Persecution & Prayer Alert
"O come, Thou 'Rod of Jesse' [the Messiah],
Free Thine own from Satan's tyranny;
From depths of hell Thy people save,
And give them victory o'er the grave."For many who receive the weekly "Persecution & Prayer Alerts," Christmastime brings to mind the imagery of joyful family celebrations, the enjoyment of peaceful carol music and, most importantly, the celebration of God's gift to humanity, as expressed through the birth of His Son Jesus. It's a season involving Christmas pageants, festive lights, gift-giving, and meaningful worship services of celebration. While the specific traditions may vary among individual families and churches, the primary purpose remains the same for all believers: to remember and celebrate the arrival of the "Promised Messiah."
Conflicting Responses to Christmas Celebrations
President Joko Widodo Christmas Day of 2022 became a historic one in Indonesia as the country's president, Joko Widodo, visited two churches. The unannounced visits made by the Muslim president that day marked the only times he officially attended Christian services. Speaking to the congregants at the Cathedral of Bogor, he called for peace between differing religions. "Together, let us foster tolerant relations," he announced to all those who were present. His gesture was in line with an emphasis of tolerance that was being promoted by the Indonesian Ministry for Religious Affairs during the holidays.
Warnings Against Christmas Celebrations
Islam is the official religion of Libya.
Photo: Wikipedia / Franzfoto (cc)A recent government campaign against the celebration of Christmas is yet another demonstration of anti-Christian activity orchestrated by the authorities in the North African nation of Libya. A movement to confiscate Christmas decorations from stores was lauded by governing officials on the national news agency. In one city, local police shut down all stores that were selling the seasonal decorations.