

  • Christian Family Brutally Beaten

    A 60-year-old Christian man died from injuries experienced during an attack, allegedly by Hindu radicals, in the Bastar District of India's Chhattisgarh State. According to local believers, four members of the family, including a pregnant woman, were brutally beaten because they refused to denounce their Christian faith.

    The attack took place on October 8th in Kuther village. According to locals, the perpetrators broke into the home of Sularam Kashyap and his pregnant wife, Sudri, severely beating the Christian couple along with Sularam's parents. As a result of the attack, all four Christians were hospitalized at the Government District Hospital of Jagdalpur.

    While in the hospital, the Christian family was visited by an aid worker who attempted to record the family's testimony. This reportedly upset police from the Lahundiguda Police Station, who ordered the injured family to leave the hospital on October 15th. Because of the severity of his injuries and the lack of proper medical treatment, Sularam's 60-year-old father, Sukru Kashyap, died at home on October 31st.

    In June 2014, more than 50 villages within the Bastar District, including Kuther village, passed resolutions effectively banning the practice of non-Hindu faiths. Though these resolutions were later ruled unconstitutional by the Chhattisgarh High Court, Hindu radicals have used them to justify assaults, threats and social boycotts against Christians living in the district.

    As a part of the social boycott against Christians, local Hindus blocked Sularam from burying his father in the Kuther village graveyard. Thankfully, Sularam was able to perform the burial there the next day but only after police intervention.

    Ask the Lord to minister to this distraught family by healing them of their injuries, strengthening their faith and comforting them in their grief. Thank Him for the faithfulness of their Christian community; praying that they will continue to stand firm and utilize every opportunity to share the Gospel. Intercede for those currently opposing His people, asking God to remove the hatred from their hearts and bring them to a saving knowledge of Christ.

  • Court Acknowledges Plight of Odisha Victims

    Obseswar Nayak stands on the remains of his property for which he was initially offered token compensation.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    According to India's Supreme Court, adequate compensation has not yet been paid to those who've suffered severe loss during the religiously-motivated tide of violence that took place against Christians in the Kandhamal district of Odisha (formerly known as Orissa).

    On August 23rd, 2008, about 100 Christians were killed, 300 churches and 6,000 Christian homes damaged, and 56,000 people displaced by extremists who retaliated the killing of their Hindu leader, Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati. His death sparked the worst case of anti-Christian violence in India's history. The extremists targeted multitudes of innocent believers residing within this district, even though Maoist rebels claimed responsibility for Swami's death.

    After the violence, the local community has struggled to receive adequate compensation from the government. However, Sajan George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians, believes that the Supreme Court's most recent ruling is a positive one: "It is a step forward in justice for the victims of Kandhamal.... The justice procedure is slow and inadequate, but this is a sign of hope."

    Learn more about what it means to be a follower of Jesus for India's Christians by reviewing our country report. Note that there is also a video clip (on the right) featuring a song of praise presented by the orphaned children of the Sideras Children's Home.

    After eight years of hardship -- and for many persecuted victims, homelessness -- it is encouraging to know that the Supreme Court of India has acknowledged the need to properly compensate those whose homes have been badly damaged or destroyed during the violent outbreak. Pray that Odisha's state government will be able to meet this tremendous need for compensation in a timely and efficient manner so displaced Christians can finally resettle in permanent housing and move on with their lives. May God's blessings also be upon the many rescued children whose parents were killed during the massacre so they can continue to heal, grow and thrive in the safety and care of our VOMC-sponsored homes.

  • Ill-Treated Believers Driven from Homes

    Families that were driven out of Katholi village.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Children were among the 28 Christians who were beaten and driven from their homes twice within a two-day period. Local Hindu extremists in Katholi village had summoned four families to a public meeting -- demanding that they recant their faith -- but the families refused. In the first attack, six believers were badly injured and needed medical treatment. When they returned to Katholi the next day, they were subjected again to further physical assault.

    The perpetrators justified the attacks by claiming their "gods were angry" that their neighbours had become Christians. After the police intervened and the assailants agreed not to attack again, the families were able to return to their homes.

    Meanwhile, about 80 kilometres away in Sukma village, other Hindu extremists subjected two Christians to a two-hour "purification" ritual in which one of them was burned as fire-heated coins were forcibly placed on his tongue. He also suffered burns to his back, shoulders, knees and feet. When the two Christians still refused to deny Christ, they were fined as well.

    In India's central Chhattisgarh state, there were 49 reported incidents of organized attacks on Christians between January and April of this year alone. More about persecution in this country is available at the India Country Report.

    Please pray for the peace and protection of Christians throughout Chhattisgarh state, particularly for families in the villages of Katholi and Sukma. May the governing officials in India do more to uphold the religious rights of all citizens so these faithful believers will be able to practise their faith freely. Ask the Lord to change the hearts of those who have inflicted these injuries, helping them to understand the error of their ways and, ultimately, drawing them to faith in Him.

  • Pastor and Pregnant Wife Attacked by Militants

    The pastoral couple’s church and home.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    On April 17th, an Indian pastor and his expectant wife were assaulted, and their church set ablaze, after refusing to offer praise to a Hindu god. Pastor Dinbanhu Sameli, 30, and his expectant wife, Meena, 26 (who was seven months pregnant during the attack), lead a church in the troubled Bastar district of the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh.

    At around 7 p.m., two young men approached the pastor outside his home which is located next to the church. Initially the men asked for prayer, claiming they were from a nearby Methodist church. But they later brought out a sword which they held to the pastor's neck, demanding that the couple shout out the phrase, "Jai Shri Ram" (meaning "Victory to the god Ram").

    "Where is your Jesus?" the two assailants insultingly demanded. To this, Pastor Dinbanhu replied, "We believe that He is with us." When asked, "Why don't you believe in Ram?" the husband and wife remained silent. After the couple refused to comply with demands to praise Ram and stomp on a Bible, the two men took a litre of petrol and set fire to the church building, also destroying the congregation's musical instruments.

    When the sword was placed on Pastor Dinbanhu's shoulder, he admittedly felt fear in his heart but prayed that God would save them. As the church burned, the couple fled and filed a report with the police. The incident took place in the remote village of Karanji, located within the Tokapal area of the sprawling Bastar district, in which there have been several incidents of anti-Christian violence at the hands of Hindu fundamentalists. To learn more about persecution in this country, go to our India Country Report.

    While we can be very thankful that the lives of this pastoral couple have been miraculously spared, we pray that their unborn child will in no way be affected by the attack. Rather may God's hand of protection and blessing be upon this newly created life -- not only in the womb but also for the duration of the child's destined lifespan upon this earth. Ask that the Lord will open the spiritual eyes of the perpetrators (and others of this village community) that they may personally see the promised "Light of the World" through the faithful witness of His people and, therefore, choose to walk in the paths of His righteousness and unfailing love. May the church building be fully restored and equipped for the bold proclamation of the Gospel so that the exuberant praises of His people within this community will reach toward the heavens in rightful honour of our Almighty God.

  • Mob Publically Ridicules Pastor

    Pastor Awdhesh was publicly
    shamed for sharing the Gospel.
    Photo: Alpha Ministries

    In the state of Uttar Pradesh, a Christian pastor was publicly humiliated for allegedly leading a few men in their conversion to Christianity. On January 29th, a mob comprised of more than a hundred activists belonging to Bajrang Dal, a youth organization dedicated to Hindu nationalism, went to the home of Pastor Awdhesh and forcibly took him to the organization's district headquarters in the city of Orai.

    The activists made a public mockery of the pastor by shaving his head, eyebrows, and moustache before placing him on a donkey and parading him along the city's streets. Also, a garland of shoes, considered a symbol of shame in India, was placed around his neck. When police arrived at the scene, the mob refused to release Pastor Awdhesh. Senior officers subsequently arrived with reinforcements to deal with the situation. While there have been claims that the rally initially began with peaceful intentions, police are continuing with their investigation of the mob riot.

    Similar incidences perpetrated by Hindu nationalists have occurred before in India, including the massive outbreak of state-wide violence against Christians in Orissa during August of 2008. According to writer John L. Allen, the "series of riots ended with as many as 500 Christians killed" and, as a result, numerous traumatized children orphaned. Two Christian orphanages in India, assisted by The Voice of the Martyrs Canada, are still providing the orphans needed housing, education and ministry. For additional reports, including a video clip of these children singing at one of the assisted orphanages, go to our India Country Report.

    More recently was another incident of concern. In 2015, five Christian brothers, some of whom are pastors and evangelists, were charged with proselytizing after a video of their street witnessing in a predominantly Hindu city was made public. As their case is still being mediated in the courts, VOMC's legal defence fund continues to cover the believers' legal fees in support of their families.

    May the Lord remind Pastor Awdhesh of the psalmist's encouraging words in Psalm 119:50-52: "This is my comfort in my affliction, that Your promise gives me life. The insolent utterly deride me, but I do not turn away from Your law. When I think of Your rules from of old, I take comfort, O Lord" (ESV). Pray that this publicly humiliated spiritual leader in India will also be greatly comforted in his shame. May Pastor Awdhesh, like the early apostles, rejoice that he has been "counted worthy to suffer dishonour for the name" (Acts 5:41). Let us also prayerfully remember all believers who have been victimized as a result of Hindu nationalist violence, including the surviving loved ones of those slain in the Orissa attacks.

  • Community Disrupted by Brutal Attacks and Forced Conversions
    Several Christians were hospitalized
    after the incident in Chhattisgarh state.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Hindu hardliners brutally attacked members of the Independent Pentecostal Church in Kohkameta, Chhattisgarh state, causing some to be hospitalized and compelling others to reconvert to Hinduism. Worshippers were dragged out of the church and beaten with sticks. There were victims who became unconscious and required hospitalization, including the pastor. Others were forced to sign forms indicating that they have renounced Christianity. "They forced believers to sign," one of the victims stated. "When a believer refused, the villagers began to beat them again." Two days prior to the incident, which took place on October 25th, the attackers had reportedly conspired to end all Christian activities in the village.

    The brutal tactics of the opposing villagers have caused four assaulted families to reluctantly reconvert to Hinduism. Five other believers were reinitiated at a local Hindu temple. Those in the hospital were also forced to sign the forms, even though some were illiterate. The pledge is a court affidavit, which means anyone who violates it could be arrested. Despite being threatened with death if police were told, the assaulted Christians reported the incident to police and the media. When questioned by the authorities, the opposing villagers made their own complaints to police, telling them that the Christians had beaten them and disposed of their gods and goddesses. Previous prayer alerts concerning persecuted followers of Christ in India, as well as informative video reports and testimonies, are available at the India Country Report.

    May there be an end to the spread of such violence and forceful coercion by those who oppose Christianity. Please intercede for them so that their spiritual eyes will be opened to the truth of the Gospel and their hearts receptive to the ministry of the Holy Spirit. While God is preparing the hearts of the unsaved, ask Him to strengthen the believers' commitment to Christ -- enabling them to defend the Gospel with great love and mercy toward the lost. Also uphold in prayer the governing authorities of India, that they will obliterate any laws and policies that are unfair to Christians and citizens of other minority groups.

  • Brutal Attack of Prayer Meeting Participants

    Hindu militants attacked Christians who had attended a prayer meeting in Jharkhand state on Friday, September 4th, causing some of them serious injuries requiring hospitalization. About 30 members of Anugrah (Grace) Church in Hututag village were gathered for the in-house meeting when a group of village women entered and began insulting Pastor Sarvajit Bharti and others. Shortly thereafter, two males arrived at the scene, ordering the members of the church to go outside. When the Christians refused to comply, the angered assailants forced Associate Pastor Mitilesh Kumar outside, asking if he was willing to worship Hindu idols instead of Jesus. “Mitilesh replied that they are not doing anything wrong by worshipping Christ, and they would not stop," reports another spiritual leader by the name of Pastor Nandi.

    Later on, about 15 Hindu extremists broke into the prayer meeting with guns, axes, spades and clubs. Angered by the apparent absence of Pastor Sarvajit, who by this time was hidden on the roof by fellow believers, the militants began to brutally attack the remaining Christians. Six of the victims were hospitalized. Fortunately, the others sustained only minor cuts and bruises.

    Since July, Christians throughout Jharkhand state have endured a growing amount of intimidation, threats and violence, in what some suspect to be a deliberate campaign to drive out Christians. With a village head that supports the Hindu extremists' actions, it has been difficult for these believers to hold worship meetings. Christians have also been forbidden from walking on the main road and getting water from the main pump. Prior to this incident, Pastor Sarvajit had to relocate from the village in July after Hindu extremists chased him during a midnight raid. More information on persecution in India is available on our website.

    Let us pray for the healing of each injured victim, as well as those who've been traumatized by the attack. May these faithful believers recognize and appreciate their Heavenly Father's love as He now brings them healing and comfort in a variety of ways. May the Christians of Jharkhand province be supernaturally filled with the joy of the Lord as they continue to fellowship and worship together. In addition, pray that the perpetrators will witness the reality of Christ in the lives of the village Christians, so they will turn from evil and follow only that which is holy and honouring to their Creator.

  • Church Members Brutally Assaulted by Radicals
    A village in India.

    Christians in a village of India's Chhattisgarh state have reportedly been brutally assaulted by Hindu radicals following the passing of a resolution banning all non-Hindu religious activities in the village.

    The incident took place in Karmeri village on September 8th. According to local sources, a mob of over 50 Hindu radicals gathered and surrounded the premises of a church at around 4 p.m. Before any of the believers could ask what was happening, the radicals attacked, assaulting them with wooden clubs and sticks.

    When some of the targeted women confronted the radicals, they were brutally beaten with wooden clubs and fists. Two of the Christian women, Pulo Bhai, 40, and Ludri, 35, were seriously injured in the assault and, as a result, had collapsed to an unconscious state.

    Tensions between Karmeri's Christian and Hindu communities mounted when construction of a church began in the village. Once news of the church building spread, Suresh Yadav, the district president of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (a Hindu nationalist organization), convened a village meeting. As a result of the meeting, a resolution was passed banning all non-Hindu religious propaganda, prayers and speeches throughout the entire village. This resolution is similar to ones passed in 50 other villages within the state -- all intended to effectively make Christianity illegal.

    Other reports on the challenges facing Christians in the country of India can be reviewed at our India Country Report.

    Ask the Lord to minister His healing power upon each of the women who were beaten, including Pulo Bhai and Ludri, fully restoring them to good health. May the local believers of these villages be granted His favour and abundant provision for all their day-to-day needs. Pray that they will also be greatly encouraged and strengthened -- having an increased resolve to not give up their faith nor refrain from meeting together for worship. Additionally, pray that the witness of these Christians will be faithful, forgiving and filled with love for their persecutors so their example may be used by the Lord to bring many Hindus to salvation.

  • Youth Grateful for God's Presence

    In August of 2008, the assassination of a Hindu leader led to a massive wave of mob violence against Christians in Orissa. Militant Hindus had been looking for an excuse to stop evangelism, and the uproar surrounding the assassination provided them an outlet. The violence spread rampantly throughout the state, destroying thousands of Christian homes and churches, while consequently forcing over 100,000 believers to seek government protection or hide in the jungle.

    Jisaya was just six years old when his family was chased from the state of Orissa during the 2008 upheaval. "We were so helpless at that time," he says in retrospect. It was the Sideras International School, one of the children's homes supported by VOM Canada, that enabled Jisaya's family to provide for him. Though uprooted, his parents continued in ministry, grateful for the care and education VOM Canada donors have made available to their son.

    Recently, we received the following praise report from Jisaya who is now 13 years old: "(God) is blessing me abundantly in my study, as well as in my personal life. By His grace and mercy, I was able to succeed in my study. He has given me His presence in my life yesterday, today, and I hope...also in the upcoming days."

    The effects of the 2008 wave of violence are still being felt by many of its victims today. Unfortunately, the pattern of "mob justice" against Christians remains a tremendous concern. Accused of "forced conversion," many believers have been mercilessly burned alive. With regards to governmental justice, India's new "religious freedom" laws, in fact, only pose further discrimination against India's Christian minority.

    Thankfully, God is continuing to remind these believers that they are not alone and, as in the case of Jisaya, their suffering shall not be in vain, for He has promised to somehow use it for greater blessing. You can learn more about persecution in India from our country report.

    Praise the Lord for His ongoing faithfulness in ministering to the victims of violence through the provision of the children's homes. Please pray for the families of those who've been martyred, granting them continued courage and provision. Also uphold all the dedicated men and women who compassionately care for these children of the persecuted. May the Lord grant the caregivers wisdom and endurance in their vital discipleship work. Finally, pray for open doors -- and receptive hearts -- so the Gospel can reach multitudes throughout the nation of India; those who would otherwise be hopelessly lost.

  • Christian Torturously Slain for his Witness
    Pastor Sadavir’s wife and two of his three children

    Brother "Sadavir" regularly shared his faith among members of India's Koya tribe in the thick forest of the Dantewada district. It eventually cost the husband and father of three his life.

    Fearing the loss of their cultural identity, members of the Koya tribe attacked Brother Sadavir in 2010 and then again in 2012. Despite these previous attacks, Sadavir's ministry faithfully continued -- until a knock on his door at 1 a.m. took place on January 22nd. When his wife "Jani" opened the door, she was confronted by an angry mob of 200 people. The mob was composed of both Koyas and Naxalites, members of India's Communist guerrilla groups. Before she could say anything, the mob forcibly entered the home, grabbing Sadavir and taking him away. Jani frantically ran after the group into the forest, pleading for her husband's safety and release. "We will not do anything to him," she was told. "Go, and in the morning get food for him and come to our camp."

    The next morning, Jani, joined by Sadavir's mother and sisters, began the long walk to the camp, finally arriving at about 1:30 p.m. At the camp, the Naxalite leaders were told by others affiliated with the mob, "(Sadavir) is converting all of our people to Christianity by bribing them, and he's giving all your information to the police." The abductors then tied the Christian man to a tree and -- in front of his wife, mother and sisters -- began beating his legs with bamboo sticks while accusing, "You are spoiling our culture by converting our people to Christians!" They beat him until his flesh was hanging from his bones. Then they killed him by piercing his chest with a trishula, a three-pronged spear and an important Hindu symbol.

    The killers initially kept Sadavir's body, out of fear that his wife would notify the police. When Jani begged them for her husband's body, they finally gave in under one condition: that the body would be burned, not buried, as his murderers wanted no evidence of the crime. VOM is now supporting the 27-year-old widow and her three children during this difficult time as they deal with the aftermath of such horrendous trauma and loss.

    Please lift up in prayer this mourning widow and her three young children, as well as other loved ones who are sharing their immense grief, asking the Lord to personally minister to each one of them through the power of His Holy Spirit. Also request that every need of this suffering family be sovereignly met through the support of the local community and ministries like VOM. Additionally, ask that this gruesome attack will somehow be used for God's glory and as a means of drawing more Koya people into a saving relationship with His beloved Son Jesus.

    For more information on India's persecuted church, visit this page.