Church Building Seized and Damaged
Destruction of the church in Mobye.
Photo: UCA NewsAs fighting between resistance forces and government soldiers in Myanmar intensifies, churches are frequently being targeted by the country's ruling military junta. In mid-September, the Mother of God Catholic Church in Mobye, Shan State, was seized by troops. For several days, the military used the building as a kitchen for its soldiers, resulting in damages to the building. As part of the offensive, the community was hit by air strikes and heavy weapons, resulting in the destruction of more than 100 homes and the displacement of more than 5,000 people.
Local Governments Impede Church Buildings
A church in Indonesia. Local officials have denied a group of Indonesian Christians the right to build a place of worship, even though the believers own the land. This situation has been taking place in a small city, which has approximately 10,000 Christians, that's located near the capital of Jakarta.
Outdoor Worship Service Banned and Pastors Fined
New Life Church outdoor service.
Photo: New Life Church (cc)On September 15th, the Persecution & Prayer Alert reported on renewed threats against the New Life Church in Minsk, Belarus (read more). The church building was sealed by governing authorities in February 2021, and since then its members have met weekly in the facility's parking lot.