Law Proposed to Ban Evangelization
Kelly Saenz, wife of martyred believer Pabel Tujillo, understands how costly it can be to follow Christ.
Hear Kelly's testimony.
Photo: 100 Huntley StreetSources in Colombia are calling for urgent prayer, as organizations endeavour to ban Christian evangelization among Indigenous communities. Within the Colombian constitution, Indigenous communities are granted special rights of self-governance. As a result, Christians have encountered significant persecution, with little or no recourse.
Currently, a group from within the Paez community of Huila are in the capital city of Bogota fighting for a law to ban evangelization and give the Paez people complete control over education. The proposed law would then prevent the operation of Christian schools in Indigenous communities.
Church Traumatized by Fatal Shooting
Photo: World Watch Monitor Pastor Leider Molina, 24, had just finished preaching at his church in Caucasia (northwest Colombia) on Friday, February 9th. As he stepped out of the building, he was shot with five bullets. The young man was known as a passionate preacher and active youth leader in his church and city.
Standing Firm Amid Death Threats
Photo: The Voice of the Martyrs USA Death threats have been a typical part of ministry life for "Xavier," a partnering church planter who works in one of Colombia's most dangerous regions; a poor, rural area currently being ruled by paramilitaries. Before his involvement in ministry, Xavier had a successful career in broadcasting. Yet, in 2009, God directed him to begin a church in one of Colombia's poorest cities, a call that Xavier couldn't deny.
Varied Reactions over FARC Deal
Flag of the FARC-EP
Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Boris ArenasJune 23rd was an historic day in Colombia. After four years of peace talks, and more than 50 years of armed confrontation, a bilateral ceasefire was agreed upon between the Colombian government and representatives of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), a guerrilla group founded in 1964 that is currently operating with 15,700 members.
The reaction of the church is divided. On one hand, its long-suffering members are skeptical about the promises of peace and reconciliation by the government and the guerrillas. A female church leader, who requests anonymity, states that "the persecution against the church has grown through criminal gangs, indigenous leaders and other guerrilla groups."
On the other hand, leaders and representatives of the urban church have reacted more positively to the proposals. Even so, about 30 pastors from different regions of the country are concerned about getting involved in the verification processes of the points agreed upon as it could bring them added problems. One Christian leader who was displaced by the FARC explains:
"In rural areas, we are vulnerable, and any information we report to the government will be used against us. The guerrillas will have access to official information with the powers...given to them in the post-conflict. We were trained to forgive, not to denounce. Our role will be to welcome those who demobilize, and to be peacemakers as we have always been."
There is more acceptance of the peace agreement in cities where people in the streets are expressing excitement. "This is the answer to the prayers of many churches, vigils and intercession that for many years we have done -- so that the war ends in Colombia," states Rolando, a representative of Christ for the City Church in the capital of Bogota. To learn more about the country of Colombia, and the crucial role of the church, go to this page.
Please join us in praying for the manifestation of "true peace" within the nation of Colombia -- beginning in the hearts of the people. May the peace of God flow throughout the land, halting the schemes of those with intent to pose further violence and harm. May the country's pastoral leaders and the members of their churches, especially those serving in vulnerable areas, be free to preach the Word of the Lord with boldness and to worship Him without the threat of opposition. May God continue the good work that He has begun in the nation of Colombia by not only providing peace and protection to its citizens, but also by leading many more who are in desperate need of salvation to the "Prince of Peace."
Young Widow Sought by Husband's Killer
Luz was forced into hiding
again after the release of
her husband's killer from prison.The guerrilla leader who was responsible for the horrific murder of a Colombian pastor was recently released from prison, and is now seeking to find the pastor's grieving widow. The killer returned to the remote community where Luz and her children were residing, telling neighbours that he wanted to find her. Within a few days of his release, a SWAT vehicle of armed men also stopped by the farm in search of the young mother.
Luz was pregnant with twins when her husband suddenly went missing back in 2007. Even more grievous is the fact that those involved in the heinous crime returned his dismembered body in black plastic trash bags to the traumatized family. Since the killer's release, Luz and her three children have been moved to a safe location.
Colombia has long been overrun with violent Marxist guerrilla groups, drug cartels and right-wing paramilitary groups. Although a strong government has stabilized the nation in recent years, the country remains volatile and dangerous. Leftist guerrillas and right-wing paramilitaries both seem to have abandoned their ideological agendas in order to form gangs that are profiting from cocaine and kidnapping. Those who oppose this illegal activity are targeted.
Despite Colombia's history of crime, lawlessness, terror and murder, the church continues to grow at an incredible rate. And with the 1991 constitution, greater freedom was granted to ethnic and religious minorities. The greatest denominational growth has taken place within indigenous Colombian churches. Local, citywide and national evangelistic outreaches have resulted in large increases in numbers of congregations and believers. Some churches have grown a thousand-fold over the past two decades! Thankfully, this growth also reflects God's ability to dramatically transform the lives of guerrilla leaders such as Elmer. To view a video clip featuring the testimony of this former persecutor of Christians, click here.
While we can rejoice over the amazing things God is accomplishing in a nation known for its extreme violence and terrorism, let us pray for His ongoing work of salvation and deliverance in the lives of many more Colombians -- regardless of their political affiliation and criminal behaviour. Like the Apostle Paul, may the country's notorious persecutors experience a life-changing encounter with the Almighty God. Join us in praying that Colombia will become a testimony of His sovereignty, powerful intervention, and sacrificial love for a broken and fallen humanity that's desperately in need of our Risen Saviour Jesus...who came to save the world!
Former Guerrilla Now Serves as Powerful Witness
"The cross of Christ is the most revolutionary
thing to appear among men."
A.W. TozerIt was through a VOM frontline worker named "Rolo" that a former FARC commander learned about Jesus. Though he was once trained by some of the highest-ranking leaders in the guerrilla organization, "Fernando" has made a decision to follow Christ and is now sharing the Gospel with others.
When Rolo recently met with Fernando, he experienced the harsh living conditions of the war-torn area in which the former commander lives. The church within this region is controlled by the guerrillas and, if the Christians don't adhere to the orders given by the FARC rebels, they will be forced to leave or risk life-threatening danger. Though the area is improving, Rolo explained that the long years of war and living under Marxism and Leninism have made the people both fearful and resistant to the Good News.
During Rolo's visit, Fernando happily received Bibles and other Christian books for the purpose of sharing them with others living within the war-torn area. Since the area is extremely dangerous, the two men went together for protection. As they began to distribute the Scriptures and books along the outskirts of town, people in the community were surprised to witness the former guerrilla sharing the Gospel. Rolo reported that each person they had encountered were shocked to witness the retired FARC commander without his former weapons. Instead, the new convert was armed with Bibles and an earnest desire to share the message of Jesus.
Praise God for the courageous and life-changing faith of Rolo and Fernando! Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to move mightily in the hearts of other members of FARC, drawing them also into a personal relationship with our Risen Lord. May wisdom be granted to Fernando as he ministers within this dangerous region, along with the necessary provision for this evangelist's practical needs as he struggles to make a living to support his family and serve faithfully in ministry.
Please visit our Country Report for more on the struggles facing our Christian family in Colombia, including the video testimony of a former FARC commander referred to as "Elmer."
VOMC Partner Acquitted of all Charges
Russell Stendal Last week, we requested prayer for Russell Stendal, a good friend of VOMC who was arrested on false charges in Colombia. Although Russell had only 10 minutes to speak his case, the judge believed our ministry partner and stated that the prosecutor had wasted her time. The case has since been thrown out and Russell is completely absolved.
As a result of his ministry efforts, Russell has faced many struggles, including being taken hostage several times by both members of guerrilla groups and paramilitary forces. He has also mourned the loss of numerous friends who have been killed as a result of their ministry work. One of these dear souls was Pabel, a missionary associate of the Stendal family. The 33-year-old evangelist was brutally murdered in November of 2014, leaving behind a grieving widow and two young children. (For more information on this tragic incident, visit our previous prayer alert.)
In regards to Russell's recent acquittal, we can praise God for this wonderful answer to prayer! May the Lord continue to guide and sustain Russell and his family as they minister amid much difficulty in Colombia. Ask Him to bless and multiply their evangelistic efforts so that many thousands more may come to salvation through hearing the Gospel message. Also continue to lift up Pabel's family as they grieve. May they deeply sense the Lord's abiding presence in their lives and experience His provision for their every need. Additionally, pray that the strife among the various political groups of this country will cease so that lasting peace and stability may reign.
For more information on the struggles Christians face in Colombia, read our Country Report.
VOMC Ministry Partner Taken Prisoner
Russell Stendal, a long-time friend of VOMC who ministers along with his family in Colombia, was arrested on February 18th. He reportedly has a hearing scheduled for February 20th. Please pray that he will soon be released! Also remember in prayer his anxious loved ones at this time, asking God to surround them with His peace. For a short video message from Russell regarding the false charges that have been placed against him, please visit this page.
Church Leaders Face Life-Threatening Hostility
Photo: Flickr / Cesar Castro G Five church leaders working in the northern coastal city of Barranquilla have received death threats from a neo-paramilitary group, reportedly due to their pastoral care for victims of human rights violations. On January 11th, the Black Eagles neo-paramilitary group printed and circulated a threatening note which included the warning, "We know where you live, and your organizations are also in our sights...we are coming for you."
A public statement issued by the leaders of various denominations noted that it is believed the pastors are being targeted because of their ministry work with victims of violence, as well as their involvements in peacemaking and reconciliation.
Church leaders have long been a target of armed groups on all sides of the internal conflict in Colombia which involves far-left guerrilla groups and far right neo-paramilitary groups. While guerrilla groups have tended to target church leaders because of an ideological opposition to religion, neo-paramilitary groups often view church leaders as opposing their aims because the Christian message often runs counter to their particular group's objectives.
First, let us thank the Lord for the various opportunities these church leaders have been given to provide ministry to victims of violence in northern Colombia. Pray that their vital mission projects will continue unhindered, despite the death threats that have been made against them. In fact, may God use this latest opposition against the church in Colombia to spur on His children to a greater level of obedience and devotion! As the church leaders now seek His leading on how to proceed with ministry in the midst of life-threatening danger, let's join them in praying for much-needed protection, wisdom and discernment. Finally, please lift up the members of this opposing neo-paramilitary group to our gracious Heavenly Father, asking Him to work mightily in their hearts through the convicting power of His Holy Spirit so that they may also come to a saving faith in Jesus.
To learn more about Colombia's persecuted church, please visit our country report.
Widow of Martyred Evangelist Extends Forgiveness
Pabel, a dedicated ministry partner who
gave his all for the cause of Christ.
One of our outreach partners, Pabel, a 33-year-old evangelist of the Colombia Para Cristo ministry, had mysteriously disappeared last month. In late November of 2014, eight days after his disappearance, Pabel's body was located in the mountains of the Paez Indian Territory. The two murderers responsible for committing this crime have confessed and are now in Indian custody.
Although the loss of Pabel is tragic, his widowed young wife is responding through God's amazing grace which in itself is a very powerful testimony, especially for the confessing perpetrators. Kelly was granted permission to confront her husband's murderers as she had requested. Explaining to the young men that although Pabel had always wanted to be with the Lord, the crime they committed has also caused serious harm to her family. She is now left without a provider and her two young children no longer have their father. However, as a Christian, Kelly willingly forgave the men responsible for her tremendous loss, mentioning that she would also ask God to forgive them."Pabel lived and died for the cause of Jesus Christ," Kelly explained during a recent conversation with our ministry contact. "Life goes on," she says with heartfelt emotion. "And here I am with the flag to continue on with the work. Pabel never preached the Gospel to make friends, but to save souls in the midst of such a place."
Her husband Pabel, who was one of our ministry team's dearest friends, will be remembered as a valiant evangelist who gave his all for the cause of Christ. (To view a video clip of Pabel in a previously taped interview, please go to: Persecution.TV/Pabel.)
While we don't fully understand why Pabel's productive life was not spared, we can be sure that God will keep His promises to now provide comfort and care for this young widow and her two children. Please join us in upholding Pabel's recently widowed wife Kelly and their little ones in prayer, asking the Lord to surround them with His love and comforting presence as they work through the shock of their recent loss. May ALL things -- even this tragic situation -- work together for good in their lives (Romans 8:28), and also in the lives of many others there in Colombia so that Pabel's desire to save souls is fully realized.