

  • Update on Muslim Attacks on Christians in Ethiopia

    Ethiopia mapVOMC has learned that only one Christian (and not two, as previously reported) was killed by Muslim militants on March 3, 2008, in the town of Nensabo located 325 km southeast of the capital Addis Ababa. His name was Tulu Mosisa. Dozens more were also wounded in the attack on Christians attending a worship service. For more details on the attack, click here.

    To learn more about the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia, go to theEthiopia Country Report. Video reports on persecution in Ethiopia can be viewed at www.vomcanada.com. The March edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter focuses on the trials and faith of those who are spreading the Good News in Ethiopia. Subscribe today to receive your free subscription.

  • Christians Killed by Muslims

    Muslim militants killed at least two Christians and wounded dozens more on March 3, 2008, in the town of Nensabo located 325 km southeast of the capital Addis Ababa, according to VOMC sources and a March 6 report from International Christian Concern. The militants attacked the Christians, including women and children, while they were attending a worship service.

    Black Lion HospitalEight of the wounded have been taken to the town of Awassa for hospitalization, while others with serious injuries were taken to Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa. Among the wounded were a police officer and a Christian whose hand was cut off by the attackers. Reports indicated that the attack was part of a plan by Muslim militants, influenced by the spread of Wahhabism in the area, to wipe out Christians from the Muslim-dominated region. The plan included destruction of churches and attacks on Christian groups involved in missionary work.

    Pray that those who mourn for the deceased Christians will find comfort in the fact that Christ has triumphed over death and that those who die in the Lord will be raised with Him (1 Corinthians 15:50-58).
    Pray that God will embolden Ethiopian Christians to follow
    the example of those who were martyred for Him (1 Corinthians 11:1).

    To learn more about the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia, go to the Ethiopia Country Report. Video reports on persecution in Ethiopia can be viewed at www.vomcanada.com. The March edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter focuses on the trials and faith of those who are spreading the Good News in Ethiopia. Subscribe today to receive your free subscription.

  • Christian's House and Farm Burned in Gebar

    Ethiopia map

    The house and farm properties of a Christian family in the southwestern town of Gebar were burnt by Muslims on February 20, according to VOMC sources. Asfaw Lelisa, his wife, and their five children were able to escape the house without serious injury. Local Christians suspect that Muslims targeted Asfaw, a mature and influential Christian, in an effort to intimidate other believers into fleeing the area.

    Thank the Lord for keeping Asfaw and his family safe from serious injury. Pray for Christians in southwestern Ethiopia to stand strong in their faith by demonstrating Christ's love and grace to their persecutors (Matthew 5:43-48).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia, go to the Ethiopia Country Report. The April edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter features testimonies from Christians suffering for their faith in Ethiopia. Click here to subscribe today.

  • Christian Couple Beaten and Chased from Mosque

    Addis Ababa, EthiopiaOn February 10, Jemmal Abdo (30) and his wife, both Muslim converts to Christianity, were beaten and chased out from a mosque where they both worked in the capital city of Addis Ababa, according to VOMC sources. Two months ago, Jemmal and his wife both came to faith in Christ. Soon after their conversion, one of Jemmal's friends saw him talking with Christians and told the imam of the mosque. On February 10, Jemmal and his wife were interrogated in the mosque during a meeting called by Muslim leaders in an attempt to persuade the couple to recant their faith. The couple refused to do so, even after the leaders offered them higher positions and salaries if they denied Christ. The couple was then beaten and dragged out of the mosque. Jemmal and his wife were able to flee to a new location for safety.

    Pray for the recovery of Jemmal and his wife, who were injured in the attack. Ask God to strengthen them by His grace as they stand in their new found faith in Christ (Philippians 1:29).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia, go to theEthiopia Country Report.

  • Christian's House Bombed in Jijiga

    Jijiga, EthiopiaThe house of a Christian family was damaged by a bomb in the southeastern city of Jijiga on the evening of January 12, according to VOMC sources. Terefe Feleke, his wife, and their two children were in the house at the time of the attack but none of them were seriously injured. The roof of the house was destroyed by the bomb blast. While searching the compound, the police found another bomb set to explode a few hours later.

    Thank the Lord for keeping Terefe and his family safe from serious harm. Pray for Christians in Jijiga, where Muslim mobs have recently mounted several attacks against Christians in an attempt to drive them out of the region. Pray that they will to stand strong in their faith, and demonstrate Christ's love and prayers for their persecutors (Rev. 3:11; Matthew 5:43-48).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia, go to theEthiopia Country Report. Video reports are available online at www.vomcanada.com.

  • Muslims Attack Christian Homes

    Jimma, EthiopiaVOMC sources report that Muslims attacked twenty five Christian families in the town of Seka Yoyo, southwest of the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa on October 16, demolishing approximately twelve houses. The families were forced to flee to the nearby city of Jimma where several incidents of violence have occurred in recent months, leaving at least six Christians dead. Approximately 98% of the population is Muslim.

    Thank the Lord that no Christians were killed or seriously harmed in this attack. Ask God to continue to protect these believers. Pray that they will set Christ apart as Lord and not give in to fear (1 Peter 3:14-17).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia, go to theEthiopia Country Report. A video of the aftermath of last year's massacre in Jimma is available, click here to view (warning: graphic content).

  • Two Evangelists Released
    Mulu Telahun
    Mulu Telahun

    VOMC sources have reported that evangelist Mulu Telahun and underground church leader Jemmal Senbeto, who were both imprisoned in the state of Benishangul in September (click here for more details), were recently released. Senbeto, however, was sent back to prison two days following his release. Telahun, who was freed on October 1, continues to face extreme pressure from Muslims for his Christian activities and is being strictly monitored by local authorities. Other Muslim converts in the region are reportedly in hiding.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia, go to theEthiopia Country Report.

  • Church Leaders Imprisoned, Believers Beaten in Western Ethiopia
    Mulu Tilahun

    Several believers, including Mulu Tilahun (pictured),
    have been persecuted in recent weeks.

    The Voice of the Martyrs sources have reported several incidents of persecution in recent weeks in the state of Benishangul, where Christians live under intense pressure from Muslim militants.

    On September 11, an underground church leader, Jemmal Sembeto (35), was imprisoned and several other believers were beaten and tortured in an attempt to force them to expose other church leaders involved in underground ministry. On September 16, evangelist Mulu Tilahun (22) was also imprisoned.

    VOMC sources also reported that a Christian named Brother Ali was recently severely beaten in his home along with his children. In another incident, a believer named Sister Ashe was beaten and her hand was broken. She fled to another town in fear for her life. Several local believers have also reportedly fled to other areas for their own safety. Others have been imprisoned by the local government officials without charge.

    Pray that Jemmal, Mulu and other imprisoned believers and their families will be comforted by God's Word (Psalm 119:49-56). Pray that, like Paul, these imprisonments will result in the advancement of God's kingdom (Philippians 1:12-14). Pray that Christians facing violence and pressure from militants will not give in to fear but trust God.

    For more information on persecution in Ethiopia, go to theEthiopia Country Report.

  • Church Set on Fire and Bombed

    A church building was set on fire and bombed during a worship service at the Mserete Keristos church in the district of Yayu, in southwest Ethiopia on August 15, according to VOMC sources. At approximately 1:30 p.m., the roof of the church was set on fire and a large explosion interrupted the prayer service being conducted in the compound. The church building and the houses of three evangelists were destroyed in the explosion. The police apprehended several Muslims who lived outside of the area in connection with the incident. Local Christians had previously received warnings that Muslim militants were plotting to attack the church.

    The aftermath of the August 5 bombing

    This bombing follows a similar incident in Jijiga on August 5, when a church service was disrupted by an explosion in one corner of the building. Thankfully no one was injured and the church resumed their service later that day. This week, VOMC received photos and a video of the actual church service when the bombing in Jijiga took place. Click here to view a video excerpt of the actual bombing.

    Thank the Lord that no one was harmed during these attacks. Pray that these Christians will be encouraged to continue to meet together despite opposition (Hebrews 10:23). Pray for them as they rebuild after the bombings. The Voice of the Martyrs is presently investigating how we can most effectively assist the church in Yayu.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia,click here. Ethiopia is our featured country on www.vomcanada.com. Check out the various videos online.

  • Church Building Bombed in Jijiga, Ethiopia

    Jijiga, EthiopiaA Full Gospel church building was bombed during a worship service in the city of Jijiga in eastern Ethiopia on August 5, according to reports from VOMC sources. Hundreds of Christians were present at the time of the attack but none of the believers were seriously injured. The roof of the building was damaged during the blast. Local Christians suspect that the bombers were Muslim militants; several violent attacks on Christians have occurred in Jijiga where ninety-nine percent of the population is Muslim.

    Thank the Lord that no one was seriously harmed during this attack. Pray for the members of this house church as they rebuild from the bombing. Pray that Ethiopian Christians will demonstrate the love of God through consistent love and prayer for those who persecute them (Matthew 5:43-48).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia, go to theEthiopia Country Report.