

  • Christians Targeted in Islamic Militant Attacks
    Rev. Johnson Oladimeji - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Rev. Johnson Oladimeji,
    killed in Ekiti state, Nigeria.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On the morning of November 1st, armed Islamic militants associated with the Boko Haram terrorist group invaded the village of Takulashi. With the use of automatic weapons, they shot everyone in sight -- burning and looting homes during the rampage. When the militants left the area two hours later, 12 members of the primarily Christian village were found dead, including a church pastor. The attackers also took three women and four children hostage.

  • Beaten for Refusing to Convert to Islam
    Anika Shehzad

    Anika Shehzad, an 18-year-old Christian teen, worked as a domestic servant in Ferozwala, Pakistan. She comes from a poor family and took on the job to help support them. However, after a few days, Anika began to face pressure to convert to Islam. The more she resisted, the more the employers pressured her, until she could no longer work in the home.

  • Disruptions by Mob Violence
    Prayer meeting in Sri Lanka - Photo: Facebook / Daniel A. Brown
    Join Sri Lankan believers in prayer.
    Photo: Facebook / Daniel A. Brown

    Mob demonstrations are a common way to disrupt and protest Christianity in the nation of Sri Lanka. Although opposition often comes from the dominant Buddhist community, two recent incidents in the Batticaloa District appear to have been instigated by Hindu leaders.

  • Christians Face Rising Threats
    Kanduru Mudulu & his mother and daughter - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Badaguda Christians outside their damaged home.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Christians in India are facing horrific levels of violence from Hindu radical extremists. This deadly campaign coincides with a government agenda to turn the country into a Hindu nation. A report from VOM Canada's partner, CBN News, provides context for some of the situations being reported. Click here to view the report.

  • Christians Targeted in Violent Outbreaks
    Property damage from a fire - Photo: Steadfast Global www.steadfastglobal.org
    Fire damage in Shashamene.
    Photo: Steadfast Global

    The Oromia region of Ethiopia is in the midst of turmoil as separatists spread dissent against the government. The murder of prominent singer Hachalu Hundessa on June 29th set off the civil unrest, leaving hundreds dead.

    During the third week of August, a violent outbreak took place in a predominantly Muslim village of Senbete Sinkile. In the attack, which was perpetrated by a youth wing of separatists known as the Qeerroo, it appears that Christians in particular were targeted. While there were no fatalities resulting from this attack, a number of people were injured and damages were done to a church and the homes of various Christians in the village. A number of victims were forced to flee, despite flood conditions, seeking refuge in the mainly Christian city of Awassa.

  • Christians Targeted in Violent Outbreaks (Sample)
    Property damage from a fire - Photo: Steadfast Global www.steadfastglobal.org
    Fire damage in Shashamene.
    Photo: Steadfast Global

    The Oromia region of Ethiopia is in the midst of turmoil as separatists spread dissent against the government. The murder of prominent singer Hachalu Hundessa on June 29th set off the civil unrest, leaving hundreds dead.

  • Ongoing Atrocities in Kaduna State
    Godwin Jonathan Bakoshi  - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Godwin Jonathan Bakoshi
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Christians residing in Nigeria's Kaduna State have faced a series of attacks by gunmen in recent weeks, resulting in numerous deaths, in addition to kidnappings. While the exact numbers vary, the victims include children, youth and adults.

  • Christians Killed in Church Attack


    South Sudanese children
    Pray that Sudanese of all ages will
    experience the joy of freedom.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Karl Grobl,
    Education Development Center Inc.

    At least 23 people were killed and 20 wounded when unidentified gunmen stormed an Anglican church in the village of Makol Cheui on July 27th. After killing the church's deacon, along with women and children who had sought refuge in the church compound, they vandalized the church, destroying worship instruments.

  • Hundreds of Crosses Removed


    Officials and the cross that is about to be destroyed - Photo: ChinaAid www.chinaaid.org
    Officials gather to demolish crosses.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    In the early morning of July 7th, more than 100 security personnel arrived at the Aodi Christian Church and Yinchang Christian Church in Wenzhou. They came with cranes and removed the crosses from atop the church buildings. Door locks were also broken, and some church property was destroyed. When church members tried to intervene, they were physically assaulted, resulting in several injuries. The elderly among them were not exempt from mistreatment, for a senior man in his 80s was disrespectfully pushed to the ground.

  • Twelve Arrested in Coordinated Raids
    Tehran - Photo: Pixabay / haidar-alkhayat
    Tehran, Iran

    At least twelve Christians have been arrested by intelligence agents in a coordinated operation on June 30th and July 1st. Besides the arrests, dozens of others were ordered to provide contact details and told they would be summoned for further questioning.