

  • Lawlessness Heightens Call to Prayer
    Hassana and Hussaina Garba - Photo: Facebook
    Hassana and Hussaina Garba
    Photo: Facebook

    The violence dominating areas of Nigeria continues as Fulani herdsmen terrorize village communities. Unfortunately, Christians are frequently targeted in these attacks. On September 18th, a church elder was shot in the stomach and his twin daughters kidnapped from their home in Katsina State. Thankfully, Ibrahim Garba survived the attack and received treatment in hospital. His teenaged daughters, Hassana and Hussaina, were released three days later.

  • Ongoing Atrocities in Kaduna State
    Godwin Jonathan Bakoshi  - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Godwin Jonathan Bakoshi
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Christians residing in Nigeria's Kaduna State have faced a series of attacks by gunmen in recent weeks, resulting in numerous deaths, in addition to kidnappings. While the exact numbers vary, the victims include children, youth and adults.

  • Men Assassinated as Warning to Christians
    Execution in Nigeria

    A Nigerian terrorist group released a video on July 22nd showing five men lined up for execution. The group included three humanitarian aid workers who disappeared last month, along with a security guard and a state employee.

  • Reports of "Unfolding Genocide"
    Mass funeral in Nigeria - Photo: VOMC

    For several years, suffering has been a way of life for Christians in Nigeria. In 2010, the International Criminal Court (ICC) opened a preliminary examination into this troubling situation which was formerly caused by the violence of Boko Haram militants. Thousands of lives have been lost throughout the years that followed, along with the destruction of numerous homes and churches, and the abduction of hundreds of innocent victims -- including teen Leah Sharibu who was taken captive in February 2018 and is still missing to date.

  • Hundreds Slain in Campaign of Violence
    Rev. Yunusa Nmadu

    Attempts to stay current with the reporting of attacks and destruction in Nigeria can seem devastatingly futile. The description expressed by VOMC's CEO Floyd Brobbel, as it being "an epic battle," is apropos. One witness defines the situation as an "atmosphere of anarchy and despair." A report from the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law states that at least 620 Christians have been killed in the first five months of 2020 alone.

  • At Least 37 Dead in Kaduna State
    Baby injured in the attacks - Photo: Church in Chains
    This baby girl suffered a bullet
    wound during one of the attacks.
    Photo: Church in Chains

    Two recent attacks in Kaduna State show the extent of violence facing Nigerian Christians due to the terrorism of Fulani militia groups....

    On the evening of May 11th, Fulani gunmen laid siege to the village of Gonan Rogo in the Kajuru area. Entire households were wiped out as the militants went from house to house, killing those they found. In one home, Jonathan Yakubu was slaughtered, along with his wife and three young children. In another home, a mother and child were killed, but a three-month-old baby girl miraculous survived a bullet wound to her head. The baby is now in the care of her aunt. In all, 17 people were killed that night and six injured. Ages of the victims ranged from young children to the elderly.

  • Justice Declared for Kidnapped Girl
    Ese Oruru - Photo: Facebook
    Photo: Facebook

    On August 12th, 2015, a 13-year-old girl named Ese Rita Oruru was kidnapped from her home in Bayelsa State of southern Nigeria. After being taken to the northern state of Kano, she was raped, forcibly converted to Islam, and married to her kidnapper.

  • Violence Continues Unabated
    Christians survey the damage from a Fulani attack. - Photo: Release International www.releaseinternational.org
    Photo: Release International

    The ongoing violence in Nigeria by Fulani herdsmen has continued unabated. Christian villagers and churches are frequently targeted by militants holding to strict Islamic ideology. In recent weeks, several incidents have come to light, indicating the need for continued prayer, as well as a call for action by Nigerian authorities. In this report, a few of the more recent incidences will be highlighted.

  • Dozens Slain in Ongoing Violence
    Fulani boy with cattle - Pixabay / dotun55
    Pray that the Lord will draw Fulani herdsmen to the knowledge of His forgiveness and grace.

    Human rights organizations monitoring the ongoing violence taking place against Christians in Nigeria are now raising concerns of an imminent genocide. More than 50 believers have been killed in the month of March and over a dozen more during the first week of April. Since the beginning of 2020, at least 410 Christians have been murdered. Most of the violence was perpetrated by jihadist Fulani militants. For more details on the suffering facing Nigeria's Christians, go to our country report.

  • Kidnapped Girl Successfully Escapes
    Sadiya Amos and her mother - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Sadiya Amos Chindo (on right)
    with her grateful mother.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    On the night of January 5th, Sadiya Amos had just finished a New Year's celebration when she was abducted. Two days later, her father was forced to attend a Sharia court where he was accused of preventing Sadiya from converting to Islam. A fake birth certificate was presented as evidence that she was 19 years old, rather than her true age of 17. Throughout the proceedings, the court refused to allow the teen's parents any access to her, nor let them know where she was located.