Baptismal Leads to Further Harassment
Pastor Mao Zhibin baptizing believers at the beach.
Photo: ChinaAidFor several months, six believers at the Shenzhen Trinity Harvest Gospel Church took classes leading up to their baptism. On September 5th, 2021, the Christians – along with Pastor Mao Zhibin and other church members – drove to a beach in Huizhou to celebrate the church's anniversary. However, some of the believers were tracked by police, who closed the beach before they could gather.
Pastor Sentenced for Allegedly ''Disturbing the Peace''
Photo: VOMC On April 3rd, members of a church in Gezira State, Sudan, were beginning to gather together for worship when Islamic militants prevented the believers from entering the building. The Christians were, however, able to assemble in the yard outside the building for prayer. When the believers attempted to gather for worship the following week, the attackers again disrupted the worship service. During the second incident, Pastor Estefanos was struck by the militants and then dragged from the building where he was further beaten. Three Christian women were also injured during the attack.
Elder Zhang's Lawyer Forbidden Visitation
Elder Zhang Chunlei (left) with his wife,
along with Pastor Wang Yi and his wife.
Photo: ChinaAidOn the morning of March 16th, 2021, public security officers raided the Renai Reformed Church in Guiyang, taking more than ten Christians into custody. After hearing about the raid, the church's leader, Elder Zhang Chunlei, went to the police station to negotiate but was detained by the authorities. (For additional information, see this page.)