

  • Church in West Java Forced to Close

    While 190 Christians met for worship on March 26, a large mob of Muslims surrounded the building. The angry mob stayed there for five hours, claiming that the Church of Pentecost in Indonesia (PTDI) in the Griya Bukit Jaya Housing Complex, Bogor County , did not have a permit to meet.  Police were finally able to organize a meeting between Fekky Daniel Yangki Tatulus, pastor of the church, and Muslim representatives.  Following the meeting, Tatulus agreed to stop meeting in that location.  However, as Tatulus said, "If this church is closed down, where can my congregation and their children worship the Lord?"

    Pray that Pastor Tatulus and his congregation will find a place to worship without opposition. Pray that the gospel will be preached and the church's testimony will remain strong through this difficult time. Ask God to show His love to the Muslims of Indonesia and that many people will come to Christ through that love expressed in the lives of Christians.

    For more information on persecution of Christians in Indonesia ,click here. Various video reports on the persecution facing Indonesia 's Christians are also available on VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Constitutional Appeal Rejected

    An appeal challenging the constitutionality of Indonesia's Child Protection Act was rejected by Indonesia's Constitutional Court on January 17.  In September 2005, the Child Protection Act was used to convict Rebekka Zakaria, Eti Pangesti and Ratna Bangun to three years in prison for attempting to convert Muslim children. The women's lawyer, Posma Rajagukguk, intends to appeal the women's conviction to a higher court. For more information on the persecution in Indonesia, visitIndonesia's country report.

    A new video clip on the events surrounding the verdict last September, along with the actual court ruling, is now available on VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Eight House Churches Ordered Closed

    Despite a report from AsiaNews on January 10 that Indonesia's Interior Ministry was establishing new regulations intended to ease the rules required for the establishment of new church buildings, eight house churches in Bandung, West Java were ordered to stop services following a January 12 meeting.  According to a January 19 report from Compass Direct, each of the eight churches in the Rancaekek Kencana housing complex had previously applied for a permit but had been rejected.  Despite the order, several of the churches met on January 15 anyway, since there was no other place for them to worship.

    Pray that the believers will be bold in their determination to carry on in their service to Christ. Pray that they will find places to meet and that their testimonies will be strong and effective in their communities.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Indonesia,click here.

  • New Policy Relaxes Restrictions on Church Building Permits

    For the past several months, The Voice of the Martyrs has been monitoring the on-going opposition to small churches in Indonesia and the closure of several buildings.  The lack of a building permit is often used as an impetus by those wanting to stop Christians from meeting. In the past, churches wanting to build a facility often met with deaf ears when they applied for a building permit.  Delays were long and ultimately very few permits were issued. Most churches were forced to worship in virtual secrecy. According to a January 10 report from AsiaNews, new policies from Indonesia's Interior Ministry have been established to ease the rules and streamline the process.  Those wishing to build a church facility must apply to local authorities for a building permit.  After consulting with local residents, all permits should be issued within six months of applying. 

    In 2005, thirty-five churches were closed in West Java by militant Muslims because they lacked the appropriate building permits, even though they had operating licenses from the Religious Affairs Office.  A recent report from VOMC sources in Indonesia name seven previously unreported churches that had been closed in December 2005.

    Praise God for this progress in government policy for the churches of Indonesia. Pray for increasing religious freedom for believers. Pray that churches that have been closed will be allowed to reopen. Pray that the hearts of government leaders in Indonesia will not only be softened to religious freedom, but to Christ Himself.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Indonesia,click here. Video reports on Indonesia may be viewed on https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Bombing Kills Eight in Market

    The death toll from a December 31 bomb blast in a traditional marketplace in Palu, Indonesia has risen to eight with at least fifty-six injured, according to VOMC sources. 

    The market in the Mahesa district of South Palu was well known for selling pork and dog meat; favorites among Christians in the area but forbidden for Muslims.  It is generally acknowledged that the bombing was the action of Islamic militants against those in the predominantly Christian area.  Most of the injuries were the result of shrapnel from the ball bearings and the head of a mortar round used in constructing the bomb. A second, unexploded, bomb was later found in the area. The attack has been widely condemned by Indonesian authorities and there have been a series of arrests.

    Pray for the families of those who died from the explosion:  Tasman Lahasa (39) and his wife, Postedina Malis (35), Agustina Mande (30), Yopi Monon (42) and his wife, Meiso (40), Bambang W Saputra (50), Meme (38) and Puspatina (38). Pray that each grieving family member will find comfort in the fact that their Saviour suffers with them. Ask God to make the victory of the resurrection such a reality that they will find joy in the midst of their pain. Pray that those responsible will find the healing grace of Jesus Christ and be drawn into a personal relationship with Him. Pray that the surrounding communities will witness a Christ-like response to this crime.

    For more details on the persecution of Christians in Indonesia,click here. There are number of video reports on the persecution facing Indonesian Christians available for free viewing on VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Church Seriously Damaged by Fire

    Unknown attackers set fire to the Beth Eden Protestant Church in Manado, Indonesia on the night of December 8.  There were no injuries, even though the pastor and his family were living in the building.  However, the building received extensive damage.  Stephen Liow, the church's pastor, told Asia News that he had been receiving anonymous calls for the past few months from people threatening to burn down the church building.

    The Christmas season in Indonesia has often been a time of suffering for Christians who are targeted by Islamic militants.  Due to the heightened threat of terrorism, thousands of police officers have been put on alert.  A police spokesman said, "Churches and other worship buildings have become our top priority to secure along with entertainment centres, shopping compounds."

    Take time during this season to cover the Indonesian church with prayer for safety. Pray that Pastor Liow will have the heart of Christ as he leads the congregation through this stressful time. Pray that the church will have a Christmas full of celebration. Pray that the attacks on Christians in Indonesia will be stopped. Pray that the faithfulness of believers will spark a new work of the Holy Spirit throughout Indonesia.

    More information on the persecution of Christians in Indonesia is available at Indonesia'scountry report or through video reports available on our multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/, including two recent features from "Overcomers TV."

    (Source: AsiaNews)

  • Five Churches Demolished

    VOMC sources in Indonesia have reported that the Pamong Praja Police bulldozed five church buildings in an area of Tangerang county on November 30 while church members stood in front of their buildings and watched.  When the churches initially heard about the proposed demolitions, they requested a delay until after Christmas.  However, at 11:00 a.m., hundreds of local security officials moved in.  They cleared the buildings of their contents and destroyed the buildings.  The five churches were the Indonesia Protestant Christian Church, Indonesia Pentecost Church, Protestant Batak Christian Huria Church, Indonesia Haleluyah Pentecost Church, and Indonesia Bethel Church.  Officials claim that the church buildings violated residential bylaws.  Church leaders believe, however, that political interests motivated the destruction.

    Pray that the churches in Tangerang county will continue to remain faithful to the Lord despite government opposition. Pray that they will find alternate places to worship soon. Also pray that the Lord will give them a joyous Christmas season of worshipping Christ.

    For more information on the difficulties experienced by Indonesia's Christians,click hereA twenty-minute video on the persecution of Christians in Indonesia entitled "Island Jihad" is also available for viewing on the multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/

  • Mob Terrorizes Sunday School

    As approximately thirty children were gathered in a home in Curug, Indonesia in Sunday, November 27 to study the Bible, a mob of Islamic militants descended upon the home and caused the children to scatter in panic.  According to VOMC sources in Indonesia, the militants destroyed guitars, a keyboard, an organ and a fan as well as several desks and chairs.  They forced the teachers and children out of the house and then "sealed" it with posters denouncing the Sunday school.  One of the teachers, Anton Neta, said that the Sunday school had agreed several months ago, under threat, to stop meeting in the home on January 1, 2006.  They have been meeting there since 1992.

    Uphold these children in your prayers. Ask the Lord to surround them with the quietness of heart that overcomes the fear they experienced during the attack. Pray that the leaders of the Sunday school will have clear direction from the Holy Spirit to know where they should meet next. Pray that what was lost through vandalism will be replaced and that the Sunday school will continue to reach young souls for Christ.

    The Voice of the Martyrs has released a video report on the persecution of Christians in Indonesia entitled "Island Jihad."  To view this video, go to https://www.vomcanada.comFor more information on persecution in Indonesia,click here.

  • Sunday School Teachers Lose Appeal

    On November 22, three Sunday school teachers in Indonesia lost an appeal to have their prison sentences reduced or overturned.  One appeal remains for them.  The three were sentenced on September 1, 2005 to three years in prison for attempting to convert Muslim children to Christianity.  For more information on the persecution of believers in Indonesia, visit Indonesia's country report. To view video clips of the violence that accompanied their original trial, go to https://www.vomcanada.com.

  • Continuing Attacks in Sulawesi

    The Christian community in Sulawesi, Indonesia is in shock after two more attacks this past weekend left one person dead and three others injured.

    In Palu, 150 km from Poso, two women and one man were attacked by men with machetes on Friday, November 18.  Three attackers on a motorcycle approached a second motorcycle carrying 20-year-old Supriyanti and her friends Anca (23) and Evi (20).  Supriyanti was slashed in the neck and Evi's arm was almost severed.  Anca escaped serious injuries.  As they sought medical treatment, they were turned away from the first hospital because the wounds were considered too serious.  Supriyanti died from severe blood loss before they reached a second hospital.

    A second attack in Palu on the following day has left Novlin Pallinggi (37) in critical condition and her husband Pudji Laksono (45) in stable condition after gunmen shot them at close range shortly after they left a church service that evening.  Doctors at the Undata General Hospital in Palu managed to remove a bullet from Pudji's chest.  At last report, they have been unable to dislodge two bullets from Novlin's chest and ribs.

    A city official in Palu has suggested that since the attacks in Poso did not stir up violence between Christians and Muslims as desired, militants may be trying to do so in other communities like Palu.

    Ask God to draw the perpetrators of these crimes to Himself. Pray that Indonesian Christians will continue respond to such acts of violence in a Christ-like manner. Pray that Evi's arm will heal and that she will receive excellent medical care. Pray that Supriyanti's family and friends will be comforted in their loss. Also pray for Anca as he comes to terms with the trauma of having watched one of his friends die from her wounds.  Remember Novlin and Pudji in your prayers as they recover from the gunshot wounds. Pray that the Lord will use these incidents to actually further His Kingdom.

    For more information on persecution in Indonesia,click here.  The Voice of the Martyrs has released a 20-minute feature on the persecution of Christians in Indonesia, entitled "Island Jihad."  To view the video, go to https://www.vomcanada.com.