

  • Eritrean Wedding Party Arrested

    Eritrean police have arrested a Christian couple as they were getting married, dragging them and eighteen of the guests away to prison, according to a September 7 report from Compass Direct.  The wedding was taking place at the home of the bride on September 4.  They intentionally avoided any music or noticeable Christian activities to avoid attracting the attention of the authorities, but apparently the police were tipped off about the wedding.  They arrived as the wedding was beginning, entering the traditional wedding tent and taking the groom, Mengesteab Tesfamariam, and his bride Berekti Keshi Almaze into custody, together with all those present to witness their vows.

    Among those imprisoned are two key leaders of the Hallelujah Church, Aklilu Habteab and Kashay Imbaye, as well as Zerit Gebreneguse, an evangelist in the Philadelphia Church.  Friends and relatives have been allowed no contact with the prisoners to this point.

    Over one thousand Christians are presently imprisoned for their faith in Eritrea, including seventeen Protestant pastors.

    Pray for physical and psychological strength for those arrested, as they face interrogation and possibly torture.  Pray that those incarcerating these Christians will see the love and grace of God in their lives.  Pray that the Eritrean authorities will stop their campaign against those who are not a part of the approved religious organizations.

    For more information on Eritrea and the situation facing Christians there,click here or go to the Video section of https://www.vomcanada.com/ to view reports filmed on location by VOMC staff.

  • Eritrean Orthodox Patriarch Deposed, Updates on Evangelical Pastors
    Abuna Antonios, deposed Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Church

    Abuna Antonios, patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Church, has been removed of his duties by a congress of the Holy Synod convened on August 7. According to an August 23 report from Compass Direct, the synod presented six accusations that he was "an obstacle in the work of the Holy Christian Church."  The charges were brought against him by Yeftehe Dimetros, a layman appointed by the government as administrator of the Orthodox Church. The list of charges included his reluctance to excommunicate 3000 members of Medhane Alem, an Orthodox Sunday School movement.  Also stated was his request that the government release some imprisoned Christian "traitors."

    Elected only seventeen months ago, Antonios actively challenged government interference in church affairs.  Dimetros' position as administrator goes against the centuries-old canons of the Orthodox Church which require a bishop to serve as administrator.  Further interference is evident with reports that the government intends to announce the election of a new patriarch shortly.

    Government antagonism against Christianity is particularly blatant in its actions toward evangelicals.  Over 1000 Christians are reportedly detained by the Eritrean authorities at present; many facing torture and abuse. 

    Compass Direct has recently been able to confirm the whereabouts of some of the pastors presently detained.  Pastors Kidane Gebremeskel and Fanuel Mihreteab have been recently relocated to the Sembel Prison, which normally holds those under high court review.  There is no information on whether any charges have ever been filed against them.

    Pastor Abraham Belay, arrested in January, has reportedly been transferred to Adi-Abeto.  Rema Church pastor, Habteab Oqbamichael, was released from custody last week.  He was warned that he would be executed if he is involved in any further religious activities.  Kale Hiwot pastor Oqbamichael Haimanot suffered a mental breakdown three months ago.  He is reportedly in very poor health and continues to face hard labour for refusing to renounce his faith.  Evangelist Girmaye Ambaye has been held in Asmara Police Station No. 1 since his arrest in May.  He continues to share his faith despite the harsh treatment he is facing.

    Pray for those facing opposition, especially those facing torture in prisons and military training camps.  Pray for the continued spread of the Gospel, despite opposition.

    For more information on terrible circumstances faced by Christians in Eritrea,click here.  Video reports filmed on location in Eritrea are available through VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Update: Eritrean Prisoners Released

    Last week's Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on the plight of wedding guests arrested and subsequently taken to a detention camp in Wia, one of the hottest places in the world (click here for details).  We are thankful to report that, according to sources for the Christian website, erishalom.com, ninety-one Christians were subsequently transferred to the Sawa military camp and then released on August 6.  Continue to pray for the hundreds of Christians still detained in prisons and military camps throughout Eritrea.  You can view video reports on Eritrea at www.vomcanada.com.

  • Eritrean Prisoners Moved and One Christian Reported Dead from Torture

    On May 28, an evangelical wedding was raided by Eritrean police and guests were taken into custody (click here for details).  According to Release Eritrea, seventy Christians detained at that wedding have recently been moved to one of the hottest places on earth, at a desert detention camp in Wia near the port city of Massawa.  The camp is routinely used to punish young people, as temperatures in the area often reach 49 degrees Celsius.  Two young people died in 2001 from heat stroke.

    Christian Solidarity Worldwide also reports that one Christian has apparently died as a result of the torture he endured in an Eritrean prison.  Kelati Awalom, a member of the Rhema Church, was arrested for a third time on March 17, 2004 and was detained for three months, along with two of his daughters.  According to reports, he was beaten until he was partially paralyzed.  After his release, he continued to suffer the effects of the beating until he died at his home on July 24, 2005.

    Eritrea is one of the world's worst violators of human rights. Only three Christian denominations (Lutheran, Orthodox and Roman Catholic) are legally registered with the government. Anyone belonging to a different denomination or independent church risks harassment, prison and torture.  Continue to pray for the hundreds of Eritrean believers suffering for their faith in detention camps around the country, where they are sometimes locked in metal shipping containers in the desert sun with limited food and water.

    For more information on the severe persecution facing Eritrean believers,click here.  The Voice of the Martyrs Canada has two separate video reports filmed on location in Eritrea available on our multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Eritrean Students Arrested at End of School Party

    Celebrating the end of a school term is inevitable for high school students.  However, when eighty Christian youth gathered at the Bet Gergish public park in Asmara, Eritrea, security forces swooped in, arresting all those attending.  Dr. Berhane Asmelash,  Director of Release Eritrea, says that the parents and friends of the fifty boys and thirty girls are shocked and deeply disturbed by the arrests.

    In a June 25 press release, Dr. Asmelash outlined his concerns: "This is of particular concern to us on two counts. Firstly these detainees are children and given the record of the Government of Eritrea concerning prisoners and detainees I am troubled. Secondly I am apprehensive about the pattern of disrupting social functions and detaining people indiscriminately. The Government of Eritrea seems to have intensified its purge against Eritrean Evangelicals and members of the closed churches, by removing not only their rights to religious freedom but now their rights to any form of social life."

    Pray for the release of these and hundreds of other Christians imprisoned in Eritrea.  Pray for peace and strength for the parents and friends of those arrested.

    For more information on the persecution facing Eritrea's Christians,click here.  Background video news reports on Eritrea are also available on our multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Eritrean Wedding Reception Raided

    As 250-300 guests gathered last Saturday, May 28 to celebrate the union of two members of the Meserete Kirstos Church in Asmara, security forces also gathered to detain all those present. According to Release-Eritrea, the wedding reception was being held in a hall known in central Asmara when the celebration was raided.  Another wedding reception in Asmara was cancelled for fear that the incident would be repeated.  A similar raid took place in Barentu in January.  Most of those detained from that wedding have since been released.

    Dr. Berhane Asmelash, director of Release-Eritrea said, "With the release of most of those who were detained in Barentu over the last few weeks, I was hoping that this trend of raiding weddings and detaining people indiscriminately may perhaps be coming to an end. I have been proven wrong. I once again call on all Eritreans, Friends of Eritrea and members of the international community to join me in raising objections to this. Abuse of Eritrean Christians must stop."

    Pray for the release of those detained.  Pray that the Eritrean government will ease their oppression of its evangelical citizens.  The Voice of the Martyrs Canada has released two video news features on Eritrea.  They are available in the Video section of our multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/. The feature article of the July edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter is entitled "Eritrea's 'Dangerous' Christians" and will focus on recent persecution in the country and what you can do to help. To begin your free subscription today, click here.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Eritrea,click here.

  • Pastor Suffers Mental Breakdown in Custody
    Sawa Military Training Center
    where several Christian prisoners are being held.
    After four months of physical and emotional mistreatment at the military training center in Sawa, Eritrea, Pastor Oqbamichel Haimanot of the Kale Hiwot (Word of Life) Church has reportedly suffered a mental breakdown.

    Pastor Haimanot, along with two other pastors and sixty-four church members, was arrested on January 9 during a wedding ceremony in Barentu, in western Eritrea. According to a report released by Compass Direct on May 17, some of those arrested have been released in recent weeks, as families were able to pay the demanded bail money.  However, the military authorities have refused to release Haimanot, saying he is a key leader in the outlawed evangelical churches.

    Nearly 900 Eritrean Christians are known to be currently held in prisons, military confinement camps or shipping containers because of their faith.

    Pray for the healing and strength of Pastor Haimanot and others suffering physical and mental torture at the hands of the Eritrean authorities.  Pray that Pastor Haimanot will be released so that he can receive the treatment he requires.

    For more information on the suffering experienced by Eritrea's Christian community,click here.  Video reports on the situation facing Christians in Eritrea can be viewed on VOMC's multimedia website https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Report Documents Number of Imprisoned Christians

    Evangelical sources in Eritrea have released a list of Christians presently being held in prisons or military camps.  Despite Eritrean authorities denying any religious persecution in their east African nation, at least 883 Christians are presently being held. 

    Sawa Military Training Camp
    where 235 evangelical believers are being held.
    According to Compass Direct report on April 20, the list gives the following details: 235 evangelical believers are jailed at Sawa, 65 at Mai Serwa, 53 in Adi-Abyto, 73 in Assab, 190 in Weaa, 100 in Gelalo, 101 in Alaa, 16 at Adi Teklizan, 41 in local police stations in Asmara, and 9 in police stations in Keren.  At least 144 of the jailed Christians are women and 16 are pastors.
    Pastor Kidane Weldou
    Arrested March 18, 2005

    Local Christians are also disputing reports that the Seventh-Day Adventist Church is about to be officially registered with the government.  They claim that there has been no change seen and express doubt that there will be further progress in the approval process.

    Pray for the hundreds of Christians imprisoned for their faith in Eritrea.  Many are suffering deprivation and torture; sometimes locked in metal shipping containers with limited air, food and water.  The Voice of the Martyrs currently has two news reports on Eritrea available in the Video section of their multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com/.

    For more information on the plight of Christians in Eritrea,click here.

  • Seventh-Day Adventists Welcome Registration News
    Dr. Jonathan Gallagher
    SDA UN Liason
    During an April 5 meeting of the U.N.'s Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR), the head of the Eritrean contingent, Amare Tekle, announced that Eritrea's government has authorized a registration application from the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.  If this application is approved, this would make the SDA church one of five approved religious organizations.  The other approved religious groups are Islam, Eritrean Orthodox, Catholic and Lutheran.  Commenting on the announcement, Jonathan Gallagher, an Adventist representative at the U.N. said, "We appreciate the ambassador's positive comments... and await the completion of the registration process with great interest."  Tekle announced that the application screening process would be finalized "in the near future."

    Glenn Penner, in his weekly weblog, comments: "I wouldn't get too excited about the announcement last week at the UNHRC that the Eritrean government has approved the registration of the Seventh Day Adventists and that the denomination would be operational once bureaucratic processes have been finalized.  Registration has meant nothing to those who ordered the detention of Orthodox and Lutheran believers in recent months because of their activities.  And I suspect that the Seventh Day Adventists know that too! The SDA church is very small and this move to register is, we believe, a move by the Eritrean government to do something that looks positive."

    This announcement comes in the midst of continuing persecution of Christians in Eritrea; particularly evangelicals.  Hundreds of Christians suffer torture and imprisonment, and are often deprived of food and water, because of their faith. 

    Pray that the Eritrean government will truly begin to respect the rights of its Christian citizens.  Pray for the many Christians suffering for their faith in Eritrea today.

    Be sure to read the rest of Glenn Penner's weekly weblog entitled "The Wonderful, Weird and Orwellian World of Eritrea," and his challenge to Sophia Tesfamariam, commentator for the Eritrean Ministry of Information of the State.  We also encourage you to visit VOM's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/, to access two video reports from Eritrea.

    For more information on persecution in Eritrea,click here.

  • More Christians Arrested While Persecution Denied

    Continuing their assault on evangelical Christians, Eritrean authorities arrested the vice manager of the Housing and Commerce Bank of Eritrea, Demoze Afwerki, on March 18.  According to an April 1 report from Compass Direct, Afwerki is an active member of the Full Gospel Church and serves on the executive committee of Gideons International in Eritrea.  He is believed to be incarcerated at Wongel Mermera, a government investigation center in Asmara. 

    Compass also confirms a police raid at a home in Assab on March 9 in which ten members of the Kale Hiwot (Word of Life) Church were arrested.  The ten remain jailed at the Assab police station without charges against them.  Eritrean authorities often accuse evangelicals of being a threat to national security.

    On March 22, officials from the Eritrea's National Security Office raided a private printing company in Asmara.  The owner, Mr. Tekete, was accused of printing Christian publications for various churches.  After posting bail, Tekete was allowed to resume work on the condition that he obtain permission before publishing any Christian materials. 

    Yemane Gebremeskel
    Image from
    Responding to reports such as these, the Eritrean government denied this week that there is any religious persecution in Eritrea.  Yemane Gebremeskel, director of Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki's office, told the AFP news agency, "These accusations are groundless."  Gebremeskel claims that these allegations are either "due to a lack of knowledge or done in the interest of smearing this country…. One cannot question the credentials of this country on religious rights and religious tolerance," he said.

    Gebremeskel admitted that members of unregistered religious groups may be detained for a few hours and then let off with a warning, but denies any incarceration for religious reasons.  Those who are detained are held, he said, because they are found to be guilty of other crimes, such as evading compulsory military service.  

    The Eritrean government continues to face pressure from various sectors for their violation of basic religious rights; including from the U.S. State Department and various human rights agencies.  Amnesty International issued a report on March 24, condemning the arrest of Pastor Kidane Weldu, who they say was "detained solely for the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of religion." At least 241 Christians have been arrested since the beginning of 2005.

    Continue to pray for the many Christians detained for their faith in Eritrea, who often suffer in intolerable conditions.  Pray that international pressure will continue to encourage the Eritrean government to respect the religious freedom of its citizens.

    For more information on persecution in Eritrea,click here.  More information is also available through two video reports on Eritrea that can be viewed in the Video section of our multimedia website https://www.vomcanada.com/.