
Bajrang Dal

  • Church Sealed Over Conversion Allegations
    Locked gate with a church behind
    (Representative image)

    Christians in the village of Geltua, which is located in Odisha State, are questioning the sealing of their church building after authorities issued a mandate on May 17th ordering the believers to stop gathering for worship. According to one official named Manoj Patra, complaints had been filed by Bajrang Dal members claiming that the church was involved in illegally converting others of their tribal community to Christianity.

  • Violent Attack During Worship Service
    Injured man in an ambulance. - Photo: Morning Star News
    A man injured in the attack is being treated for his injuries.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    A frenzied mob of more than 200 people burst into a worship service on Sunday, October 3rd, and began beating Christians, vandalizing the building, and looting items belonging to the church. The violent incident happened in Roorkee, a city located in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand.