

  • Christian Couple Beaten and Threatened
    Several people are holding signs protesting violence against Christians.
    Photo: All India Christian Council

    A Christian couple in Uppaladinni, Karnataka, was recently beaten for their faith and threatened with death if they continued to practise Christianity. The attack on Vijayalakshmi Chavhan and her husband Ashok happened on January 10th, the day after Vijayalakshmi was accused by several media organizations of conducting forced religious conversions.

  • Patriotic Education Law Takes Effect
    A church sign has a hammer and sickle affixed to the side of it.
    The Communist hammer and sickle was
    placed next to a church’s sign in 2023.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    In recent years, efforts by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to control all areas of society has increased exponentially. On October 24th, the national legislature passed a "Patriotic Education Law" which took effect on January 1st. The purpose of this law is clear: to ensure that the philosophies and principles of the CCP permeate every facet of society.

  • Church Ordered to Find New Location
    A congregation and a group at the front are worshipping the Lord together, many with their hands raised.

    On the morning of December 3rd, police entered the Assembly of God church in the town of Makola, which is located near the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo. The officer in charge questioned whether the service was being conducted legally. Since the believers were in the middle of a worship service, the pastor agreed to report to the police station the next morning.