

  • Report Highlights Dire Conditions for Religious Minorities
    Taliban fighters
    Pray that the Lord will draw Taliban members to Himself.

    The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has stated that Christians and other religious minorities in Afghanistan face "dire consequences, including death, if discovered by the Taliban" for openly expressing their beliefs. Since most Afghan Christians are converts from Islam, all Christians are considered "apostates" by the Taliban – a crime that is punishable by death.

  • Church Leaders Arrested
    Elder Wu Jiannan, Pastor Hao Mingchang, coworkers - Photo: ChinaAid
    Elder Wu Jiannan, Pastor Hao Mingchang, and their coworkers.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    The Early Rain Qingcaodi Church, a church plant previously established by the Early Rain Covenant Church (ERCC), is located in the city of Deyang, which is part of the Chinese province of Sichuan. Shortly after the police initially raided the ERCC in December 2018 (for more details on this incident, see this report), they also broke into the Qingcaodi church, expelling the Christians and posting a notice on the gate of the building in their efforts to ban the believers from meeting. In March 2021, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Civil Affairs published a list of illegal organizations, including both the ERCC and the Qingcaodi church.

  • Christian Prisoner Acquitted
    Lahore High Court building - Photo: Wikipedia / MariyamAftab
    Lahore High Court
    Photo: Wikipedia / MariyamAftab (cc)

    Blasphemy accusations have been used as weapons against Christians in Pakistan for many years. The world's attention was most recently drawn to this situation through the case of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman who was accused in 2009 and sentenced to death. After finally being acquitted and released ten years later, Asia was forced to secretly flee the country.

  • Christian Nurses Released on Bail
    Maryam Lal and Navish Arooj - Photo: Morning Star News
    Maryam Lal and Navish Arooj with officers.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    In a decision referred to as "unprecedented," a Pakistani court granted bail for two Christian nurses who were accused of "defiling the Quran." The women received bail on September 23rd, but the decision was kept secret to avoid backlash from militant Islamists.

  • Christians Targeted by Governmental Forces
    A group of Chin people. - Photo: Flickr / CortoMaltese_1999
    The Chin people group consists of a large Christian population.
    Photo: Flickr / CortoMaltese_1999 (cc)

    For many years, warring factions have caused issues throughout the country of Myanmar (also referred to as Burma). While most members of the population are Buddhist, some tribal groups such as the Chin and Karen peoples have large Christian communities. There is also a significant Muslim population among the Rohingya people.

  • Murderous Raid on Church Service
    A congregation in Nigeria leaving a church building - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Believers gather for worship despite the constant dangers they face.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    At least one worshipper was killed and 60 kidnapped after gunmen raided the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Kakau Daji village, Kaduna, on October 31st. The church members had gathered for worship when the attackers suddenly entered the building and opened fire. An uncertain number of Christians were also injured in the attack. Upon fleeing the building, dozens were taken captive by the assailants.

  • Politician Claims Associating with Religious Minorities ''Will Destroy You''
    Worship service in India - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Pray that Christians in India will be
    encouraged by the Lord's faithfulness.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    A member of the legislature in Madhya Pradesh is facing backlash from religious minority leaders after cautioning Hindus from keeping company with Christians or Muslims. Rameshwar Sharma, a member of the ruling BJP Hindu nationalist party, even urged Hindus to stop using the phrase, "Good morning," a greeting he associates with Western culture and Christianity. The comments were made while Sharma was speaking at an annual Hindu festival on October 17th.

    Religious leaders have expressed concerns about this prevalent attitude among members of the BJP since such comments serve only to drive a wedge between communities. Catholic archbishop Leo Cornelio said that the remarks "hurt the sentiments of peace-loving people" and divert from important issues such as illiteracy, malnutrition and unemployment.

  • House Church Denied Reopening
    Amparo Gallo's congregation - Photo: VOM USA
    Amparo Gallo's congregation (before pandemic restrictions).
    Photo: VOM USA

    Following an ease of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the Cuban government announced that churches could begin meeting again in person as of Sunday, October 10th. However, two days before the restrictions were scheduled to be lifted, a house church led by Amparo Gallo received word that they would not be allowed to meet. The house church, located in the city of Santa Clara, presently has approximately 1,000 members.

  • Christians Protest Proposed Legislation and Pastor's Arrest
    A church in India - Photo: Unsplash
    Pray for wisdom as believers in India navigate
    these troublesome developments.

    Hundreds of Christians in India participated in a peaceful rally on October 25th in protest against proposed anti-conversion laws, as well as a recent mob attack on a church that resulted in the arrest of the pastor.

  • Christian Escapes the Country
    A road in Saudi Arabia - Photo: Unsplash / Abdulla Dhahri

    Over the past several months, Christians around the world have been following reports about a Saudi Arabian Christian referred to as "A" or "Adam." For more information, see our previously published reports, which are available at our country report.