

  • Christian accused of defacing Qur'an

    A Christian in Ethiopia's southern town of Moyale was sentenced to three years in prison for allegedly desecrating a Qur'an, church leaders said. Tamirat Woldegorgis, a father of two and member of the Full Gospel Church, was arrested in early August after a Muslim co-worker in the clothes-making business the two operated discovered Tamirat had inscribed "Jesus is Lord" on some cloth, area Christians said. His business partner later accused him of writing "Jesus is Lord" in a copy of the Qur'an, although no evidence of that ever surfaced. Tamirat was sentenced on November 18 and transferred to Jijiga prison, a source said. Jijiga is the capital of Ethiopia's Somali Region Zone Five, which is governed by Islamic principles. Tamirat's transfer there puts his life in great danger, a church leader said. The church is concerned about Tamirat's condition.

    Pray Tamirat will be blessed with the Lord's comforting strength and presence. Pray for his release from prison and, in the meantime, pray for his protection. Pray the Lord will ease the grip of Islamic rule and influence over parts of Ethiopia.

    For more information on the challenges facing Christians in Ethiopia, visit theEthiopia Country Report.

  • Christian accused of desecrating Qur'an jailed

    A Christian in Ethiopia's southern town of Moyale has been languishing in jail for two months after his Muslim business partner accused him of writing "Jesus is Lord" in a copy of the Qur'an. Tamirat Woldegorgis, who is in his early 30s and is a member of the Full Gospel Church, was arrested in early August after his partner in their clothes-making business discovered Tamirat had inscribed "Jesus is Lord" on some cloth. His Muslim co-worker, whose name has not been established, went to a nearby mosque with the accusation that Tamirat had written "Jesus is Lord" in the Qur'an itself. Angry sheikhs at the mosque subsequently had Tamirat arrested for desecrating the book sacred to Islam. Other sources have said, however, that Muslims accused Tamirat of writing "Jesus is Lord" on a piece of wood, on a minibus, and then on the wall of a house. A church leader who requested anonymity has stated that when two of Tamirat's friends enquired about him at the Moyale police station, they were jailed for two weeks.

    In Ethiopia's federal state system, each state is autonomous in its administration, and most of those holding government positions in Somali Region Zone Five are Muslims. "We fear that our brother might be taken to Islamic court in Jijiga for trial, which will further threaten his life," the church leader said. Authorities are reportedly offering to release Tamirat if he will convert to Islam. Tamirat is physically weak but strong in his faith, the church leader said, adding that he needs food and other material assistance, as well as an attorney. (Source: Compass Direct)

    Please pray for Tamirat's release from prison. Thank the Lord for his faithfulness. Pray that his material needs will be met. May the Lord use Tamirat to strengthen the faith of other believers in Ethiopia.

    Go to theEthiopia Country Report to learn more about the plight of believers in Ethiopia.

  • Somali Muslims assault Christian in Addis Ababa

    On July 16, five Somali Muslim men assaulted and seriously injured a Christian man in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for reading a book critical of the Prophet Muhammad. Mike Abdul Falahow, a Christian convert from Islam, was reading "The Great Deception: How Muhammad Tried to Win Christians for Islam" when two Somali Muslims demanded that he hand over the book, saying that it was offensive and attacked the honour of the Prophet Muhammad. Mike refused to surrender the book and argued that they were living in Ethiopia and not in Somalia, and therefore had religious freedom. One of the Muslim men then attempted to seize the book from Mike's grasp. When he failed to grab it, he proceeded to punch and kick him. Four other Muslim men joined in the violence, beating Mike mercilessly. He suffered injuries that included a broken leg and cuts to his face. At last report, he was recovering in a safe house provided by the Somali Christian community in Addis Ababa. A Somali church leader described the attack as "a brutal attempt to subdue the growing Somali Christian community in Addis Ababa." (Source: International Christian Concern)

    Ask God to equip Mike by His Holy Spirit to remain strong in his faith and maintain a bold witness. Pray that he and other Christians in this community will continue to give themselves fully to the work of the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:50-58). Pray for an end to violence against Christians in Ethiopia.

    To learn more about the ongoing opposition of believers in Ethiopia, go to theEthiopia Country Report.

  • Update: Believer released from prison

    Photo from Compass Direct

    Bashir Musa Ahmed (39), a believer in Ethiopia who was arrested in May 2009 for the "malicious" distribution of Bibles and later accused of terrorism (click here for the story), has been released from prison. On February 23, Bashir had a court hearing for a petty crime. He was released on March 4, as he had been detained for a longer period than the sentence required for his alleged crime. Bashir said that he was beaten in prison but that he was proud to suffer for his Lord. (Source: Middle East Concern)

    Praise God that Bashir has been released from prison! Pray that he will remain faithful in witnessing about Christ. Pray that all the officials involved in his case will hear the Good News and follow Jesus.

    To find out more about the persecution believers face in Ethiopia,click here.

  • Update: New charges concocted against Ethiopian Christian

    Photo from Compass Direct

    Authorities in Ethiopia are attempting to file a terrorism case against Bashir Musa Ahmed (39), who was arrested without formal charges in May 2009 for the "malicious" distribution of Bibles (click here for more information). According to local Christian leaders and a state official, Islamist pressure has kept Bashir in detention in spite of the state's failure to find any legitimate charge against him. Police have submitted the terrorism charges to prosecutors, who last month requested police to find some evidence for the accusation. Bashir has reportedly been beaten in jail and has been repeatedly denied bail. (Source: Compass Direct)

    Pray that these charges will be dropped and that Bashir will be released. Ask God to give Bashir hope and peace during this uncertain time. Pray that God will open doors of opportunity for Bashir to clearly share the gospel for which he suffers while in prison (Colossians 4:2-3).

    To learn more about suffering believers in Ethiopia, check out theEthiopia Country Report.

  • Update: Evangelists released from prison

    Two Ethiopian Christians who were sentenced to prison in July on false charges of offering money and gifts to entice people to convert to Christianity (click here for more details) were released on October 23, according to an October 28 report from Compass Direct. Temesgen Alemayehu and Tigist Welde Amanuel's six-month prison sentences had been reduced to fines of 500 birr (approximately $40 CAD) several weeks earlier, but before they could be set free they were accused by fellow inmates of insulting the Ethiopian Orthodox Church while in prison. They were sent back to detention, where Alemayehu was reportedly denied medical treatment for a kidney infection.

    A judge later rejected the new charges brought against them as the evidence was found to be contradictory. Upon their release, Amanuel stated, "Through prayers and God's intervention, we are now released from prison. We thank those who prayed on our behalf."

    Click here to learn more about the ongoing opposition of believers in Ethiopia.

  • Christians imprisoned for evangelizing

    On September 21, a court dismissed an appeal made by two Ethiopian Christians accused of using gifts and money to entice people to convert to Christianity, according to a September 25 report from Compass Direct. Temesgen Alemayehu and Tigist Welde Amanuel went to Debre Tabor, Amhara state in July to plant a church. After only a week, several people came to know the Lord through their witness. On July 19, locals began to question Alemayehu and Amanuel, resulting in an attack on the Christians. According to local believers, the instigators were from the "Fellowship of Saints" -- a group within the Ethiopian Orthodox Church that works to counter reform movements and protect the church from outside threats. Amanuel was able to escape the assailants and flee to a home nearby, where she was kept safe until police arrived. When officers arrived on scene, they were able to rescue Alemayehu, who was wounded, from the crowd and bring him into custody. The attackers accused Alemayehu and Amanuel of insulting their religion. The believers were found guilty on July 23 and sentenced to six months in prison.

    Pray that these believers will exemplify the love of God through consistent love and prayer for those who persecute them (Matthew 5:43-48). Pray for their safety and release from prison.

    Learn more about the persecution believers are facing in Ethiopia by visiting theEthiopia Country Report.

  • Christian imprisoned in Jijiga

    An Ethiopian Christian convert from Islam has been languishing in prison for nearly four months for "malicious" distribution of Bibles, according to a September 15 report from Compass Direct. On May 23, police officers arrested thirty-nine-year-old Bashir Musa Ahmed in Jijiga, eastern Ethiopia for providing Muslims with Somali-language Bibles bearing covers that resemble the Qur'an. Local sources, who requested anonymity, claim that authorities are secretly planning to transfer Ahmed from his Jijiga cell to Ghagahbur jail, in part to prevent other Christians from visiting him and in part because he has not been charged. Ahmed's arrested was reportedly instigated by family members intent on stopping him from spreading Christianity in the region, which is predominately inhabited by Muslims of Somali origin.

    Pray for Ahmed's release. Ask the Lord to give him opportunities to share Christ, even in prison. Pray that other believers in Ethiopia will remain steadfast in faith as they suffer.

    To learn more about the trials facing Christians in Ethiopia,click here.

  • Evangelists arrested for ''creating social unrest''


    Yonas and Yerga (not their real names), two well-known evangelists in the Muslim-majority region of western Ethiopia, were arrested on August 25 and imprisoned on false changes of "creating social unrest," according to VOMC sources. Although the men were not physically tortured in prison, they said they were insulted, threatened and "very poorly treated." Both were released on September 5 but the charges against them were not dropped. At last report, they were scheduled to appear in court on September 8.

    Pray that the Lord will continue to make these believers strong to withstand opposition. Pray that their family members will entrust the situation into His care. Pray that Christian leaders in Ethiopia will work together to increase Christ's kingdom at all cost (Ephesians 2:14-16).

    To learn more about the trials facing Christians in Ethiopia,click here. You can also order a DVD entitled "Ethiopian Voices" from The Voice of the Martyrs and experience the courage and faith of our Ethiopian brothers and sisters. Click here to order a copy.

  • Christian funeral attacked in southern Ethiopia

    EthiopiaOn July 30, a group of Muslims along with members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church attacked believers in the town of Metto, Selte region while they were arranging to bury a local Christian man. The attackers also filled in the grave plot meant for Teshome Alyeleb (45). The believers fled in fear for their lives. Teshome's family members appealed to the local government but no action was taken to allow them to conduct a proper funeral and burial. Finally, after having to keep their loved one's body in their home for four days, the family laid Teshome to rest in a town 96 km from their home.

    Pray that the Lord will give peace and comfort to Teshome's family. Pray for strength for Christians in this Muslim-majority region who are being harassed and mistreated for their faith in Christ.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Ethiopia, go to the Ethiopia Country Report.