

  • Elections May Bring Sharia Law

    As presidential elections are set to begin in Nigeria on April 19, the possibility of Sharia law spreading to more states increases. The front-runners in the election are Olusegun Obasanjo, the current president and a Christian from the south, and Muha-mmadu Buhari, a Muslim northerner.

    At present, twelve of Nigeria's thirty-six states are governed by Islamic Sharia law. According to a March 31 report from CNSNews, Josiah Warron, press attache at the Nigerian Embassy in Kenya, expects this number to increase if Muha-mmadu Buhari wins the election.

    Since the election is taking place during the Easter Season, some Christian leaders are concerned that Christians may be less likely to vote. Pray that the elections will be free of violence and corruption. Pray that the upcoming elections will not increase the tensions already existing in the country and that religious freedom will be strengthened throughout the country.

  • Four Christians Killed by Police

    Nigerian federal police officers killed four Catholics and injured eight others for refusing to pay a bribe, according to a report from Compass Direct received on January 27. A group was returning from a crusade and prayer vigil on December 14 when police stopped their bus. According to one of the passengers who escaped, the bus driver refused to pay a bribe because of his faith and was then shot point-blank. When others in the group intervened, they were also shot while the rest fled on foot.

    In response to the killings, the governor of Enugu, Chinwoke Mbadinuju, ordered all federal police units to leave the state and is calling for the federal government to address the issue of violence by security forces.

    Bribery of officials in Nigeria is extremely common. Pray that those who refuse because of conscience will be protected. Pray that justice and the rule of law will be enforced. Pray for the families and friends of those killed. Pray for a full and quick recovery for those injured.