Hostility Towards Foreign Missionaries
John Cao
Photo: Ben Cao via ChinaAidAfter President Xi Jinping was granted a tenure of life in power, he suddenly increased his efforts to suppress religion. Missionaries serving within the country are frequently perceived as foreign spies. Todd Nettleton from VOM USA reports that a number of foreign workers in China have found their visas rejected at the time of renewal.
Two leaders of an American organization that supplies workers to teach English in China were arrested in September, based on claims that they had illegally moved people across borders. These accusations are similar to those facing Pastor John Cao, an American missionary who was sentenced to seven years in prison for allegedly smuggling people across the China/Myanmar border. For more information on Pastor Cao, read this report. To write him an encouraging letter, visit his profile on PrisonerAlert.com.
Church Stands Firm Despite Hostility
Photo: ChinaAid Only a few years ago, many churches in China featured crosses atop their large buildings and multi-campus congregations. Even though these churches were not officially recognized by the government, there was a measure of leniency. However, with the officials' recently implemented strategy to close every non-registered church -- resulting in the arrests of numerous Christians and the destruction of their buildings -- the realization has become clear that the true church is comprised of God's people.
Imprisoned with Serious Health Concerns
Hu Shigen's baptism.
Photo: ChinaAidHealth concerns are a major issue for two Chinese Christians who have been imprisoned for their faith. Although Hu Shigen was taken into custody in July 2015, he was convicted of "subversion of state power" the following year. A photo of his baptismal ceremony was used as evidence against him, resulting in a sentence consisting of seven-and-a-half years.
Upcoming Trial for Pastor Wang
Wang Yi
Photo: ChinaAidWang Yi, pastor of the Early Rain Covenant Church, was arrested in December 2018 as part of coordinated raids against his church. Facing charges that could lead up to 15 years in prison, he has been patiently awaiting trial. On November 6th, Pastor Wang's lawyer, Zhang Peihong, received notification from the prosecutor that he would not be allowed to represent his client in court. The prosecutor claims that Zhang has too many ties with the pastor and his church.