity, a group of North Korean defectors based in Seoul committed to raising awareness of injustice and promoting reform in their homeland. The 23 Christians had reportedly come to faith after some of them travelled to mainland China on business and came into contact with the church there. (Sources: Release International, AsiaNews)

    Please pray for believers in North Korea who follow Jesus at great risk. May they have opportunities to meet together to provide encouragement to one another. Pray for all those in authority in this nation, ask the Lord to favour them with wisdom, compassion and the light of the Gospel. Please pray that those in prison may know of the love and presence of their Heavenly Father.

    For more information on suffering Christians in North Korea, go to theNorth Korea Country Report.

  • Gospel balloons launched

    Since North Korea is so restrictive, one has to be creative in finding methods of sharing the gospel! The Voice of the Martyrs has been involved in deploying balloons filled with gospel tracts and believers' testimonies to North Korea.

    Another balloon launch is scheduled in July. Pray that the literature successfully gets into the hands of many North Koreans. Pray that the literature will plant seeds of God's truth and that many more will come to know the Lord. Ask God to protect those working to share God's Word in North Korea.

    To learn more about persecution in North Korea,click here.

  • ''Dear Leader'' celebrates lavish birthday while citizens suffer

    On February 16, North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Il, celebrated his 68th birthday with many festivities, including dance performances and the screening of a documentary promoting himself as a great leader. However, the reality for the people living in this restrictive nation is starkly different. In particular, North Koreans are currently suffering severely because of sky-rocketing inflation and the shortage of daily necessities. Nationwide, more and more people are starving to death. In Hwanghae province, there are increasing numbers of homeless children and people dying of starvation. A recent report from a North Korean Christian stated, "It's normal to see children lying dead on the street."

    Christianity is considered a political crime in North Korea, since it recognizes an authority greater than the "Dear Leader." Merely possessing a Bible risks public execution and tens of thousands of believers are incarcerated as political criminals in the country's concentration camps. Many don't survive more than a few years and those who are not killed usually starve. (Sources: Open Doors USA, Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin, The Christian Post)

    Pray for boldness and strength for Christians living in North Korea. Pray that those living in hopelessness in this restrictive nation will find hope in Christ. Pray that Kim Jong Il will repent of his evil deeds and turn to Jesus for forgiveness. Pray that God's unrestrained mercy will spill over North Korea, frustrating the wicked (Psalm 146:9b) and delivering the oppressed (Psalm 40:11-13).

    To find out more about the plight of North Korean Christians,click here.

  • Former North Korean propaganda officer now spreads message of Christ

    Kim Sung Min, keynote speaker for the
    2009 Persecuted Church Prayer Conferences

    Kim Sung Min, a former propaganda officer for the North Korean Army, is now fighting for the freedom and faith of his home country. The Voice of the Martyrs, a Canadian-based ministry dedicated to glorifying God by serving His Persecuted Church, invites you to attend a special conference in Mississauga, Ontario on March 28 and Edmonton, Alberta on April 4 to hear Mr. Kim's harrowing story of escape from North Korea and discover the hope he sees in the new Underground University.

    Once a diehard socialist, Mr. Kim became disillusioned when he saw the lack of freedom and opportunity in North Korea while serving in the military. After defecting, being arrested and escaping again, Mr. Kim began spreading a new message of hope and liberty.

    Mr. Kim's eyes were opened to the modern-day Holocaust that was going on around him in North Korea, where Christianity is illegal and even failing to keep a portrait of Kim Jong-Il clean can mean being sent to a political prison camp. Like thousands of other North Koreans, he defected to China. But his newfound Christian faith compelled him to spread that message of hope to his fellow North Koreans. So, he became a prominent freedom fighter and advocate for religious freedom for North Korea.

    Mr. Kim founded Free North Korean Radio and now is leading another effort -- training North Korean exiles through Underground University to return to their homeland to serve and grow the North Korean church. Mr. Kim serves as Dean of Underground University in Seoul, South Korea -- a joint project of Seoul USA and The Voice of the Martyrs-Canada.

    To learn more about the intense persecution facing Christians in North Korea, click here.

  • Jailed Christian Aid Worker Freed

    Je Yell Kim
    Je Yell Kim
    Photo from
    The Star
    A Canadian aid worker, Je Yell Kim, who was arrested by North Korean security officials on charges related to "national security" in the city of Rajin while trying to cross the North Korean border to China on November 3, was released late last week. Kim's release followed the diplomatic visit of Ted Lipman, Canada's ambassador to South Korea, to the capital of Pyongyang last week. Foreign Affairs did not comment on the nature of the negotiations involved in Kim's release. The exact charges on which he was arrested remain unknown. However, during an interrogation, Kim reportedly wrote in a statement that he had criticized the North Korean regime and tried to set up a church in the northern area of the country. Kim also oversees a dental clinic and two hospitals in an impoverished region of the nation.

    For security reasons, Kim's current location has not been made public. At last report Canadian officials were facilitating his reunion with his family. Recently, it was reported that his health was "deteriorating" in prison.

    Thank the Lord for Kim's release. Ask the Lord to comfort and strengthen him as he recovers from his time in prison. Pray that he and Christians in North Korea will keep their eyes on Jesus, persevere in their faith, and not grow weary or lose heart (Hebrews 10:32-39;12:1-3).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in North Korea, go to theNorth Korea Country Report. 

    Last week, The Voice of the Martyrs announced a campaign entitled "Praying for a Revelation in North Korea (PRNK)" (click here for more details). For more information on how you can get involved, download the free kit.

  • Praying For a Revelation in North Korea (PRNK)

    Pray for a Revival in North KoreaIn 1 Timothy 2:1-4, Paul gives instructions that "supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." The Voice of the Martyrs has committed to pray for the political leadership, and especially for Premier Kim Jong Il, of North Korea throughout 2008. We have developed a special kit designed to assist you in joining us in this worthwhile ministry. Join us in praying for a revelation of God in North Korea in 2008 by asking for our free PRNK kit today! Call us at 905.670.9721 or you can download it here

    Find out more about this initiative by The Voice of the Martyrs to pray for leaders in persecuting countries by subscribing to The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter. The February edition will focus on praying for the leaders of North Korea, China, and Eritrea. Click here to subscribe today.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in North Korea, go to theNorth Korea Country Report.

  • Christians Arrested, Whereabouts Unknown

    Pyongyang, North KoreaIn September, the National Security Service of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) announced the arrest of several "foreign spies" and "native citizens working for a foreign intelligence service." The Voice of the Martyrs has learned that those arrested were in fact Christians and not spies. The names of all those arrested are not yet known. However, VOMC partners have identified the following nine Christians who have disappeared and are believed to have been arrested by government authorities: Mr. Chul Huh, Mr. Chun-Il Jang (39), Mr. Myung-Chul Kim (36), Mr. Young-Su Jin (32), Mr. Nam-Suk Kang (48), Mr. San-Ho Kang (36), Mr. Suk-Chun Suh (29), Ms. Mi-Hae Park (30), Ms. Young-Yae Lee (37). The whereabouts of these individuals is unknown. It is possible that they have already been tried and executed.

    Pray that the loved ones of those arrested will find peace in the fact that God works all things for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Pray that North Korea's leaders will come to repentance and faith in Christ (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in North Korea, go to theNorth Korea Country Report.

  • Evangelist Executed for Bible Distribution

    A North Korean evangelist has been executed for possessing and distributing a Korean New Testament, according to a January 8 press release from the World Bible Translation Center (www.wbtc.com/).

    Although there are few details regarding the nature and circumstances of the death, there have been reports that have confirmed the incident. WBTC's U.S. office is attempting to gather additional information at this time.

    Persecution of Christians in North Korea is wide-spread but few reports are available because of the oppressive situation in the nation. Those who possess or distribute the Bible are subject to a minimum sentence of thirteen years imprisonment and a maximum sentence of death. According to reports, the simple one-colour cover of the New Testament had become recognizable to the North Korean authorities. WBTC is working to put the Scriptures into other formats in order to help protect those putting their lives at risk to spread God's Word to the people of North Korea.

    In response to the severe persecution of Christians in North Korea, a coalition of organizations, which includes the World Evangelical Alliance and Christian Solidarity Worldwide, has proclaimed 2007 an international Year of Prayer for North Korea.  Visit the Pray for North Korea 2007 website (www.pfnk.org/ ) for more information on the inter-agency prayer effort.

    Pray that those who are mourning for this Korean evangelist will find comfort in the fact that Christ is victorious over death and that those who die in Christ will be raised with Him. Pray that Christians in North Korea will confidently entrust themselves to Christ so that they can preach the gospel without hesitation (2 Timothy 1:7-12). Ask God to use His Church to bring Christ's love, forgiveness and blessing to those who persecute His people (Romans 12:14, 21).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in North Korea,click here.