

  • Brutal Attack for Not Denying Christ
    Man holding a book and a Bible
    Pray for believers who are faithfully sharing the Gospel.

    On August 15th, the chief of Adnadhi, a village in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, led a mob of around 250 people against several Christians who refused to give up their faith in Christ. According to witness statements, the chief summoned the Christians to a place where the mob had assembled. When eleven of the believers arrived, they were given two options: abandon their faith or leave the village. When they refused, stones were thrown at them. Four of the attacked victims required hospitalization due to internal injuries.

  • Raid on Home Church Gathering
    People eating together - Photo: ChinaAid www.chinaaid.org
    Police monitor church members enjoying a "love feast."
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On the morning of Sunday, August 22nd, police raided a gathering of members from the Chengdu Early Rain Covenant Church as they met for worship. According to the police officers, someone reported that an illegal assembly was taking place at the location. When the officers tried to enter the room, the home church group leader, Preacher Dai, asked to see a search warrant. However, the officers refused and demanded identification from everyone present.

  • Legalization of More Churches
    St. Markos Church in Cairo
    Photo: Flickr / Andrew A. Shenouda (cc)

    Until 2016, it was nearly impossible for churches in Egypt to obtain the required licensing to build or restore a building for worship. As a result, many structures were built without a license. With the passing of legislation in September 2016, a government committee was established to work through the large number of applications that were submitted for the legalization of unlicensed church buildings. Although the committee received 3,730 applications, and officially began the approval procedures a year later, the process has been exceedingly slow. See this report for further coverage of this situation.