

  • Muslim militants attack church in Baghdad

    Our Lady of Salvation church after the attack
    Photo from Ankawa.com
    On October 31, at least 46 Christians were killed and more than 80 others severely injured when Islamic militants stormed the Syriac Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad's Karrada district during Mass. The gunmen, armed with automatic weapons and explosives, entered the building and demanded that the Coptic Church of Egypt release Iranian women, whom the extremists claim voluntarily converted to Islam and were locked up by the church. The men then shot a priest and began spraying the crowd with bullets. Hours of terror, confusion and bloodshed followed.

    One of the gunmen reportedly called a local TV network during the siege. He said he was part of the Islamic State of Iraq, a group linked to al-Qaida, and demanded the release of the Muslim women within 48 hours. After four hours, security forces stormed the church and put an end to the hostage situation.

    Later that evening, a cryptically worded statement that appeared to claim responsibility for the attack was posted on a website belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq. The statement said that an "angry group of mujahideen from among the supporters of Allah raided one of the filthy dens of idolatry that was used by the Christians of Iraq as a headquarters to fight the religion of Islam." The group also stated that it would "exterminate Iraqi Christians," if the Muslim women in Egypt were not freed.

    At press time, the total number of causalities from the attack was still being confirmed. Most reports indicate that 58 people were killed and at least 80 injured.

    Pray for God's abiding comfort for those mourning the loss of loved ones. Pray that even in the aftermath of this brutal violence, Iraqi Christians will keep their eyes on Jesus, persevere in their faith, and not grow weary or lose heart. (Hebrews 10:32-39; Hebrews 12:1-3). Pray for peace and stability in Iraq.

    For more information on the suffering of Iraq's Christian community, go to theIraq Country Report.

  • Christian killed in targeted bomb attack

    A Christian man, Behnam Sabti (54), was instantly killed when a bomb attached under his car exploded on July 5 in Mosul, Iraq. Local sources believe that Behnam, who worked as a nurse at Mosul's Jumhuriya hospital, was killed because of his "religious identity." He was married with three children.

    Iraqi officials report that, on a national scale, violence has been decreasing in recent months. Nevertheless, people are still living in fear, particularly Christians and other religious minorities who are often targeted for their faith. (Source: AsiaNews)

    Pray for the family of Behnam as they mourn the loss of their husband and father. Pray that those responsible for this attack will be found and brought to justice. Pray for peace in Iraq and that Christians will be able to live out their faith in freedom.

    For more information on the difficulties facing Iraq's Christian community, visit theIraq Country Report.

  • Christian man shot and killed in Kirkuk

    Christians in Iraq have expressed fear of renewed violence after 34-year-old Hani Salim Wadi was shot and killed in front of his home in Kirkuk on June 7. Hani, a Christian businessman, is survived by his wife and daughter. Those who witnessed the shooting have described it as a "targeted killing." Several Christians in Kirkuk and Mosul have been the targets of serious attacks in recent months (click here for more information). Chaldean Archbishop Emil Nona said: "We are seeing another, the umpteenth, attack against Christians. The violence continues without relief." (Source: Zenit)

    Pray for those mourning the loss of Hani. Ask God to guard the hearts of Iraqi Christians against fear and enable them to continue serving Him with boldness.

    To learn more about trials facing Christians in Iraq, go to theIraq Country Report.

  • Bomb attack kills one, injures many

    Photo from AsiaNews
    At least 50 Iraqi Christian students are receiving hospital treatment following a bomb attack on May 2 outside the city of Mosul that killed at least one person and has forced nearly 1,000 students to drop classes for the rest of the semester. Nearly 160 people were injured in the blasts that targeted three buses full of Christians travelling to classes at the University of Mosul. The convoy of buses, which brings Christian students from villages east of Mosul to the university, was making its daily route accompanied by two army cars. A roadside bomb followed by a car bomb reportedly exploded in the area of Kokjaly as the buses were clearing a checkpoint staffed by U.S., Iraqi and Iraqi Kurdish soldiers. The owner of a nearby car repair shop, Radeef Hashim Mahrook, was killed in one of the blasts as he tried to help the students. (Source: Compass Direct)

    Pray for comfort for those mourning the loss of Radeef. Ask God to heal the bodies of the injured students. Pray that this experience will lead them to renew their commitment to Christ. Pray that attacks against the Christian community in Iraq will stop.

    To find out more about persecution in Iraq,click here.

  • Another Christian murdered in Mosul

    Sabah Gurgis (55), a Chaldean Catholic business owner in al Saa, Mosul, was shot and killed on March 7. Sabah leaves to mourn his wife and child. His killing is the latest in a series of deadly attacks on believers in the city, including the recent murder of three men earlier this month (click here for more information). (Sources: AsiaNews, AFP)

    Ask God to fill those who mourn for Sabah with a peace that surpasses understanding in the midst of their grief (Philippians 4:7). Ask God to continue to equip Iraqi Christians to be cross-bearing disciples as they serve Him. Pray for the peace of Jesus to reign in this troubled land.

    For more on the suffering of Iraqi Christians, go to theIraq Country Report.

  • Three Christian men murdered in Mosul

    Father Mzen Ishoa
    Father Mzen Ishoa
    Photo from Compass Direct

    Three relatives of Father Mzen Ishoa, a Syro-Catholic priest who was abducted and later released in 2007 (click here for more information), were shot and killed by unknown assailants on February 23. The gunmen forcibly entered the believers' home and opened fire on Aishwa Maroki (59) and his two sons, Mokhlas (31) and Bassim (25). Aishwa's wife and daughter were also in the home but were not harmed. (Sources: Middle East Concern, Catholic News Agency, AFP)

    Pray that those in mourning will know that God is the defender of widows and a Father to the fatherless (Psalm 68:5). Pray that authorities will do all they can to improve security for all citizens of Mosul. Pray that the upcoming elections will lead to greater stability and a reduction of violence in Iraq.

    For more on the suffering of Iraqi Christians, go to theIraq Country Report.

  • Four Christians murdered in Mosul

    The Christian community in Mosul, Iraq was targeted in recent days in brutal attacks that some believe are motivated by the upcoming March 7 parliamentary elections. On February 13, Sabah al Dahhan was kidnapped by a gang that has since demanded a large sum of money for his release. The next day, Rayan Bashir Salem was shot and killed in his home by armed assailants. Rayan's brother was also wounded in the attack. On February 15, a 42-year old believer, Najim Abdullah Fatoukhi, was murdered in front of his fruit and vegetable shop in a drive-by shooting. Two Christian university students, Zayid Thomas (21) and Ramsen Shamyael (22), were shot by a gunman on February 16. Zayid died from his wounds and Ramsen was injured. The following day, another Christian student, Wissam Georges (20), was shot multiple times while on his way to teachers' college. (Sources: AsiaNews, AFP, The Christian Post)

    Pray for the friends and family members mourning the loss of these believers. Pray that the Christian community in Mosul will not be fearful but trust God (Revelation 2:10). Pray that Sabah will be released from his captors unharmed. Pray for protection and stability for other Iraqi believers as the elections approach.

    You can find out more about the plight of Iraqi Christians at theIraq Country Report.

  • Another Christian killed in Mosul

    Saadallah Youssif Jorjis, a 52-year-old Christian man, was shot and killed in Mosul, Iraq on January 17. Saadallah, who owned a fruit and vegetable shop near his home, is mourned by his wife and two daughters. His murder is the latest in a recent series of deadly attacks on the Christian community in Mosul (click here for more information). (Source: AsiaNews)

    Thank the Lord for the life and faith of Saadallah. Ask God to fill his loved ones with a peace that surpasses understanding in the midst of their grief (Philippians 4:7). Pray that Christians in Mosul will not be overcome by feelings of fear or despair following these attacks but will be emboldened by the grace of Christ to continue serving Him.

    For more information on trials facing Christians in Iraq, go to theIraq Country Report.

  • Elderly Christian man killed in Mosul

    A 75-year-old Christian was shot and killed in Mosul, Iraq on January 11. Hikmat Sleiman had just returned home from closing his grocery shop when a group of assailants opened fire, killing him instantly. Local Christians see his murder and the string of other attacks against believers in recent months (click here for more information) as evidence of "ethnic cleansing" designed to force Christians from the area. (Source: AsiaNews)

    Pray for comfort for those mourning the loss of Hikmat. Pray that his attackers will come to know the Lord as their Saviour. Pray that Christians in Mosul will be filled with Christ's peace during these difficult times.

    For more information on the persecution Christians face in Iraq,click here.

  • Christians shot, kidnapped in Mosul

    Christians in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul have continued to face attacks in recent weeks. On December 24, Basil Isho Youhanna was shot and killed in front of his house in the northern neighbourhood of Tahrir. On December 28, a university student, Sarah Edmond Youhanna, was kidnapped from The University of Mosul. The kidnappers have since telephoned Sarah's family and stated they are members of an Islamic group. Two days later, on December 30, a deacon, Zhaki Homo Bashir, was seriously injured when unknown assailants shot him in his shop in the district of al Jadida. (Source: AsiaNews)

    Pray for the loved ones of Basil as they grieve. Pray for a complete recovery for Zhaki. Ask God to protect Sarah and bring her home safely. Pray that authorities will provide protection for Christians and other minorities in the country.

    Learn more about the persecution Christians face in Iraq at theIraq Country Report.