Appeal Denied for Pastor
Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya
Photo: Christian Solidarity WorldwideIn November 2021, Keshav Raj Acharya, the pastor of the Abundant Harvest Church in Pokhara, Nepal, was convicted of proselytising and, as a result, sentenced to two years in prison. Even though his sentence was reduced to one year upon appeal, Pastor Keshav subsequently appealed to the Supreme Court of Nepal. For more details, read these reports.
Church Attacked as Part of Growing Trend
A church service in Nepal.
Photo: World Watch MonitorTwo churches in the same town of Nepal's Lumbini Province were attacked during the first four days of September. Reports describing the incident indicate that damage was done to the facilities of both churches, as well as to a motorbike. In one photograph, two men identified as pastors are shown being assaulted on the street. A sticky black substance was smeared on their faces in an act considered a cultural sign of disrespect and hatred.
Pastor Keshav Released on Bail
Photo: Voice of America Since March 2020, Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya of the Abundant Harvest Church in Pokhara, Nepal, has faced numerous allegations and charges. Initially charged with spreading false information about COVID-19, the pastor was eventually cleared of all accusations. However, he was later arrested for two cases of "outraging religious feelings." In July 2022, he was convicted and sentenced to one year in prison. (For more information, click here.)
Pastor Receives One-Year Sentence
Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya
Photo: Christian Solidarity WorldwidePastor Keshav Raj Acharya of the Abundant Harvest Church in Pokhara, Nepal, has faced ongoing pressure from Nepalese authorities over the past two years. Initially detained in March 2020, he was accused of spreading false information about COVID-19 after uttering a recorded statement that "God is able to heal." Eventually those charges were dropped, but the pastor was arrested twice more for allegedly trying to convert Hindus to Christianity and "outraging religious feelings." In November 2021, he was convicted but granted bail a month later while appealing the ruling (see this page).
Pastor Released on Bail Pending Appeal
Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya
Photo: Christian Solidarity WorldwideIn November 2021, Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya of the Abundant Harvest Church in Pokhara, Nepal, was convicted of proselytising and thus sentenced to two years in prison. He was initially arrested because of a video that had been released without his knowledge in which he claimed that the COVID-19 virus could be healed through prayer. He was later re-arrested for "outraging religious feelings" and "attempting to convert" others to Christianity. (To review a previously posted report on this case, go to this report.)
Pastor Sentenced to Prison for Evangelism
Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya
Photo: Christian Solidarity WorldwidePastor Keshav Raj Acharya of the Abundant Harvest Church in Pokhara, Nepal, was initially arrested and detained in March 2020 after a video was released in which he allegedly claimed that the COVID-19 virus could be healed through prayer. The pastor denies ever uploading the video. He was initially released on bail but then re-arrested and charged with "outraging religious feelings" and "attempting to convert." Pastor Keshav was detained in a remote area of the country with restricted access to transportation.
Pastor Finally Released on Bail
Pastor Keshav and his wife Junu after his release.
Photo: Morning Star NewsPastor Keshav Raj Acharya was finally released on bail in late June after spending three months in prison. Sources state that the bail amount was exorbitant, considering the charges against him.
Pastor Keshav was first arrested on March 23rd, after a video was uploaded to YouTube in which he allegedly stated that God could heal COVID-19 through prayer. Despite denying that he uploaded the video, Pastor Keshav was arrested after being asked to pray for a woman who had contracted the virus. He was then charged with spreading false information and misleading his followers.
Video Leads to Threats
Hindus make up over 80 percent
of Nepal’s population.A video leaked to social media has forced a pastor into hiding. Sukdev Giri, pastor of Trinity Fellowship church has received death threats from Hindu militants. Family and friends have also faced threatening phone calls.
In March, Pastor Sukdev spoke at the International Christian Media Workers Summit. In his presentation, he shared about his journey to Christ and discussed the various belief systems in Nepal. While the interview was recorded to video, access was restricted due to its sensitive nature. However, one unidentified woman reposted the video to YouTube on August 11th, leading to a flood of hostile comments. The video received over 750,000 views before it was removed.
Assaulted Pastor Recovering from Trauma
Pastor Dhurba is still recovering from the attack.
Photo: Morning Star NewsMore than a month after Pastor Dhurba Kumar Pariyar was attacked by Maoist rebels, he remains in pain and faces mental trauma. Despite that, he has found strength in the Scriptures, as well as the testimonies of others who have suffered for their faith.
Pastor Dhurba was riding a motorcycle on his way back from distributing toys and supplies to poor children when he was stopped by two other motorcyclists. After confirming his identity, the pastor was pulled off and dragged towards the jungle. The attackers accused him of preaching a foreign religion and bribing people to convert. While beating him, they threatened his life if he did not hand over any American money that was with him at the scene. The men fled when a vehicle passed by and the headlights fell on them.
Five Christians Arrested
(From left) Pastor Dilli Ram Paudel, Kunsang Tamang, Gaurav Shrivastava and Leanna Cinquanta share a meal in Nepal.
Photo: Morning Star NewsFive Christians, including two foreign nationals, were arrested on April 23rd on allegations of attempted proselytization. The arrests happened during an early morning raid on a hotel in Ghorahi. The police seized Bibles, computers and other items, including American currency. Before being arrested for preaching Christianity and converting through allurement, the five were scheduled to attend a Christian conference that day.