

  • Pastor Arrested During Online Meeting
    Pastor Luo's arrest - Photo: Facebook / Chinese Christian Fellowship of Righteousness
    Photo: Facebook / Chinese Christian
    Fellowship of Righteousness

    Pastor Luo was taking part in a "Proclaim Jesus Gospel Gathering" via Zoom when police took him away for questioning. At around noon on May 23rd, police entered the Nanjing Road Church in Wuhan and began searching the building. After finding Pastor Luo, they took him for interrogation which lasted more than four hours.

  • Bible Launches Met with Resistance
    Foleys and police - Photo: Voice of the Martyrs Korea
    Photo: Voice of the Martyrs Korea

    For several years, The Voice of the Martyrs Korea has helped get Bibles into North Korea. Typically, this was done through the launch of large balloons, which would strategically drop the contained materials across the border. Recently, members of the ministry team have also begun using bottles filled with rice, vitamins and small Bibles to bless those residing in North Korea. These bottles were systematically sent while the timing of the tide was just right so they would float along the western coast to their intended destination.

  • Girl Facing Charges After Resisting Attack
    Nang Tookta Phetsomphone

    To date, Nang Tookta Phetsomphone has spent almost six months in a Laotian prison after her former employer was stabbed and killed during his attempt to rape the young woman. In order to be released from custody, her family must pay a fine of $11,000 USD and renounce their faith in Christ. Since our previously posted "Persecution & Prayer Alert" report, VOMC's Greg Musselman has spoken with Patrick Klein from Vision Beyond Borders about Tookta's terrible plight. This interview is available here.

  • Appeal Hearing Postponed Indefinitely
    Pastor Victor bet Tamraz and his wife - Photo: Farsi Christian News Network
    Pastor Victor Bet Tamraz and his
    wife, Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh
    Photo: Farsi Christian News Network

    The appeal hearing for Pastor Victor Bet Tamraz and his wife, along with three other Christians, had been scheduled for June 1st but was cancelled with no new court date set. No reason was given for the delay, and the lawyers involved with this case were not allowed to approach the judge. Pastor Victor and the others each face sentences of at least ten years in prison. (Review the previously posted report.)